Ascension Saga, Book 3. Grace Goodwin

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Ascension Saga, Book 3 - Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides® Program- Ascension Saga

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      The opposite was, in fact, the case. I had never been so fiercely proud, so confident in my daughters. They were warrior queens. Strong. Smart. Alera didn't need me. Not anymore. Not when they were so ready to lead. I drank more water, ate another berry, all as my captor watched me like a snake about to strike.

      “The jewels will not help your master now. They are of no value, not with Trinity on the throne.”

      He laughed, dashing my mood. “So naive. You think the fact that you bred daughters will stop my masters? They eliminated the entire royal bloodline, every single one of you capable of carrying the gifts.”

      My head jerked up and my eyes were wide with shock before I could control my reaction to his words.

      “Oh, yes, Celene. We know about the secret gifts bestowed upon you by the citadel itself.”

      My heart pounded, but I maintained the queen’s reserve. “I don't know what you're talking about.” Deny, deny, deny. “What gifts? The light of the spire is a gift to the people. That is the only gift.”

      Maybe he was bluffing. No one spoke of the psychic and telepathic gifts outside of the family. No one. It was forbidden, therefore, no one should know about them.

      He leaned back in his chair, rubbing the matted remains of what once must have been a full head of hair. The greasy strands looked like they hadn't been washed in weeks. “I wonder what gift your daughter received,” he replied, ignoring my words. Standing, he lifted his chin to the guard. “Take her back to her cell.”

      I stood; I wouldn’t be yanked from my chair. The guard grabbed my elbow and I let him lead me away. I was unhurt at the moment. My stomach was full. Trinity was in the palace. Destiny and Faith were, as yet, unknown on the planet. Everything appeared to be going according to the plan my daughters and I had agreed upon years ago. Patience. Faith. Trust.

      “And, Celene?”

      I turned my head at my captor’s voice. The guard stopped, allowing me to stand still to listen.

      “It doesn't matter what gift she has. The gifts didn't save your parents. They didn’t save your husband. You might have hidden for decades, but they didn't save you either. And they won't save your daughters.”



      I could sense almost immediately that it wasn’t Leo in bed with me. It took my brain an extra few seconds to catch up. The feel of his hand on my skin was different. Damp with sweat and none of the callouses I was now familiar with on Leo’s palms. Leo had hair on his chest and the one pressed against my back was bare. Smooth. The cock nestled at the crease of my bottom was definitely not Leo’s. It felt disturbing and… insufficient. It was the voice though, that kicked my brain into gear.

       “I saw you today, Trinity, and knew you were going to be mine.”

      I was already Leo’s and no one else’s. My eyes popped open but I could barely see the outline of furniture because of the thick drapes. Before I could jump from the bed, he shifted and pulled me onto my back. A leg was thrown over mine, a knee nestled at the juncture of my thighs.

      I knew he hovered over me, for his hot breath fanned my skin.

      “Who… who are you?” I asked, pushing against his chest. It was too dark to do more than see a silhouette of him. I could tell he had dark hair, his skin was pale. While he wasn’t as large as Leo, he wasn’t small. I cringed at the feeling of his cock pressed against me.

      “Do not panic, Princess. I am the Royal Consort. I will not hurt you.” He gave a small laugh. “I know of your Ardor. I am here to help. I will bring you much pleasure.”

      Yeah, right. I didn’t care that he was a fricking gigolo and it was his job to hop into bed with every single royal. I didn’t want anything to do with him. While I didn’t fear he would rape me, since I knew from Cassander that consorts had women willing and eager to fall onto their cocks, still, I didn’t like this vulnerability.

      “I’m all good on pleasure, so your services aren’t needed,” I countered. “Let me up.”

      “You should not have to please yourself,” he practically scolded. “Your hand will not ease the Ardor I have been told plagues you.”

      Apparently, this jerk knew nothing about Leo, or that he’d taken very good care of my Ardor. But then, hadn’t that been our plan? Leo was to pretend to be nothing to me. Nothing more than a guard. But how did this consort know about the Ardor at all?

      “Look, Mr. Consort, you need to get out of my bed. Now.”

      “Shh,” he crooned, his hand sliding over my hair as if pacifying a skittish female. “Relax. I know I am not Cassander, the one you were first promised. But I am eager to serve.”

      Fuck. His eagerness was growing more and more obvious against my leg. Yuck. Just. No. “No thank you. I told Cassander the same thing. Now get off me.”

      “I am very skilled, Princess. You’ll enjoy my touch. I promise. Lord Jax sent word to me that you are in need.”

      “Lord Jax was misinformed.” I tilted away from him and pushed, but he wouldn’t let me move. I was slightly panicked because I’d never had a man I didn’t want on top of me before. And we were naked. He hadn’t touched me anywhere inappropriate. But still, we were naked. In bed. And he was on top of me. He seemed to actually want me to be into it before he did more.

      But he wasn’t taking no for an answer and that pissed me off.

      I pushed again, but he was strong.

      “Princess, it is my job to soothe your Ardor, to bring you satisfaction. Other royal females have been well-pleased.” He lowered his head and pressed a wet kiss to my bare shoulder. I shuddered. Ugh. “Let me fill you up and ease your need. You can take my energy. Ride my cock. Be free of the hunger that plagues you.”

      Well, if I’d been in the condition I had been when I’d first met Cassander—what seemed like months ago, not a few days—I might have taken him up on the offer. But now I had Leo. And I wasn’t in heat, I was in love.

      God, I couldn’t believe he was in bed with me and bragging about his other royal conquests. Just—no. I sighed, remembered a saying Destiny always told me. If you can’t get out of it, get into it.

      He was too strong and totally not getting that when a girl said no, she meant no, so I changed tactics. “You’re right.” I tried to relax, although it was pretty difficult when I wanted this guy off me pronto.

      “That’s better, Princess. I promise satisfaction.”

      “Oh yeah? Let me see what you’re going to use to satisfy me,” I practically purred. Good thing it was too dark for him to see me roll my eyes. My hand slid down his bare chest, over his abs and to his cock. I swallowed, trying not to vomit in my mouth. It was big and hard, but it wasn’t Leo. I couldn’t see it, thank god, but I could feel it.

      He hissed at

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