Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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      The preceding Preface was already in type, when Mr. W. H. Black discovered, among the Public Records, an undoubted poem by Skelton (hitherto unprinted), which I now subjoin.


       Table of Contents

      Candida, punica, &c.

      The Rose both White and Rede

      In one Rose now dothe grow;

      Thereof the fame dothe blow:

      Grace the sede did sow:

      England, now gaddir flowris,

      Exclude now all dolowrs.

      Nobilis Henricus, &c.

      Noble Henry the eight,

      Thy loving souereine lorde,

      Of kingis line moost streight,

      His titille dothe recorde:

      In whome dothe wele acorde

      Alexis yonge of age,

      Adrastus wise and sage.

      Sedibus ætheriis, &c.

      Astrea, Justice hight,

      That from the starry sky

      Shall now com and do right,

      This hunderd yere scantly

      A man kowd not aspy


      That Right dwelt vs among,

      And that was the more wrong:

      Arcebit vulpes, &c.

      The wolvis, the beris also,

      That wrowght have moche care,

      And browght Englond in wo:

      By extort trechery:

      Ne tanti regis, &c.

      Of this our noble king

      The law they shall not breke;

      They shall com to rekening;

      No man for them wil speke:

      The pepil durst not creke

      Theire grevis to complaine,

      They browght them in soche paine:

      Ecce Platonis secla, &c.

      Therfor no more they shall

      The commouns ouerbace,

      That wont wer ouer all

      For now the yeris of grace

      And welthe ar com agayne,

      Rediit jam pulcher Adonis, &c.

      Adonis of freshe colour,

      Of yowthe the godely flour,

      Our prince of high honour,


      Our king, our emperour,

      Our Priamus of Troy,

      Our welth, our worldly joy;

      Anglorum radians, &c.

      Vpon vs he doth reigne,

      That makith our hartis glad,

      As king moost soueraine

      That ever Englond had;

      And Martis lusty knight;

      God save him in his right!


       Per me laurigerum Britonum Skeltonida vatem.

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