Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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Magnyfycence, A goodly interlude and a mery deuysed and made by mayster Skelton poet laureate late deceasyd.


      Cum priuilegio.

      folio, n. d., and without printer’s name.

      In a note, vol. i. 225, I have (following Ritson and others) stated positively that this ed. was “printed by Rastell:” I ought to have said, that in all probability it was from Rastell’s press.

       Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe compyled by mayster Skelton Poete Laureate.


      Prynted at London at the poultry by Rychard Kele.

      12mo, n. d. On reverse of the last leaf is a woodcut representing Phyllyp Sparowe’s tomb.

      An edition by Kele, 4to, n. d., is mentioned in Typogr. Antiq. iv. 305, ed. Dibdin: but qy.?

       Here after foloweth a litle booke of Phillyp Sparow, compiled by Mayster Skeltō Poete Laureate.


      Imprynted at London in paules churche yerde by Robert Toy.

      12mo, n. d. On reverse of the last leaf is the same woodcut as in the ed. last described.

       Here after foloweth a litle boke of Phillip sparow. Compyled by mayster Skelton Poete Laureate.


      Imprinted at London in poules churchyard, at the sygne of the Sunne, by Antony Kitson.

      Colophon in some copies,

      Imprinted at London in poules churchyard at the sygne of the Lamb, by Abraham Weale [sic].

      Colophon in some other copies,

      Imprinted at London in Foster-lane by Ihon Walley.

      12mo, n. d.

      An edition Imprinted at London in paules churche yerde by John Wyght, with a woodcut of “Phyllyp Sparowes tomb” on the last page, is mentioned in Typogr. Antiq. iv. 379. ed. Dibdin.

       Here after foloweth certaine bokes cōpyled by mayster Skeltō, Poet Laureat, whose names here after shall appere.

       Speake Parot.

       The death of the noble Prynce Kynge Edwarde the fourth.

       A treatyse of the Scottes.

       Ware the Hawke.

       The Tunnynge of Elynoure Rummyng.


      Thus endeth these lytle workes compyled by maister Skelton Poet Laureat.

      Imprynted at London, in Crede Lane, by John Kynge and Thomas Marche.

      12mo, n. d.

       Heare after foloweth certain bokes Compiled by Master Skelton, Poet Laureat, whose names here after doth appere.

      (Enumeration of pieces as above.)

       Imprynted at London by Ihon Day.


      Thus endeth these litle works compiled by maister Skelton Poet Laureat.

      12mo, n. d.

       Here after foloweth certayne bokes, cōpyled by mayster Skelton, Poet Laureat, whose names here after shall appere.

      (Enumeration of pieces as above.)

       Printed at London by Richard Lant, for Henry Tab, dwelling in Pauls churchyard, at the sygne of Judith.


      Thus endethe these lytell workes compyled by mayster Skelton Poet Laureat. And prynted by Richard Lant, for Henry Tab, dwellyng in Poules churche yard at the sygne of Judith.

      12mo, n. d. On the fly-leaf of the copy which I used, but perhaps not belonging to it, was pasted a woodcut representing the author, with the words “Skelton Poet” (copied from Pynson’s ed. of Dyuers Balettys, &c., and the same as that on the reverse of the last leaf of Kele’s ed. of Why come ye nat to Courte).

      An edition printed for W. Bonham, 1547, 12mo, is mentioned by Warton, Hist. of E.P. ii. 336 (note), ed. 4to.

      The various editions of these “certaine bokes” contain, besides the pieces specified on the title-page, the following poems—

       “All noble men, of this take hede,” &c. [prefixed to the eds. of Why come ye nat to Courte.]

       “Howe euery thing must haue a tyme.”

       “Prayer to the Father of Heauen.”

       “To the seconde Person.”

       “To the Holy Ghost.”

       Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colyn Cloute compyled by mayster Skelton poete Laureate.

       Quis cōsurgat mecū adversus malignantes, aut quis stabit mecū adversus operantes iniquitatem. Nemo domine.


      Imprinted at London by me Rycharde Kele dwellyng in the powltry at the long shop vnder saynt Myldredes chyrche.

      12mo, n. d.

      An edition by Kele, 4to, n. d., is mentioned in Typogr. Antiq. iv. 305. ed. Dibdin: but qy.?

       Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.

      Quis cōsurgat, &c. (as above.)


      Inprinted at London in Paules Churche yarde at the Sygne of the Rose by Iohn Wyghte.

      12mo, n. d.

       Here after foloweth a litle boke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate.

      Quis consurgat, &c. (as above.)


      Imprynted at London in Paules Churche yarde at the Sygne of the Sunne by Anthony Kytson.

      Colophon in some copies,


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