In the Midst of Alarms. Robert Barr

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In the Midst of Alarms - Robert  Barr

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On seeing the two walking together the driver hauled up his team with a suddenness that was evidently not relished by the spirited dappled span he drove.

      “Hello, Margaret!” he cried; “am I late? Have you walked in all the way?”

      “You are just in good time,” answered the girl, without looking toward Yates, who stood aimlessly twirling his cane. The young woman put her foot on the buggy step, and sprang lightly in beside the driver. It needed no second glance to see that he was her brother, not only on account of the family resemblance between them, but also because he allowed her to get into the buggy without offering the slightest assistance, which, indeed, was not needed, and graciously permitted her to place the duster that covered his knees over her own lap as well. The restive team trotted rapidly down the road for a few rods, until they came to a wide place in the highway, and then whirled around, seemingly within an ace of upsetting the buggy; but the young man evidently knew his business, and held them in with a firm hand. The wagon was jogging along where the road was very narrow, and Bartlett kept his team stolidly in the center of the way.

      “Hello, there, Bartlett!” shouted the young man in the buggy; “half the road, you know—half the road.”

      “Take it,” cried Bartlett over his shoulder.

      “Come, come, Bartlett, get out of the way, or I’ll run you down.”

      “You just try it.”

      Bartlett either had no sense of humor or his resentment against his young neighbor smothered it, since otherwise he would have recognized that a heavy wagon was in no danger of being run into by a light and expensive buggy. The young man kept his temper admirably, but he knew just where to touch the elder on the raw. His sister’s hand was placed appealingly on his arm. He smiled, and took no notice of her.

      “Come, now, you move out, or I’ll have the law on you.”

      “The law!” roared Bartlett; “you just try it on.”

      “Should think you’d had enough of it by this time.”

      “Oh, don’t, don’t, Henry!” protested the girl in distress.

      “There aint no law,” yelled Bartlett, “that kin make a man with a load move out fur anything.”

      “You haven’t any load, unless it’s in that jug.”

      Yates saw with consternation that the jar had been jolted out from under its covering, but the happy consolation came to him that the two in the buggy would believe it belonged to Bartlett. He thought, however, that this dog-in-the-manger policy had gone far enough. He stepped briskly forward, and said to Bartlett:

      “Better drive aside a little, and let them pass.”

      “You ‘tend to your own business,” cried the thoroughly enraged farmer.

      “I will,” said Yates shortly, striding to the horses’ heads. He took them by the bits and, in spite of Bartlett’s maledictions and pulling at the lines, he drew them to one side, so that the buggy got by.

      “Thank you!” cried the young man. The light and glittering carriage rapidly disappeared up the Ridge Road.

      Bartlett sat there for one moment the picture of baffled rage. Then he threw the reins down on the backs of his patient horses, and descended.

      “You take my horses by the head, do you, you good-fur-nuthin’ Yank? You do, eh? I like your cheek. Touch my horses an’ me a-holdin’ the lines! Now you hear me? Your traps comes right off here on the road. You hear me?”

      “Oh, anybody within a mile can hear you.”

      “Kin they? Well, off comes your pesky tent.”

      “No, it doesn’t.”

      “Don’t it, eh? Well, then, you’ll lick me fust; and that’s something no Yank ever did nor kin do.”

      “I’ll do it with pleasure.”

      “Come, come,” cried the professor, getting down on the road, “this has gone far enough. Keep quiet, Yates. Now, Mr. Bartlett, don’t mind it; he means no disrespect.”

      “Don’t you interfere. You’re all right, an’ I aint got nothin’ ag’in you. But I’m goin’ to thrash this Yank within an inch of his life; see if I don’t. We met ’em in 1812, an’ we fit ’em an’ we licked ’em, an’ we can do it ag’in. I’ll learn ye to take my horses by the head.”

      “Teach,” suggested Yates tantalizingly.

      Before he could properly defend himself, Bartlett sprang at him and grasped him round the waist. Yates was something of a wrestler himself, but his skill was of no avail on this occasion. Bartlett’s right leg became twisted around his with a steel-like grip that speedily convinced the younger man he would have to give way or a bone would break. He gave way accordingly, and the next thing he knew he came down on his back with a thud that seemed to shake the universe.

      “There, darn ye!” cried the triumphant farmer; “that’s 1812 and Queenstown Heights for ye. How do you like ’em?”

      Yates rose to his feet with some deliberation, and slowly took off his coat.

      “Now, now, Yates,” said the professor soothingly, “let it go at this. You’re not hurt, are you?” he asked anxiously, as he noticed how white the young man was around the lips.

      “Look here, Renmark; you’re a sensible man. There is a time to interfere and a time not to. This is the time not to. A certain international element seems to have crept into this dispute. Now, you stand aside, like a good fellow, for I don’t want to have to thrash both of you.”

      The professor stood aside, for he realized that, when Yates called him by his last name, matters were serious.

      “Now, old chucklehead, perhaps you would like to try that again.”

      “I kin do it a dozen times, if ye aint satisfied. There aint no Yank ever raised on pumpkin pie that can stand ag’in that grapevine twist.”

      “Try the grapevine once more.”

      Bartlett proceeded more cautiously this time, for there was a look in the young man’s face he did not quite like. He took a catch-as-catch-can attitude, and moved stealthily in a semi-circle around Yates, who shifted his position constantly so as to keep facing his foe. At last Bartlett sprang forward, and the next instant found himself sitting on a piece of the rock of the country, with a thousand humming birds buzzing in his head, while stars and the landscape around joined in a dance together. The blow was sudden, well placed, and from the shoulder.

      “That,” said Yates, standing over him, “is 1776—the Revolution—when, to use your own phrase, we met ye, fit ye, and licked ye. How do you like it? Now, if my advice is of any use to you, take a broader view of history than you have done. Don’t confine yourself too much to one period. Study up the War of the Revolution a bit.”

      Bartlett made no reply. After sitting there for a while, until the surrounding landscape assumed its normal condition, he arose leisurely, without saying a word. He picked the reins from the backs of the horses and patted

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