One Woman's Life. Robert Herrick

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One Woman's Life - Robert Herrick

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was characteristic of Milly to begin with the show part of the premises first and then work backwards to the fundamentals, pushing confusion slowly before her. The old lady watched the colored man move the rickety mahogany back and forth under Milly's orders for a few more minutes, then her thin lips tightened ominously.

      "I think your father may have something to say about this, Mildred!"

      "He'll be all right if you don't stir him up," the girl replied with assurance. She walked across the room to her grandmother. "See here, grandma, I'm 'most seventeen now and big for my age—"

      "Please-say 'large,' Mildred."

      "Large then—'most a woman. And this is my father's home—and mine—until he gets married again, which of course he won't do as long as I am here to look after him. … And, grandma, I mean to be the head of this house."

      The old lady drooped.

      "Very well, my dear, I see only too plainly the results of your poor mother's—"

      "Grandma!" the girl flashed warningly.

      "If I'm not wanted here—"

      "You're not—now! The best thing for you to do is to go straight back to the boarding-house and read your Christian Vindicator until I'm ready for you to move in."

      "At the rate you are going it will be some days before your father can have the use of his home."

      "A week at least I should say."

      "And he must pay board another week for all of us!"

      "I suppose so—we must live somewhere, mustn't we?" Milly remarked sweetly.

      So with a final shrug of her tiny shoulders the little old lady let herself out of the front door, stealthily betook herself down the long flight of steps and, without a backward glance, headed for the boarding-house. Milly watched her out of sight from the front window.

      "Thank heaven, she's really gone!" she muttered. "Always snooping about like a cat—prying and fussing. She's such a nuisance, poor grandma."

      It was neither said nor felt ill-naturedly. Milly was generous with all the world, liked everybody, including her grandmother, who was a perpetual thorn—liked her least of anybody in the world because of her stealthy ways and her petty bullying, also because of the close watch she kept over the family purse when Milly wished to thrust her prodigal hand therein. She made the excuse to herself when she was harsh with the old lady—"And she was so mean to poor mama—" that gentle, soft, weak southern mother, whom Milly had abused while living and now adored—as is the habit of imperfect mortals. …

      So with a lighter heart, having routed the old lady, at least for this afternoon, Milly continued to set up the broken and shabby household goods to suit herself. She coaxed the colored boys into considerable activity with her persuasive ways, having an inherited capacity for getting work out of lazy and emotional help, who respond to the personal touch. By dusk, when her father came, she had the two front rooms arranged to her liking. Sam was hanging a bulky steel engraving—"Windsor Castle with a View of Eton"—raising and lowering it patiently at Milly's orders. It was the most ambitious work of art that the family possessed, yet she felt it was not really suited, and accepted it provisionally, consigning it mentally to the large scrap-heap of Ridge belongings which she had already begun in the back yard.

      "Well, daughter," Mr. Ridge called out cheerily from the open door, "how you're getting on?"

      "Oh, papa!" (Somewhere in the course of her wanderings Milly had learned not to say "paw.")

      She flew to the little man and hugged him enthusiastically.

      "I'm so dead tired—I've worked every minute, haven't I, Sam?"

      "She sure has," the boy chuckled admiringly, "kep us all agoin' too!"

      "How do you like it, papa?"

      Milly led the little man into the front room and waited breathlessly for his approbation. It was her first attempt in the delicate art of household arrangement.

      "It's fine—it's all right!" Horatio commented amiably, twisting an unlighted cigar between his teeth and surveying the room dubiously. His tone implied bewilderment. He was a creature of habits, even if they were peripatetic habits: he missed the parlor furniture and the green rug. They meant home to him. Looking into the rear cavern where Milly had thrust all the furniture she had not the courage to scrap, he observed slyly—"What'll your grandmother say?"

      "She's said it," Milly laughed.

      Horatio chuckled. This was woman's business, and wise male that he was he maintained an amused neutrality.

      "Ain't you most unpacked, Milly? I'm getting dead tired of boarding."

      "Oh, I've just begun, really! You don't know what time it takes to settle a house properly."

      "Didn't think we had so much stuff."

      "We haven't anything fit to use—that's the trouble. We must get some new things right away. I want a rug for this room first."

      "Isn't there a carpet?"

      "A carpet! Papa, they don't use carpets any more. A nice, soft rug, with a border 'round it. … "

      Horatio retreated towards the door. But before they had reached the boarding-house, the first advance towards Milly's Ideal of the New Home had been plotted. The rug was settled. Milly was to meet her father in the city at noon on the morrow and select one. Arm in arm, father and daughter came up the steps—charming picture of family intimacy.

      "So nice to see father and daughter such friends!" one of the boarding-house ladies observed to Grandma Ridge.

      "Oh, yes," the old lady admitted with a chilly smile. She knew what these demonstrations cost in cash from her son's leaky pockets. If she had lived later, doubtless she would have called Milly a cunning grafter.

      Milly smiled upon the interested stranger, good humoredly, as she always smiled. She was feeling very tired after her day's exertions, but happily content with her first efforts to realize her ambition—to have "some place for herself." What she meant by having a place for herself in the world she did not yet understand of course. Nor what she could do with it, having achieved it. It was an instinct, blind in the manner of instincts, of her dependent womanhood. She was quite sure that something must happen—a something that would give her a horizon more spacious than that of the West Side.

      Meantime she ate the unappetizing food put before her with good grace, and smiled and chatted with all the dreary spinsters of the boarding-house table.

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      The ugly little house was at last got to rights, at least as much so

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