The Darkest Hours - 18 Chilling Dystopias in One Edition. Samuel Butler

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The Darkest Hours - 18 Chilling Dystopias in One Edition - Samuel Butler

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old on the doors and there are no guards about. There is no reason to have guards, for men have never defied the Councils so far as to escape from whatever place they were ordered to be. Our body is healthy and strength returns to it speedily. We lunged against the door and it gave way. We stole through the dark passages, and through the dark streets, and down into our tunnel.

      We lit the candle and we saw that our place had not been found and nothing had been touched. And our glass box stood before us on the cold oven, as we had left it. What matter they now, the scars upon our back!

      Tomorrow, in the full light of day, we shall take our box, and leave our tunnel open, and walk through the streets to the Home of the Scholars. We shall put before them the greatest gift ever offered to men. We shall tell them the truth. We shall hand to them, as our confession, these pages we have written. We shall join our hands to theirs, and we shall work together, with the power of the sky, for the glory of mankind. Our blessing upon you, our brothers! Tomorrow, you will take us back into your fold and we shall be an outcast no longer. Tomorrow we shall be one of you again. Tomorrow...

      Part Seven

       Table of Contents

      It is dark here in the forest. The leaves rustle over our head, black against the last gold of the sky. The moss is soft and warm. We shall sleep on this moss for many nights, till the beasts of the forest come to tear our body. We have no bed now, save the moss, and no future, save the beasts.

      We are old now, yet we were young this morning, when we carried our glass box through the streets of the City to the Home of the Scholars. No men stopped us, for there were none about from the Palace of Corrective Detention, and the others knew nothing. No men stopped us at the gate. We walked through empty passages and into the great hall where the World Council of Scholars sat in solemn meeting.

      We saw nothing as we entered, save the sky in the great windows, blue and glowing. Then we saw the Scholars who sat around a long table; they were as shapeless clouds huddled at the rise of the great sky. There were men whose famous names we knew, and others from distant lands whose names we had not heard. We saw a great painting on the wall over their heads, of the twenty illustrious men who had invented the candle.

      All the heads of the Council turned to us as we entered. These great and wise of the earth did not know what to think of us, and they looked upon us with wonder and curiosity, as if we were a miracle. It is true that our tunic was torn and stained with brown stains which had been blood. We raised our right arm and we said:

      "Our greeting to you, our honored brothers of the World Council of Scholars!"

      Then Collective 0-0009, the oldest and wisest of the Council, spoke and asked:

      "Who are you, our brother? For you do not look like a Scholar."

      "Our name is Equality 7-2521," we answered, "and we are a Street Sweeper of this City."

      Then it was as if a great wind had stricken the hall, for all the Scholars spoke at once, and they were angry and frightened.

      "A Street Sweeper! A Street Sweeper walking in upon the World Council of Scholars! It is not to be believed! It is against all the rules and all the laws!"

      But we knew how to stop them.

      "Our brothers!" we said. "We matter not, nor our transgression. It is only our brother men who matter. Give no thought to us, for we are nothing, but listen to our words, for we bring you a gift such as had never been brought to men. Listen to us, for we hold the future of mankind in our hands."

      Then they listened.

      We placed our glass box upon the table before them. We spoke of it, and of our long quest, and of our tunnel, and of our escape from the Palace of Corrective Detention. Not a hand moved in that hall, as we spoke, nor an eye. Then we put the wires to the box, and they all bent forward and sat still, watching. And we stood still, our eyes upon the wire. And slowly, slowly as a flush of blood, a red flame trembled in the wire. Then the wire glowed.

      But terror struck the men of the Council. They leapt to their feet, they ran from the table, and they stood pressed against the wall, huddled together, seeking the warmth of one another's bodies to give them courage.

      We looked upon them and we laughed and said:

      "Fear nothing, our brothers. There is a great power in these wires, but this power is tamed. It is yours. We give it to you."

      Still they would not move.

      "We give you the power of the sky!" we cried. "We give you the key to the earth! Take it, and let us be one of you, the humblest among you. Let us all work together, and harness this power, and make it ease the toil of men. Let us throw away our candles and our torches. Let us flood our cities with light. Let us bring a new light to men!"

      But they looked upon us, and suddenly we were afraid. For their eyes were still, and small, and evil.

      "Our brothers!" we cried. "Have you nothing to say to us?"

      Then Collective 0-0009 moved forward. They moved to the table and the others followed.

      "Yes," spoke Collective 0-0009, "we have much to say to you."

      The sound of their voices brought silence to the hall and to beat of our heart.

      "Yes," said Collective 0-0009, "we have much to say to a wretch who have broken all the laws and who boast of their infamy!

      "How dared you think that your mind held greater wisdom than the minds of your brothers? And if the Councils had decreed that you should be a Street Sweeper, how dared you think that you could be of greater use to men than in sweeping the streets?"

      "How dared you, gutter cleaner," spoke Fraternity 9-3452, "to hold yourself as one alone and with the thoughts of the one and not of the many?"

      "You shall be burned at the stake," said Democracy 4-6998.

      "No, they shall be lashed," said Unanimity 7-3304, "till there is nothing left under the lashes."

      "No," said Collective 0-0009, "we cannot decide upon this, our brothers. No such crime has ever been committed, and it is not for us to judge. Nor for any small Council. We shall deliver this creature to the World Council itself and let their will be done."

      We looked upon them and we pleaded:

      "Our brothers! You are right. Let the will of the Council be done upon our body. We do not care. But the light? What will you do with the light?"

      Collective 0-0009 looked upon us, and they smiled.

      "So you think that you have found a new power," said Collective 0-0009. "Do all your brothers think that?"

      "No," we answered.

      "What is not thought by all men cannot be true," said Collective 0-0009.

      "You have worked on this alone?" asked International 1-5537.

      "Many men in the Homes of the Scholars have had strange new ideas in the past," said Solidarity 8-1164, "but when the majority of their brother Scholars voted against them, they abandoned their ideas, as all

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