The Complete Works. William Butler Yeats

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The Complete Works - William Butler Yeats

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be to God, to Mary, and the angels,

      That I am wealthy. Wherefore do they sell?


      The demons give a hundred crowns and more

      For a poor soul like his who lies asleep

      By your great door under the porter’s niche;

      A little soul not worth a hundred pence.

      But, for a soul like yours, I heard them say,

      They would give five hundred thousand crowns and more.


      How can a heap of crowns pay for a soul?

      Is the green grave so terrible a thing?


      Some sell because the money gleams, and some

      Because they are in terror of the grave,

      And some because their neighbours sold before,

      And some because there is a kind of joy

      In casting hope away, in losing joy,

      In ceasing all resistance, in at last

      Opening one’s arms to the eternal flames,

      In casting all sails out upon the wind:

      To this—full of the gaiety of the lost—

      Would all folk hurry if your gold were gone.


      There is a something, merchant, in your voice

      That makes me fear. When you were telling how

      A man may lose his soul and lose his God,

      Your eyes lighted, and the strange weariness

      That hangs about you vanished. When you told

      How my poor money serves the people—both—

      Merchants, forgive me—seemed to smile.


      Man’s sins

      Move us to laughter only, we have seen

      So many lands and seen so many men.

      How strange that all these people should be swung

      As on a lady’s shoe-string—under them

      The glowing leagues of never-ending flame!


      There is a something in you that I fear:

      A something not of us. Were you not born

      In some most distant corner of the world?

      [The SECOND MERCHANT, who has been listening at the door to the right, comes forward, and as he comes a sound of voices and feet is heard through the door to his left.


      Away now—they are in the passage—hurry,

      For they will know us, and freeze up our hearts

      With Ave Marys, and burn all our skin

      With holy water.


      Farewell: we must ride

      Many a mile before the morning come;

      Our horses beat the ground impatiently.

      [They go out to R. A number of peasants enter at the same moment by the opposite door.


      What would you?

      A PEASANT.

      As we nodded by the fire,

      Telling old histories, we heard a noise

      Of falling money. We have searched in vain.


      You are too timid. I heard naught at all.


      Ay, we are timid, for a rich man’s word

      Can shake our houses, and a moon of drouth

      Shrivel our seedlings in the barren earth;

      We are the slaves of wind, and hail, and flood;

      Fear jogs our elbow in the market-place,

      And nods beside us on the chimney-seat.

      Ill-bodings are as native unto our hearts

      As are their spots unto the woodpeckers.


      You need not shake with bodings in this house.

      [Oona enters from the door to L.


      The treasure-room is broken in—mavrone—mavrone;

      The door stands open and the gold is gone.

      [The peasants raise a lamenting cry.


      Be silent. [The cry ceases.

      Saw you any one?



      That my good mistress should lose all this money.


      You three upon my right hand, ride and ride;

      I will give a farm to him who finds the thieves.

      [A man with keys at his girdle has entered while she was speaking.

      A PEASANT.

      The porter trembles.


      It is all no use;

      Demons were here. I sat beside the door

      In my

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