The Wide, Wide World. Warner Susan

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The Wide, Wide World - Warner Susan

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pieces, you know, and if I see any I think you would like, I'll ask them to give me a little bit of it to show you; and then I'll bring it home, and if you like it, you can give me the money, and tell me how many yards you want, and I can go back to the store and get it. Why can't I, Mamma?"

      "Perhaps you could; but my dear child, I am afraid you wouldn't like the business."

      "Yes, I should; indeed, Mamma, I should like it dearly, if I could help you so. Will you let me try, Mamma?"

      "I don't like, my child, to venture you alone on such an errand, among crowds of people; I should be uneasy about you."

      "Dear Mamma, what would the crowds of people do to me? I am not a bit afraid. You know, Mamma, I have often taken walks alone that's nothing new; and what harm should come to me while I am in the store? You needn't be the least uneasy about me; may I go?"

      Mrs. Montgomery smiled, but was silent.

      "May I go, Mamma?" repeated Ellen. "Let me go at least and try what I can do. What do you say, Mamma?"

      "I don't know what to say, my daughter, but I am in difficulty on either hand. I will let you go and see what you can do. It would be a great relief to me to get this merino by any means."

      "Then shall I go right away, Mamma?"

      "As well now as ever. You are not afraid of the wind?"

      "I should think not," said Ellen; and away she scampered upstairs to get ready. With eager haste she dressed herself; then with great care and particularity took her mother's instructions as to the article wanted; and finally set out, sensible that a great trust was reposed in her, and feeling busy and important accordingly. But at the very bottom of Ellen's heart there was a little secret doubtfulness respecting her undertaking. She hardly knew it was there, but then she couldn't tell what it was that made her fingers so inclined to be tremulous while she was dressing, and that made her heart beat quicker than it ought, or than was pleasant, and one of her cheeks so much hotter than the other. However, she set forth upon her errand with a very brisk step, which she kept up till, on turning a corner, she came in sight of the place she was going to. Without thinking much about it, Ellen had directed her steps to St.Clair and Fleury's. It was one of the largest and best stores in the city, and the one she knew where her mother generally made her purchases; and it did not occur to her that it might not be the best for her purpose on this occasion. But her steps slackened as soon as she came in sight of it, and continued to slacken as she drew nearer, and she went up the broad flight of marble steps in front of the store, very slowly indeed, though they were exceeding low and easy. Pleasure was not certainly the uppermost feeling in her mind now; yet she never thought of turning back. She knew that if she could succeed in the object of her mission, her mother would be relieved from some anxiety; that was enough; she was bent on accomplishing it.

      Timidly she entered the large hall of entrance. It was full of people, and the buzz of business was heard on all sides. Ellen had for some time past seldom gone a-shopping with her mother, and had never been in this store but once or twice before. She had not the remotest idea where, or in what apartment of the building, the merino counter was situated, and she could see no one to speak to. She stood irresolute in the middle of the floor. Everybody seemed to be busily engaged with somebody else; and whenever an opening on one side or another appeared to promise her an opportunity, it was sure to be filled up before she could reach it, and, disappointed and abashed, she would return to her old station in the middle of the floor. Clerks frequently passed her, crossing the store in all directions, but they were always bustling along in a great hurry of business; they did not seem to notice her at all, and were gone before poor Ellen could get her mouth open to speak to them. She knew well enough now, poor child! what it was that made her cheeks burn as they did, and her heart beat as if it would burst its bounds. She felt confused, and almost confounded by the incessant hum of voices, and moving crowd of strange people all around her, while her little figure stood alone and unnoticed in the midst of them; and there seemed no prospect that she would be able to gain the ear or the eye of a single person. Once she determined to accost a man she saw advancing toward her from a distance, and actually made up to him for the purpose, but with a hurried bow, and "I beg your pardon, Miss!" he brushed past. Ellen almost burst into tears. She longed to turn and run out of the store, but a faint hope remaining, and an unwillingness to give up her undertaking, kept her fast. At length one of the clerks in the desk observed her, and remarked to Mr. St. Clair, who stood by, "There is a little girl, Sir, who seems to be looking for something, or waiting for somebody; she has been standing there a good while." Mr. St. Clair, upon this, advanced to poor Ellen's relief.

      "What do you wish, miss?" he said.

      But Ellen had been so long preparing sentences, trying to utter them, and failing in the attempt, that now, when an opportunity to speak and be heard was given her, the power of speech seemed to be gone.

      "Do you wish anything, Miss?" inquired Mr. St. Clair again.

      "Mother sent me," stammered Ellen "I wish, if you please, Sir Mamma wished me to look at the merinoes, Sir, if you please."

      "Is your Mamma in the store?"

      "No, Sir," said Ellen, "she is ill, and cannot come out, and she sent me to look at merinoes for her, if you please, Sir."

      "Here, Saunders," said Mr. St. Clair, "show this young lady the merinoes."

      Mr. Saunders made his appearance from among a little group of clerks, with whom he had been indulging in a few jokes by way of relief from the tedium of business. "Come this way," he said to Ellen; and sauntering before her, with a rather dissatisfied air, led the way out of the entrance-hall into another and much larger apartment. There were plenty of people here too, and just as busy as those they had quitted. Mr. Saunders having brought Ellen to the merino counter, placed himself behind it, and leaning over it and fixing his eyes carelessly upon her, asked what she wanted to look at. His tone and manner struck Ellen most unpleasantly, and made her again wish herself out of the store. He was a tall, lank young man, with a quantity of fair hair combed down on each side of his face, a slovenly exterior, and the most disagreeable pair of eyes, Ellen thought, she had ever beheld. She could not bear to meet them, and cast down her own. Their look was bold, ill-bred, and ill-humoured; and Ellen felt, though she couldn't have told why, that she need not expect either kindness or politeness from him.

      "What do you want to see, little one?" inquired this gentleman, as if he had a business on hand he would like to be rid of. Ellen heartily wished he was rid of it, and she too.

      "Merinoes, if you please," she answered, without looking up.

      "Well, what kind of merinoes? Here are all sorts and descriptions of merinoes, and I can't pull them all down, you know, for you to look at. What kind do you want?"

      "I don't know without looking," said Ellen. "Won't you please to show me some?"

      He tossed down several pieces upon the counter, and tumbled them about before her.

      "There," said he, "is that anything like what you want? There's a pink one and there's a blue one and there's a green one. Is that the kind?"

      "This is the kind," said Ellen; "but this isn't the colour I want."

      "What colour do you want?"

      "Something dark, if you please."

      "Well, there, that green's dark; won't that do? See, that would make up very pretty for you."

      "No," said Ellen, "Mamma don't like green."


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