Bad Behavior. Jessa James

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Bad Behavior - Jessa James

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Bad Behavior

      Bad Behavior: Copyright © 2020 by Jessa James

      All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, digital or mechanical including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning or by any type of data storage and retrieval system without express, written permission from the author.

      Published by Jessa James

      James, Jessa

      Bad Behavior

      Cover design copyright 2020 by Jessa James, Author

      Images/Photo Credit: Design Credit: BookCoverForYou

      Publisher’s Note:

      This book was written for an adult audience. The book may contain explicit sexual content. Sexual activities included in this book are strictly fantasies intended for adults and any activities or risks taken by fictional characters within the story are neither endorsed nor encouraged by the author or publisher.

      This book has been previously published.


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      1. Prologue 1

      2. Prologue 2

      3. Prologue 3

      4. Jameson

      5. Emma

      6. Jameson

      7. Emma

      8. Jameson

      9. Jameson

      10. Emma

      11. Jameson

      12. Emma

      13. Emma

      14. Jameson

      15. Jameson

      16. Emma

      17. Emma

      18. Emma

      19. Jameson

      20. Emma

      21. Jameson

      22. Emma

      23. Jameson

      24. Jameson

      25. Emma

      26. Jameson

      27. Emma

       Want more? Read an excerpt from How To Love A Cowboy

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       Also by Jessa James

       About the Author

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      Prologue 1

       1997, Redemption Beach High School

      I’m walking along the cement breezeway between classes, examining the scuff marks on my ancient black Converse and listening to my friend Asher as he rattles on.

      “The thing about my parents, is that they have a lot of money, but they’re so stingy!” Asher says. “They wouldn’t even let me go on that debate trip, because they said it wasn’t a good use of money.”

      He rolls his eyes. I just nod. I’ve heard this story before, but I don’t feel the need to stop him or tell him that. Besides, we’re only a few minutes away from Ms. Harper’s math class

      Asher’s always complaining about his parents, which makes sense, I guess. I mean, it’s kind of hard to hear, since my parents ditched me and my two little brothers ages ago. Now we live with my Grandma Jane. She’s nice and she means well, but she’s also really old.

      Three years ago, I attempted to have my first sleep over at Asher’s place. Asher and I were only eleven, practically babies.

      Asher’s parents took one look at me and decided that I’m

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