Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest. Borrow George

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Lavengro: The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest - Borrow George

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serpent sunk into its usual resting-place, and I sat down on the stool. The woman opened a box, and took out a strange little basket or hamper, not much larger than a man’s fist, and formed of a delicate kind of matting. It was sewed at the top; but, ripping it open with a knife, she held it to me, and I saw, to my surprise, that it contained candied fruits of a dark green hue, tempting enough to one of my age. “There, my tiny,” said she; “taste, and tell me how you like them.”

      “Very much,” said I; “where did you get them?”

      The beldame leered upon me for a moment, then, nodding her head thrice, with a knowing look, said: “Who knows better than yourself, my tawny?”

      Now, I knew nothing about the matter; but I saw that these strange people had conceived a very high opinion of the abilities of their visitor, which I was nothing loath to encourage. I therefore answered boldly, “Ah! who indeed!”

      “Certainly,” said the man; “who should know better than yourself, or who so well? And now my tiny one, let me ask you one thing—you didn’t come to do us any harm?”

      “No,” said I, “I had no dislike to you; though, if you were to meddle with me—”

      Man. Of course, my gorgious, of course you would; and quite right too. Meddle with you!—what right have we? I should say it would not be quite safe. I see how it is; you are one of them there;—and he bent his head towards his left shoulder.

      Myself. Yes, I am one of them—for I thought he was alluding to the soldiers—you had best mind what you are about, I can tell you.

      Man. Don’t doubt we will for our own sake; Lord bless you, wifelkin, only think that we should see one of them there when we least thought about it. Well, I have heard of such things, though I never thought to see one; however, seeing is believing. Well! now you are come, and are not going to do us any mischief, I hope you will stay; you can do us plenty of good if you will.

      Myself. What good can I do you?

      Man. What good? plenty! Would you not bring us luck? I have heard say, that one of them there always does, if it will but settle down. Stay with us, you shall have a tilted cart all to yourself if you like. We’ll make you our little God Almighty, and say our prayers to you every morning!

      Myself. That would be nice; and if you were to give me plenty of these things, I should have no objection. But what would my father say? I think he would hardly let me.

      Man. Why not? he would be with you; and kindly would we treat him. Indeed, without your father you would be nothing at all.

      Myself. That’s true; but I do not think he could be spared from his regiment. I have heard him say that they could do nothing without him.

      Man. His regiment! What are you talking about?—what does the child mean?

      Myself. What do I mean! why, that my father is an officer man at the barracks yonder, keeping guard over the French prisoners.

      Man. Oh! then that sap is not your father!

      Myself. What, the snake? Why, no! Did you think he was?

      Man. To be sure we did. Didn’t you tell me so?

      Myself. Why, yes; but who would have thought you would have believed it? It is a tame one. I hunt vipers and tame them.

      Man. O—h!

      “O—h!” grunted the woman, “that’s it, is it?”

      The man and woman, who during this conversation had resumed their former positions within the tent, looked at each other with a queer look of surprise, as if somewhat disconcerted at what they now heard. They then entered into discourse with each other in the same strange tongue which had already puzzled me. At length the man looked me in the face, and said, somewhat hesitatingly, “so you are not one of them there, after all?”

      Myself. One of them there? I don’t know what you mean.

      Man. Why, we have been thinking you were a goblin—a devilkin! However, I see how it is: you are a sap-engro, a chap who catches snakes, and plays tricks with them! Well, it comes very nearly to the same thing; and if you please to list with us, and bear us pleasant company, we shall be glad of you. I’d take my oath upon it that we might make a mort of money by you and that sap, and the tricks it could do; and, as you seem fly to everything, I shouldn’t wonder if you would make a prime hand at telling fortunes.

      “I shouldn’t wonder,” said I.

      Man. Of course. And you might still be our God Almighty, or at any rate our clergyman, so you should live in a tilted cart by yourself and say prayers to us night and morning—to wifelkin here, and all our family; there’s plenty of us when we are all together; as I said before, you seem fly, I shouldn’t wonder if you could read.

      “Oh, yes!” said I, “I can read;” and, eager to display my accomplishments, I took my book out of my pocket, and opening it at random, proceeded to read how a certain man whilst wandering about a certain solitary island, entered a cave, the mouth of which was overgrown with brushwood, and how he was nearly frightened to death in that cave by something which he saw.

      “That will do,” said the man; “that’s the kind of prayers for me and my family, ar’n’t they, wifelkin? I never heard more delicate prayers in all my life! Why, they beat the rubricals hollow!—and here comes my son Jasper. [34] I say, Jasper, here’s a young sap-engro that can read, and is more fly than yourself. Shake hands with him; I wish ye to be two brothers.”

      With a swift but stealthy pace Jasper came towards us from the farther part of the lane; on reaching the tent he stood still, and looked fixedly upon me as I sat upon the stool; I looked fixedly upon him. A queer look had Jasper; he was a lad of some twelve or thirteen years, with long arms, unlike the singular being who called himself his father; his complexion was ruddy, but his face was seamed, though it did not bear the peculiar scar which disfigured the countenance of the other; nor, though roguish enough, a certain evil expression which that of the other bore, and which the face of the woman possessed in a yet more remarkable degree. For the rest, he wore drab breeches, with certain strings at the knee, a rather gay waistcoat, and tolerably white shirt; under his arm he bore a mighty whip of whalebone with a brass knob, and upon his head was a hat without either top or brim.

      “There, Jasper! shake hands, with the sap-engro.”

      “Can he box, father?” said Jasper, surveying me rather contemptuously. “I should think not, he looks so puny and small.”

      “Hold your peace, fool!” said the man; “he can do more than that—I tell you he’s fly; he carries a sap about, which would sting a ninny like you to dead.”

      “What, a sap-engro!” said the boy, with a singular whine, and, stooping down, he leered curiously in my face, kindly, however, and then patted me on the head. “A sap-engro,” he ejaculated; “lor!”

      “Yes, and one of the right sort,” said the man; “I am glad we have met with him; he is going to list with us, and be our clergyman and God Almighty, a’n’t you, my tawny?”

      “I don’t know,” said I; “I must see

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