Poetry. John Skelton

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Poetry - John Skelton

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_1ab70bba-5322-5168-b1e4-c014f77245bd">[193] one] So MS. Not in Marshe’s ed.

      “Take up whos wolde for them, they let hym ly.”

       Table of Contents

       Accipe nunc demum, doctor celeberrime Rukshaw,

       Carmina, de calamo quæ cecidere[212] meo;

       Et quanquam[213] placidis non sunt modulata camenis,[214]

       Sunt tamen ex nostro pectore prompta pio.

       Vale feliciter, virorum laudatissime.

      [212] cecidere] Marshe’s ed. and MS. “occidere.”

      [213] quanquam] Marshe’s ed. and MS. “quaqua.”

      [214] camenis] So MS. Marshe’s ed. “carmenis.”

       Table of Contents

      Of all nacyons vnder the heuyn,

      These frantyke foolys I hate most of all;

      For though they stumble in the synnys seuyn,

      This peuysh proud, thys prendergest,

      When he is well, yet can he not rest.

      A swete suger lofe and sowre bayardys bun

      Be sumdele lyke in forme and shap,

      The one for a duke, the other for dun, 10

      A maunchet for morell theron to snap.

      Hys hart is to hy to haue any hap;

      But for in his gamut carp that he can,

      Lo, Jak wold be a jentylman!

      Wyth, Hey, troly, loly, lo, whip here, Jak,

      Alumbek sodyldym syllorym ben!

      Curyowsly he can both counter and knak

      Of Martyn Swart and all hys mery men.

      Lord, how Perkyn is proud of hys pohen!

      But ask wher he fyndyth among hys monacordys 20

      An holy water clarke a ruler of lordys.

      He can not fynd it in rule nor in space:

      He solfyth to haute, hys trybyll is to hy;

      He braggyth of his byrth, that borne was full bace;

      Hys musyk withoute mesure, to sharp is hys my;

      He trymmyth in hys tenor to counter pyrdewy;

      His dyscant is besy, it is withoute a mene;


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