Harbor Tales Down North. Duncan Norman

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Harbor Tales Down North - Duncan Norman

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havin' a tough struggle t' command my patience. What you think she telegraphed for?"

      "Havin' made up her mind, she jus' couldn't wait t' speak it."

      "I wonder what——"

      "Me too, Sandy. God knows it! Still an' all, impatient as I is, I can wait for the answer. 'Twould be sin an' folly for a man t' take his life out on Scalawag Run this night for no better reason than t' satisfy his curiosity. I'm in favor o' waitin' with patience for a better time across."

      "The maid might be ill," Tommy Lark objected.

      "She's not ill. She's jus' positive an' restless. I knows her ways well enough t' know that much."

      "She might be ill."

      "True, she might; but she——"

      "An' if——"

      Sandy Rowl, who had been staring absently up the coast toward the sea, started and exclaimed.

      "Ecod!" said he. "A bank o' fog's comin' round Point-o'-Bay!"


      "That ends it."

      "'Tis a pity!"

      "'Twill be thick as mud on the floe in half an hour. We must lie the night here."

      "I don't know, Sandy."

      Sandy laughed.

      "Tommy," said he, "'tis a wicked folly t' cling t' your notion any longer."

      "I wants t' know what's in that telegram."

      "So does I."

      "I'm fair shiverin' with eagerness t' know. Isn't you?"

      "I'm none too steady."

      "Sandy, I jus' got t' know!"

      "Well, then," Sandy Rowl proposed, "we'll go an' bait the telegraph lady into tellin' us."

      It was an empty pursuit. The young woman from St. John's was obdurate. Not a hint escaped her in response to the baiting and awkward interrogation of Tommy Lark and Sandy Rowl; and the more they besought her, the more suspicious she grew. She was an obstinate young person—she was precise, she was scrupulous, she was of a secretive, untrustful turn of mind; and as she was ambitious for advancement from the dreary isolation of Point-o'-Bay Cove, she was not to be entrapped or entreated into what she had determined was a breach of discipline. Moreover, it appeared to her suspicious intelligence that these young men were too eager for information. Who were they? She had not been long in charge of the office at Point-o'-Bay Cove. She did not know them. And why should they demand to know the contents of the telegram before undertaking the responsibility of its delivery?

      As for the degree of peril in a crossing of Scalawag Run, she was not aware of it; she was from St. John's, not out-port born. The ice in the swell of the sea, with fog creeping around Point-o'-Bay in a rising wind, meant nothing to her experience. At any rate, she would not permit herself to fall into a questionable situation in which she might be called severely to account. She was not of that sort. She had her own interests to serve. They would be best served by an exact execution of her duty.

      "This telegram," said she, "is an office secret, as I have told you already. I have my orders not to betray office secrets."

      Tommy Lark was abashed.

      "Look you," he argued. "If the message is of no consequence an' could be delayed——"

      "I haven't said that it is of no consequence."

      "Then 'tis of consequence!"

      "I don't say that it is of consequence. I don't say anything either way. I don't say anything at all."

      "Well, now," Tommy complained, "t' carry that message across Scalawag Run would be a wonderful dangerous——"

      "You don't have to carry it across."

      "True. Yet 'tis a man's part t' serve——"

      "My instructions," the young woman interrupted, "are to deliver messages as promptly as possible. If you are crossing to Scalawag Harbor to-night, I should be glad if you would take this telegram with you. If you are not—well, that's not my affair. I am not instructed to urge anybody to deliver my messages."

      "Is the message from the maid?"

      "What a question!" the young woman exclaimed indignantly. "I'll not tell you!"

      "Is there anything about sickness in it?"

      "I'll not tell you."

      "If 'tis a case o' sickness," Tommy declared, "we'll take it across, an' glad t' be o' service. If 'tis the other matter——"

      "What other matter?" the young woman flashed.

      "Well," Tommy replied, flushed and awkward, "there was another little matter between Elizabeth Luke an'——"

      The young woman started.

      "Elizabeth Luke!" she cried. "Did you say Elizabeth Luke?"

      "I did, ma'am."

      "I said nothing about Elizabeth Luke."

      "We knows 'tis from she."

      "Ah-ha!" the young woman exclaimed. "You know far too much. I think you have more interest in this telegram than you ought to have."

      "I confess it."

      The young woman surveyed Tommy Lark with sparkling curiosity. Her eyes twinkled. She pursed her lips.

      "What's your name?" she inquired.

      "Thomas Lark."

      The young woman turned to Sandy Rowl.

      "What's your name?" she demanded.

      "Alexander Rowl. Is there—is there anything in the telegram about me? Aw, come now!"

      The young woman laughed pleasantly. There was a romance in the wind. Her interest was coy.

      "Would you like to know?" she teased, her face dimpling.

      Sandy Rowl responded readily to this dimpling, flashing banter. A conclusion suggested itself with thrilling conviction.

      "I would!" he declared.

      "And to think that I could tell you!"

      "I'm sure you could, ma'am!"

      The young woman turned to Tommy Lark.

      "Your name's Lark?"

      "Yes, ma'am. There's nothin'—there's nothin' in the telegram about a man called Thomas Lark, is there?"


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