Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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for my power and parte,

      Wyth al my wyt and arte,

      Wyth whole intent and harte,

      I wyl so at them darte,” &c.

      The Copye of a letter, sent by John Bradford to the right honorable lordes the Erles of Arundel, Darbie, Shrewsbury, & Penbroke, declarīg the nature of spaniardes, and discouering the most detestable treasons, whiche they haue pretended moste falselye againste oure moste noble kyngdome of Englande. Whereunto is added a tragical blast of the papisticall trōpet for mayntenaunce of the Popes kingdome in Englande. by. T.E. If ye beleue the trueth, ye saue your liues, &c. 12mo, and without date or printer’s name on the title-page: the copy now before me is imperfect at the end, where perhaps both are given. According to Herbert’s Ames’s Typ. Antiq. iii. 1582, this piece was printed in 1555.

      In the two subjoined passages (perhaps in more) of this tract, the author adopts the Skeltonic metre, though the whole is printed as prose:—

      “There be many other noble menne [among the Spaniards, besides the duke of Medena-zelie] vndoubtedly very wise and politik, which can throughe their wisdome binde themselues for a time from their nature, and applye their condicions to the maners of those menne with whom they would gladlye bee frended; whose mischeuouse maners a man shal neuer knowe, till he come vnder their subiection. But then shall ye perceiue perfectly their puffed pride, with many mischeffes beside, their prowling and poling, their bribinge and shauing, their most deceitfull dealing, their braging and bosting, their flatteringe and faininge, their abominable whorehuntynge, with most rufull ruling, | their doings vniust, | with insaciate lust, | their stout stubbernnes, | croked crabbednes, | and vnmeasurable madnes, | in enui, pride, and lecherie, | which, thei saie, God loueth hartelie, | vaineglorie and hipocrisie, | with al other vilanie | of what kinde soeuer it be; | supersticion, desolacion, extorcion, adulacion, dissimulacion, exaltacion, suppression, inuocacion, and all abominacion; with innumerable moe mischeues, whiche I coulde plainlie declare, that no nacion in the world can suffer. Their masking and mumbling | in the holi time of lent | maketh many wiues brente, | the king being present, | nighte after nighte, | as a prince of moste mighte, | which hath power in his hande | that no man dare withstande: | yet if that were the greatest euil, | we might suffer it wel, | for there is no man liuing | but would suffer the king | to haue wife, sister, doughter, maide and all, | bothe great & smal, | so many as he liste, | no man would him resist; | but the worst of all the companie | muste haue my wife priuelie, | when I am present bi; | this is more vilanie, | that one muste kepe the dore; | will not that greue you sore? | & dare not speake for your life, | when another hath youre wife,” | &c. Sig. B i.

      “Ye wil say, the Spaniards kepe their olde rentaking: how can that be, when euery poore man must pay yerely for euery chimney in his house, and euery other place that is to make fire in, as ouen, fornes, and smithes forge, a Frenche crowne? wil Englishmen, or can thei, suffer to be poled and pilled moste miserably, in payeng continually suche poling pence and intollerable tollages for all maner graine and breade, befe, beare and mutton, goose, pigge and capone, henne, mallard and chicken, milk, butter and chese, egges, apples & peares, | wine white and reade, | with all other wines beside, | salt white and graye? | al thinges must pay; | small nuttes and wallnuttes, | cheries and chestnuttes, | plumbes, damassens, philbeardes, and al | both gret & smal, | whatsoeuer thei maye se, | to fede the pore commenalte; | salmon and hearing; | this is a shamefull thing; | tench, ele or conger; | this shall kepe vs vnder, | and make vs die for hunger; | flounders, floucke, plaice or carpe; | here is a miserable warke | that Englande must abide | to maintaine Spanishe pride,” &c. Sig. F ii.

      From Doctour Doubble Ale—12mo, without printer’s name or date.

      “Although I lacke intelligence,

      And can not skyll of eloquence,

      Yet wyll I do my diligence

      To say sumthing or I go hence,

      Wherein I may demonstrate

      The figure, gesture, and estate

      Of one that is a curate,

      That harde is and endurate,

      And ernest in the cause

      Of piuish popish lawes,

      That are not worth two strawes,

      Except it be with dawes,

      That knoweth not good from euels,

      Nor Gods worde from the deuels,

      Nor wyll in no wise heare

      The worde of God so cleare,

      But popishnes vpreare,

      And make the pope Gods peare.


      Now let vs go about

      To tell the tale out

      Of this good felow stout,

      That for no man wyll dout,

      But kepe his olde condicions

      For all the newe comyssions,

      And vse his supersticions,

      And also mens tradycions,

      And syng for dead folkes soules,

      And reade hys beaderolles,

      And all such thinges wyll vse

      As honest men refuse:

      But take hym for a cruse,

      And ye wyll tell me newes;

      For if he ons begyn,

      He leaueth nought therin;

      He careth not a pyn

      How much ther be wythin,

      So he the pot may wyn,

      He wyll it make full thyn;

      And wher the drinke doth please

      There wyll he take his ease,

      And drinke therof his fyll,

      Tyll ruddy be his byll;

      And fyll both cup and can,

      Who is so glad a man

      As is our curate than?

      I wolde ye knewe it, a curate

      Not far without Newgate;

      Of a parysh large

      The man hath mikle charge,

      And none within this border

      That kepeth such order,


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