The Mark of Zorro: The Curse of Capistran. Johnston McCulley

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The Mark of Zorro: The Curse of Capistran - Johnston McCulley

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chairs, and hurry with small cakes and wine.

      He sent word into the house to the women, too, that Don Diego Vega was approaching. Doña Catalina felt her heart beginning to sing, and she herself began to hum a little song, and Señorita Lolita ran to a window to look out at the trail. When Don Diego stopped before the steps that led to the veranda, there was a native waiting to care for his horse, and Don Carlos himself walked halfway down the steps and stood waiting, his hand held out in welcome.

      "I am glad to see you a visitor at my poor hacienda, Don Diego," he said, as the young man approached, drawing off his mittens.

      "It is a long and dusty road," Don Diego said. "It wearies me, too, to ride a horse the distance."

      Don Carlos almost forgot himself and smiled at that, for surely riding a horse a distance of four miles was not enough to tire a young man of blood. But he remembered Don Diego's lifelessness and did not smile, lest the smile cause anger.

      He led the way to the shady nook on the veranda, and offered Don Diego wine and cakes, and waited for his guest to speak. As became the times, the women remained inside the house, not ready to show themselves unless the visitor asked for them, or their lord and master called.

      "How are things in the pueblo of Reina de Los Angeles?" Don Carlos asked. "It has been a space of several score days since I visited there."

      "Everything is the same," said Don Diego, "except that this Señor Zorro invaded the tavern last evening and had a duel with the big Sergeant Gonzales."

      "Ha! Señor Zorro, eh? And what was the outcome of the fighting?"

      "Though the sergeant has a crooked tongue while speaking of it," said Don Diego, "it has come to me through a corporal who was present that this Señor Zorro played with the sergeant and finally disarmed him and sprang through a window to make his escape in the rain. They could not find his tracks."

      "A clever rogue," Don Carlos said. "At least, I have nothing to fear from him. It is generally known up and down El Camino Real, I suppose, that I have been stripped of almost everything the governor's men could carry away. I look for them to take the hacienda next."

      "Um. Such a thing should be stopped!" Don Diego said, with more than his usual amount of spirit.

      The eyes of Don Carlos brightened. If Don Diego Vega could be made to feel some sympathy, if one of the illustrious Vega family would but whisper a word in the governor's ear, the persecution would cease instantly, for the commands of a Vega were made to be obeyed by all men of whatever rank.

      Chapter 6

       Diego Seeks a Bride

       Table of Contents

      Don Diego sipped his wine slowly and looked out across the mesa, and Don Carlos looked at him in puzzled fashion, realizing that something was coming, and scarcely knowing what to expect.

      "I did not ride through the damnable sun and dust to talk with you concerning this Señor Zorro, or any other bandit," Don Diego explained after a time.

      "Whatever your errand, I am glad to welcome one of your family, caballero," Don Carlos said.

      "I had a long talk with my father yesterday morning," Don Diego went on. "He informed me that I am approaching the age of twenty-five, and he is of a mind that I am not accepting my duties and responsibilities in the proper fashion."

      "But surely—"

      "Oh, doubtless he knows. My father is a wise man."

      "And no man can dispute that, Don Diego."

      "He urged upon me that I awaken and do as I should. I have been dreaming, it appears. A man of my wealth and station—you will pardon me if I speak of it—must do certain things."

      "It is the purse of position, señor."

      "When my father dies I come into his fortune, naturally, being the only child. That part of it is all right. But what will happen when I die? That is what my father asks."

      "I understand."

      "A young man of my age, he told me, should have a wife, a mistress of his household, and should—er—have offspring to inherit and preserve an illustrious name."

      "Nothing could be truer than that," said Don Carlos.

      "So I have decided to get me a wife."

      "Ha! It is something every man should do, Don Diego. Well do I remember when I courted Doña Catalina. We were mad to get into each other's arms, but her father kept her from me for a time. I was only seventeen, though, so perhaps he did right. But you are nearly twenty-five. Get you a bride, by all means."

      "And so I have come to see you about it," Don Diego said.

      "To see me about it?" gasped Don Carlos, with something of fear and a great deal of hope in his breast.

      "It will be rather a bore, I expect. Love and marriage, and all that sort of thing, is rather a necessary nuisance in its way. The idea of a man of sense running about a woman, playing a guitar for her, making up to her like a loon when everyone knows his intention! And then the ceremony! Being a man of wealth and station, I suppose the wedding must be an elaborate one, and the natives will have to be feasted, and all that, simply because a man is taking a bride to be mistress of his household."

      "Most young men," Don Carlos observed, "delight to win a woman and are proud if they have a great and fashionable wedding."

      "No doubt. But it is an awful nuisance. However, I will go through with it, señor. It is my father's wish, you see. You—if you will pardon me again—have fallen upon evil days. That is the result of politics,-of course. But you are of excellent blood, señor, of the best blood in the land."

      "I thank you for remembering that truth," said Don Carlos, rising long enough to put one hand over his heart and bow.

      "Everybody knows it, señor. And a Vega, naturally, when he takes a mate, must seek out a woman of excellent blood."

      "To be sure!" Don Carlos exclaimed.

      "You have an only daughter, the Señorita Lolita."

      "Ah! Yes, indeed, señor. Lolita is eighteen now, and a beautiful and accomplished girl, if her father is the man to say it."

      "I have observed her at the mission and at the pueblo," Don Diego said. "She is, indeed, beautiful, and I have heard that she is accomplished. Of her birth and breeding there can be no doubt. I think she would be a fit woman to preside over my household."


      "That is the object of my visit today, señor."

      "You—you are asking my permission to pay addresses to my fair daughter?"

      "I am, señor."

      Don Carlos's face beamed, and again he sprang from his chair, this time to bend forward and grasp Don Diego by the, hand.

      "She is a fair flower,"

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