To Leeward. F. Marion Crawford

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To Leeward - F. Marion Crawford

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as a woman; none of his movements were clumsy or awkward. Not that he stepped daintily or affected any feminine grace of movement; there was something in his build and proportion that made it always seem easy for him to move, as though his strength were perfectly under control.

      People were divided in opinion concerning his appearance. Some said he was handsome and some said he was coarse. Some said he was refined and some said he looked ill-tempered. As a matter of fact he had a rather small head, set upon a strong neck. His nose was large and broad, and decidedly aquiline, and he had a remarkably clean-cut and determined jaw. His mouth was comparatively too small for his face, but well shaped and well closed, shaded by a black moustache of very moderate dimensions. His blue eyes were set deep in his head and far apart. Of hair he had an unusual quantity, of a blue black colour, and he brushed it carefully. A single deep line scored its mark across, just above his brows. He had an odd way of looking at things, hiding the half of the iris under the upper lid, showing the white of the eye a little beneath the coloured portion. His complexion was of that brilliant kind which sometimes goes with black hair and blue eyes, and is known as an especial characteristic of the Irish race. Moreover he was noticeably well dressed, in a broad, neat fashion of quiet colour, and he wore no jewelry nor ornament except an old seal ring.

      Opinions varied almost as much about Mr. Julius Batiscombe's character and reputation as about his claims to be thought good-looking. He had no intimate friends, or was supposed to have none; and he never answered many questions, because he asked none. It was known that he was an Englishman or an Irishman by birth, but that he had never lived long in his own country, whereas he seemed to have lived everywhere else under the sun.

      "I am so glad you came to-day, Mr. Batiscombe," said Leonora after he was seated, and looking at him rather curiously.

      He was the man who had stood in the doorway at the ball when Marcantonio offered himself to her. She knew him as well as she knew most of the stray foreigners who from time to time frequented Roman society. He had been in Rome all that winter, and she had met him two years earlier, when she first went out. He interested her, however, by a certain reserve of manner and by an air of "having a story about him"—as young ladies put it—which was unusual.

      "I am very fortunate," he answered, with a slight inclination and a polite smile. "I called entirely at random. Somebody said you were coming here, and so I came to see if you had arrived."

      "Yes," said Leonora, "we have been here several days, with all sorts of troubles on our hands. It is such very hard work to settle down, you know."

      "What has been the trouble?" inquired Mr. Batiscombe, glancing at the evidences of comfort that were scattered about.

      "Oh—it is the cook," said Leonora with a little laugh; she was just beginning to feel the novelty of housekeeping, and she laughed at the mention of the cook, as though the idea amused her. "He has had a little fever, and my husband was dreadfully anxious about him. But he is quite recovered."

      "I am very glad," said Mr. Batiscombe. "It must be a terrible bore to have one's cook ill. Did you get anything to eat in the meanwhile?"

      And so forth, and so on, through a few dozen inanities. He would not make an original remark, being quite sure that Leonora would ultimately turn the conversation to some congenial subject.

      "Shall you be in Rome next winter, Mr. Batiscombe?" she asked at length rather suddenly.

      "It is rather doubtful," he answered slowly. "I am a great wanderer, you know, Marchesa. I can never say with any certainty where I shall be next."

      He was looking at her and thinking what a splendid living thing she was, with the evening sun on her red hair. That was all he thought, but it gave him pleasure, and his glance lingered contentedly upon her, as upon a picture or a statue. He supposed from her remark that she wanted him to talk about himself, and he was willing to please her; but he was in no hurry, for he feared she would move and show herself in a less favourable light. She was so good to look at, that it was worth a visit to see her; and yet she was not a great beauty.

      "I was thinking a little of going to the East," he added presently.

      "But you have been there, have you not?"

      "Not for a long time; and it will bear revisiting often—very often. I mean to go there and study again as I did years ago. You have no idea how interesting those things are." Mr. Batiscombe looked thoughtfully out towards the sea.

      "What are those things, as you call them?" asked Leonora.

      "What many people call the 'wisdom of the East.' They make us the compliment of implying that there is a 'wisdom of the West' also, which seems unlikely."

      "Dear me, what a sweeping remark!" exclaimed Leonora, rather startled.

      "I will prove it," said Mr. Batiscombe. "It seems to me that in the West no two wise men think alike; whereas in the East no two wise men think differently. Is not that a kind of proof?"

      "Not a very valuable proof," said the marchesa. "But I do not know much about it."

      "You have the reputation of knowing more about it than most people, Marchesa," answered Batiscombe. "I have been told that you know everything." Leonora blushed very slightly.

      "What nonsense!" said she; "I might say the same of you."

      "I observe that you do not, however," said he, laughing.

      "I never flatter any one," she answered calmly.

      "Obviously, there is but one thing for me to say," said Batiscombe still smiling.

      "What is that?"

      "That no one could possibly flatter you, Marchesa—since the truth is no flattery."

      "No, but imitation is," retorted Leonora, well pleased at having got a small advantage of him.

      "Very good," said Batiscombe; "but do you know who said so?"

      "Shakespeare"—began Leonora, but she stopped. "No—I cannot tell."

      "A man called Colton said it. He wrote a book called 'Lacon,' containing innumerable reflections on things in general. He was a wandering sea-parson and wrote books of travels. He died of a complication of nautical and religious disorders—he confused the spirituous with the spiritual—but he was a wise man for all that."

      "I suppose you remembered all that for the sake of showing that you really know everything," said Leonora, looking up from behind the fan that shaded her eyes.

      The last rays of the sun shone horizontally across the terrace. The book she had been reading slipped from her lap. With a quick movement Batiscombe caught it before it fell and laid it on the little table. Leonora noticed the action and admired the ease of it. She was altogether disposed to admire the man, though she would have confessed that his conversation hitherto had not been at all remarkable. But there was something in his manner that attracted her. He was quick and gentle, and yet he looked so big and strong.

      "Thanks," she said. "By the bye, are you going to spend the summer here, or are you only passing?"

      "I am only passing—literally passing, for I have come from the north, and am going southward. I believe I am doing rather an original thing."

      "You are generally supposed to be always doing original things," said

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