The Virgin Pact Boxed Set. Jessa James

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The Virgin Pact Boxed Set - Jessa James

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      The delicious scent of Italian distracted me and I went into the kitchen and watched Mr. Parker carefully pull a tray of lasagna from the oven.

      “Mr. Parker, that looks delicious.”

      “Just call me Gregory,” he said with a wink. “But don’t tell your classmates that.”

      My heart jumped. I could call him by his first name? None of my friends could do that.

      “Ex-classmates.” I matched his grin with one of my own. “I graduated yesterday, remember?”

      I watched Mr. Parker – Gregory – shake his head as he kept the smile to himself. “Of course. How can I forget what we did?”

      I felt a surge of warmth all over my body, from my chest to my pussy. I didn’t need to ask him to explain. We were thinking the same thing. That moment in his classroom was just too good to ever forget. I breathed out heavily; I didn’t need to worry so much. He didn’t look like he was going to run the other way anytime soon.

      “Can I help with anything?” I asked.

      A large part of me hoped he would say “no.” I was almost useless in the kitchen since my parents hired a full staff to run the house, from cooking to doing the laundry and gardening. I didn’t want to think it, but I suddenly felt embarrassed for living such a spoiled life. I hoped Mr. Parker wouldn’t think differently of me if he realized I was spoiled and could do almost nothing around the house. “I can handle the drinks.”

      “Shh,” came his quick response. “You’re my guest. There’s garlic bread in the oven. I prepared it a while ago for us. Just sit down and make yourself comfortable.” I gave him a nod. “You can go to the living room and find something to watch. I’ll be there in a sec.”

      “Okay.” I knew better than not to listen to him. When Mr. Parker wanted something, he got it. Having me over wasn’t an exception now that I was out of his classroom.

      In a few minutes, he joined me with plates of lasagna and bread. My stomach grumbled when the smell wafted past my nose, and I felt my mouth start to water.

      He placed the plates on the coffee table before he headed back to the kitchen. When I turned around to wonder what he was doing, he returned with a bottle of soda and two glasses in hand. He poured our drinks and then settled comfortably on the couch right beside me. Our thighs brushed against each other, and I couldn’t help the way my heart skipped a beat and my nipples tightened. He just had that effect on me.

      “Are your parents alright with you being out at night?” he then asked.

      Being almost a decade younger than he was, my defenses went up. “I’m eighteen already.”

      He smiled at me, then glanced down at my body and replied with a murmured, “I know”.

      I calmed down at that before I said, “They’re in Europe…have been for the past week.”

      “Hmm…I thought so.” When I raised an eyebrow up at him, he continued, “Anne and your other friends had congratulatory flowers while…you…”

      “Had nothing…I had nothing,” I finished and watched as he nodded in agreement.

      Before the mood could turn any more negative, he let out a cough and steered the conversation in a different direction.

      “So what are your college plans?”

      I widened my eyes, both at the fact that he was halfway done with his food and that he was asking me questions. Real questions, about me. Not about how wet my pussy was or if I was wearing a bra.

      I thought he was just after sex with me, a virgin, so why were we actually talking? Not that I was complaining. I definitely wasn’t. In truth, it made me like him even more. He actually wanted to talk to me, a girl who barely knew anything about the world. He didn’t look down on me. Could he get any more perfect?

      Over the rest of dinner, I told him of my plans to attend the local college. All the while, I maintained eye contact, realizing I’d never tire of looking at those caramel brown eyes.



      “Why do you want to go to the college here?” I asked, watching her as she took a sip of her soda, watching her throat work and remembering how she’d swallowed all my cum.

      I was really trying my best to think with my mind and not with my dick, but it was damn near impossible. Knowing she wasn’t wearing anything underneath that uniform skirt had me rock hard. I clasped my hands together and rested them over the growing strain.

      I didn’t want her to think I just wanted her just for sex. Sure, that was a large part, but Jane was so much more than sex. She was mine. Knowing she wanted to stay in town for school only made it even more official.

      There were so many things to learn and know about her, so many layers to unravel and I was willing to take the time to do it.

      “What do you mean?” she responded, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

      “The school is small. You’re a very smart girl, Jane, not only in my class.” I took a quick pause. “If you wanted, you could go to the best schools anywhere in the country.”

      I watched her, noting the way her brown eyes widened. She held a sharp intake of breath, released it, and stayed silent for a few seconds. She looked like she was nervous; the expression on her face was of worry as she wrinkled her forehead. I’d never seen this side of her – genuine concern.

      She was the girl who knew how to carry herself and seemed like she’d never had a problem in life. She’d strutted along the school’s hallways with that bright smile and the sensual sway of her hips. Seeing her now – a different side – all the more piqued my interest.

      “I’m not sure if I could do it…”

      I moved one hand to her knee and squeezed it, pressing her to continue. She looked at me for a second before she tilted her head away.

      “I’ve never left home. I don’t know the first thing about living independently.”

      She stopped for a second, the hesitation evident. She stuck her bottom lip out and moved her eyes downwards. She looked ashamed.

      I immediately crinkled my eyebrows. An ashamed Jane was a sight I never wanted to see. It didn’t fit her. She had so much potential for that kind of feeling.

      “I’ve never had a job. I don’t even do my own laundry. I can’t cook. Everything’s been done for me, whether I wanted that or not. Sure, my parents will still pay for everything, but they’ve never been around.” She raised her hands up in the air and then dropped them. “I don’t know. I just have no interest in leaving here. I’m content staying in town for college.”

      “Good,” I said. She was mine and I wasn’t having her go to a school two time zones away. I wouldn’t hold her back if it was her dream, but it wasn’t. Her damn parents hadn’t given her confidence to spread her wings. While she was content to go to college, venturing far was not exciting

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