Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy. Frank Richard Stockton

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Round-about Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy - Frank Richard Stockton

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311 The Sea-Side 315 The Vessels on Shore 317 The Sick Pike 320 The Blossoms 322 Ice-Blossoms 324 Ice-Flowers 325 Ancient Bead 326 Venetian Bottle 327 German Drinking-Glass 329 Glass Jug 330 Making Bottles 332 Venetian Goblet 333 Modern Goblets 334 The Queen's Mirror 335 Bohemian Goblet 336 French Flagon 339 The Portland Vase 340 The Strange Lady 344 Carl and the Duke 348 The Dominie 351 Wrens' Nests 354 Orioles' Nest 355 Owl's Nests 357 Flamingoes' Nests 359 The little Grebe's Nest 361 The Ostrich-Nest 362 The Stork's Nest 364 A Fish's Nest 366 Throwing the Boomerang 368 The Way the Boomerang Goes 369

       Table of Contents

      Come along, boys and girls! We are off on our rambles. But please do not ask me where we are going. It would delay us very much if I should postpone our start until I had drawn you a map of the route, with all the stopping-places set down.

      We have far to go, and a great many things to see, and it may be that some of you will be very tired before we get through.

      If so, I shall be sorry; but it will be a comfort to think that none of us need go any farther than we choose.

      There will be considerable variety in our rambles. We shall walk about familiar places, and we shall explore streets and houses that have been buried for centuries. We shall go down deep into the earth, and we shall float in a balloon, high up into the air. We shall see many beasts of the forest; some that are bloody and cruel, and others that are gentle and wise. We will meet with birds, fishes, grand old buildings, fleas, vast woods, bugs, mummies, snakes, tight-rope dancers, gorillas, will-o'-the-wisps, beautiful blossoms, boomerangs, oceans, birds' nests, and I cannot tell you what all besides. We will also have some adventures, hear some stories, and have a peep at a fairy or two before we are done.

      I shall not, however, be able to go with you everywhere. When you are enjoying a "Bird Chat;" "Buying the Mirror;" learning when "We must not Believe our Eyes;" visiting "A City under the Ground;" hearing of "The Coachman's" troubles; sitting under "The Oak-tree;" finding out wonderful things "About Glass;" watching what happens when "School's Out;" or following the fortunes of "Carl," your guide will be a lady, and I think that you will all agree that she knows very well where she ought to go, and how to get there. The rest of the time you will be with me.

       Table of Contents

      What can be more delightful, to a boy of spirit, than a day in the woods when there has been a good snow! If he also happens to have a good friend or two, and some good dogs (who are just as likely to be friends as his boy-companions), he ought to be much happier than an ordinary king. A forest is a fine place at any time, but when the ground is well covered with snow—especially if there is a hard crust upon it—the woods seem to possess a peculiar charm. You can go anywhere then.

      In the summer, the thick undergrowth, the intertwining vines, and the heavy lower branches of the trees, make it difficult even to see into the dark recesses of the forest. But in the winter all is open. The low wet places, the deep holes, the rotten bogs, everything on the ground that is in the way of a good run and a jump, is covered up. You do not walk a hundred yards under the bare branches of the trees before up starts a rabbit, or a hare, if you would rather call him by his right name—and away go the dogs, and away you go—all of you tearing along at the top of your speed!

      But poor Bunny has a small chance, when a hard snow is on the ground. His hiding-places are all covered up, and before he knows it the dogs have caught

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