The Telegraph Boy. Jr. Horatio Alger

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The Telegraph Boy - Jr. Horatio Alger

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your lookout. Some blind men work. I suppose you would rather get your living by begging."

      "I would work my fingers to the bone if I could only see," whined Mills.

      "So you say; but I don't believe it. At any rate, that boy of yours can see. Why don't you set him to work?"

      "He has to take care of me."

      "I would work if I could get anything to do," said Frank.

      As he spoke, he felt his hand pressed forcibly by his companion, who did not relish his answer.

      "I cannot spare him," he whined. "He has to do everything for me."

      When they were again in the street, Mills demanded, roughly, "What did you mean by saying that?"

      "What, sir?"

      "That you wanted to go to work."

      "Because it is true."

      "You are at work; you are working for me," said Mills.

      "I would rather work in a store, or an office, or sell papers."

      "That wouldn't do me any good. Don't speak in that way again."

      The two were out about a couple of hours, and very tiresome Frank found it. Then Mills indicated a desire to go home, and they went back to the room in the old tenement-house. Mills threw himself down on the bed in the corner, and heaved a sigh of relief.

      "Now, boy, count the money we have collected," he said.

      "There's ninety-three cents," Frank announced.

      "If I had known it was so near a dollar we would have stayed a little longer. Now, get me my pipe."

      "Where is it, sir?"

      "In the cupboard. Fill it with tobacco, and light it."

      "Are you not afraid of setting the bedding on fire, sir?"

      "Mind your own business. If I choose to set it on fire, I will," snarled Mills.

      "Very well, sir; I thought I'd mention it."

      "You have mentioned it, and you needn't do it again."

      "What a sweet temper you've got!" thought Frank.

      He sat down on a broken chair, and, having nothing else to do, watched his employer. "He looks very much as if he could see," thought Frank; for Mills now had his eyes wide open.

      "What are you staring at me for, boy?" demanded his employer, rather unexpectedly.

      "What makes you think I am staring at you, sir?" was Frank's natural question. "I thought you couldn't see."

      "No more I can, but I can tell when one is staring at me. It makes me creep all over."

      "Then I'll look somewhere else."

      "Would you like to do some work, as you said?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "Then take twenty-five cents, and buy some evening papers and sell them; but mind you bring the money to me."

      "Yes, sir," said Frank, with alacrity.

      Anything he thought would be better than sitting in that dull room with so disagreeable a companion.

      "Mind you don't run off with the money," said the blind man, sharply. "If you do I'll have you put in the Tombs."

      "I don't mean to run away with the money," retorted Frank, indignantly.

      "And when you've sold the papers, come home."

      "Yes, sir."

      With a feeling of relief, Frank descended the stairs and directed his steps to the Park, meaning to ask Dick Rafferty's advice about the proper way to start in business as a newsboy.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      Frank found his friend on Park Row, and made known his errand.

      "So old Mills wants you to sell papers for his benefit, does he?"

      "Yes, but I'd rather do it than to stay with him."

      "How much has he agreed to pay you?"

      "That isn't settled yet."

      "You'd better bring him to the point, or he won't pay you anything except board and lodging, and mighty mean both of them will be."

      "I won't say anything about it the first day," said Frank. "What papers shall I buy?"

      "It's rather late. You'd better try for Telegrams."

      Frank did so, and succeeded in selling half a dozen, yielding a profit of six cents. It was not a brilliant beginning, but he was late in the field, and most had purchased their evening papers. His papers sold, Frank went home and announced the result.

      "Umph!" muttered the blind man. "Give me the money."

      "Here it is, sir."

      "Have you given me all?" sharply demanded Mills.

      "Of course I have," said Frank, indignantly.

      "Don't you be impudent, or I will give you a flogging," said the blind man, roughly.

      "I am not used to be talked to in that way," said Frank, independently.

      "You've always had your own way, I suppose," snarled Mills.

      "No, I haven't; but I have been treated kindly."

      "You are only a boy, and I won't allow you to talk back to me. Do you hear?"


      "Then take care to remember."

      "You've got a sweet disposition," thought Frank. "I won't stay with you any longer than I am obliged to."

      Several days passed without bringing any incidents worth recording. Frank took a daily walk with the blind man, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon. These walks were very distasteful to him. The companion of a beggar, he felt as if he himself were begging. He liked better the time he spent in selling papers, though he reaped no benefit himself. In fact, his wages were poor enough. Thus far his fare had consisted of dry bread with an occasional bun. He was a healthy,

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