Mr. Prohack. Arnold Bennett

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Mr. Prohack - Arnold Bennett

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that, my child. At my age one needs encouragement, not abuse. And I'm glad to be able to tell you that there is no longer any necessity either for you to earn money or to pinch and scrape. Satisfactory arrangements have been made. … "

      "Really? Well, that's splendid. But of course it won't make any difference to me. There may be no necessity so far as you're concerned. But there's my inward necessity. I've got to be independent. It wouldn't make any difference if you had an income of ten thousand a year."

      Mr. Prohack blenched guiltily.

      "Er—er—what was I going to say? Oh, yes—where's this Eliza of yours got her hundred pounds from?"

      "I don't know. It's no business of mine."

      "But do you insist—shall you—insist on introductions from your pupils?"

      "Father, how you do chop about! No, naturally we shan't insist on introductions."

      "Then any man can come for lessons?"

      "Certainly. Provided he wears evening-dress on gala nights, and pays the fees and behaves properly. Viola says some of them prefer afternoon lessons because they haven't got any evening-dress."

      "If I were you I shouldn't rush at it," said Mr. Prohack.

      "But we must rush at it—or lose it. And I've no intention of losing it. Viola has to make her arrangements at once."

      "I wonder what your mother will say when you ask her."

      "I shan't ask her. I shall tell her. Nobody can decide this thing for me. I have to decide it for myself, and I've decided it. As for what mother says—" Sissie frowned and then smiled, "that's your affair."

      "My affair!" Mr. Prohack exclaimed in real alarm. "What on earth do you mean?"

      "Well, you and she are so thick together. You're got to live with her. I haven't got to live with her."

      "I ask you, what on earth do you mean?"

      "But surely you've understood, father, that I shall have to live at the studio. Somebody has to be on the spot, and there are two bedrooms. But of course you'll be able to put all that right with mother, dad. You'll do it for your own sake; but a bit for mine, too." She giggled nervously, ran round the table and kissed her parent. "I'm frightfully obliged for the fifty pounds," she said. "You and the mater will be fearfully happy together soon if Charlie doesn't come back. Ta-ta! I must be off now."


      "To Eliza's of course. We shall probably go straight down to Putney together and see Viola and fix everything up. I know Viola's had at least one other good offer. I may sleep at the studio. If not, at Eliza's. Anyhow it will be too late for me to come back here."

      "I absolutely forbid you to go off like this."

      "Yes, do, father. You forbid for all you're worth if it gives you any pleasure. But it won't be much use unless you can carry me upstairs and lock me in my room. Oh! Father, you are a great pretender. You know perfectly well you're delighted with me."

      "Indeed I'm not! I suppose you'll have the decency to see your mother before you go?"

      "What! And wake her! You said she wasn't to be disturbed 'on any account.'"

      "I deny that I said 'on any account.'"

      "I shouldn't dream of disturbing her. And you'll tell her so much better than I could. You can do what you like with her."

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      "Where's my dessert?" demanded Mrs. Prohack, anxiously and resentfully, when her husband at length reached the bedroom. "I'm dying of hunger, and I've got a real headache now. Oh! Arthur how absurd all this is! At least it would be if I wasn't so hungry."

      "Sissie ate all the dessert," Mr. Prohack answered timidly. He no longer felt triumphant, careless and free. Indeed for some minutes he had practically forgotten that he had inherited ten thousand a year. "The child ate it every bit, so I couldn't bring any. Shall I ring for something else?"

      "And why," Mrs. Prohack continued, "why have you been so long? And what's all this business of taxis rushing up to the door all the evening?"

      "Marian," said Mr. Prohack, ignoring her gross exaggeration of the truth as to the taxis. "I'd better tell you at once. Charlie's gone to Glasgow on his own business and Sissie's just run down to Viola Ridle's studio about a new scheme of some kind that she's thinking of. For the moment we're alone in the world."

      "It's always the same," she remarked with indignation, when with forced facetiousness he had given her an extremely imperfect and bowdlerized account of his evening. "It's always the same. As soon as I'm laid up in bed, everything goes wrong. My poor boy, I cannot imagine what you've been doing. I suppose I'm very silly, but I can't understand it."

      Nor could Mr. Prohack himself, now that he was in the sane conjugal atmosphere of the bedroom.

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      The next morning Mr. Prohack had a unique shock, for he was awakened by his wife coming into the bedroom. She held a big piece of cake in her hand. Never before had Mrs. Prohack been known to rise earlier than her husband. Also, the hour was eight-twenty, whereas never before had Mr. Prohack been known, on a working-day, to rise later than eight o'clock. He realised with horror that it would be necessary for him to hurry. Still, he did not jump up. He was not a brilliant sleeper, and he had had a bad night, which had only begun to be good at the time when as a rule he woke finally for the day. He did not feel very well, despite the fine sensation of riches which rushed reassuringly into his arms the moment consciousness returned.

      "Arthur," said Mrs. Prohack, who was in her Chinese robe, "do you know that girl hasn't been home all night. Her bed hasn't been slept in!"

      "Neither has mine," answered Mr. Prohack. "What girl?"

      "Sissie, of course."

      "Ah! Sissie!" murmured Mr. Prohack as if he had temporarily forgotten that such a girl existed. "Didn't I tell you last night she mightn't be back?"

      "No, you didn't! And you know very well you didn't!"

      "Honestly," said Mr. Prohack (meaning "dishonestly" as most people do in similar circumstances), "I thought I did."


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