Carette of Sark. John Oxenham

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Carette of Sark - John Oxenham

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all right, Carette," he cried, as he drove up alongside, and the swimmer grasped hurriedly at his extended arm. "We've done stiffer bits than this. Now—rest a minute!—All right?—Come on then for the boat. Here you are!—Hang on till I get in!"

      He drew himself up slowly, and hung for a moment while the water poured out of his clothes. Then, with a heave and a wild kick in the air, he was aboard, and turned to assist his companion. He grasped the little brown hands and braced his foot against the gunwale. "Now!" and she came up over the side like a lovely white elf, and sank panting among the golden-brown coils of vraic.

      "It was silly of you to jump in there, you know," said the boy over his shoulder, as he sat down to his oars and headed for Pierre au Norman again. "The Race is too strong for you. I've told you so before."

      "You do it yourself," she panted.

      "I'm a boy and I'm stronger than you."

      "I can swim as fast as you."

      "But I can last longer, and the Race is too strong for me sometimes."

      "B'en! I knew you'd pick me up."

      "Well, don't you ever do it when I'm not here, or some day the black snake will get you and you'll never come up again."

      He was pulling steadily now through the backwater of Havre Gosselin;—past the iron clamps let into the face of the rock, up and down which the fishermen climbed like flies;—past the moored boats;—avoiding hidden rocks by the instinct of constant usage, till his boat slid up among the weed-cushioned boulders of the shore, and he drew in his oars and laid them methodically along the thwarts.

      The small girl jumped out and wallowed in the warm lip of the tide, and finally squatted in it with her brown hands clasped round her pink-white knees—unabashed, unashamed, absolutely innocent of any possible necessity for either—as lovely a picture as all those coasts could show.

      Her long hair, dark with the water, hung in wet rats' tails on her slim white shoulders, which were just flushed with the nip of the sea. The clear drops sparkled on her pretty brown face like pearls and diamonds, and seemed loth to fall. Her little pink toes curled up out of the creamy wash to look at her.

      "Where are your things?" asked the boy.

      "In the cave yonder."

      "Go and get dressed," he said, looking down at her with as little thought of unseemliness as she herself.

      "Not at all. I'm quite warm."

      "Well, I'm going to dry my things," and he began to wriggle out of his knitted blue guernsey. "Also," he said, following up a previous train of thought, "let me tell you there are devil-fish about here. One came up with one of our pots yesterday."

      "Pooh! I killed one with a stick this morning. They're only baby ones; comme ça," and she measured about two inches between her little pink palms.

      "This one was so big," and he indicated a yard or so, between the flapping sleeves of the guernsey in which his head was still involved.

      "I don't believe you, Phil Carré," she said with wide eyes. "You're just trying to frighten me."

      "All right! Just you wait till one catches hold of your leg when you're out swimming all by yourself. If I'd known you'd be so silly I'd never have taught you."

      "You didn't teach me. You only dared me in and showed me how."

      "Well then! And if I hadn't you'd never have learnt."

      "Maybe I would. Someone else would have taught me."

      "Who then?"

      And to that she had no answer. For if the good God intends a man to drown it is going against His will to try to thwart him by learning to swim—such, at all events, was the very prevalent belief in those parts, and is to this day.

      As soon as the boy was free of his clothes, he spread them neatly to the sun on a big boulder, and with a whoop went skipping over the stones into the water, till he fell full length with a splash and began swimming vigorously seawards. The small girl sat watching him for a minute and then skipped in after him, and the cormorants ceased their diving and the seagulls their wheelings and mewings, and all gathered agitatedly on a rock at the farther side of the bay, and wondered what such shouts and laughter might portend.

      But suddenly the boy broke off short in his sporting, and paddled noiselessly, with his face straining seawards.

      "What is it then, Phil? Has the big pieuvre got hold of your leg?" cried the girl, as she splashed up towards him.

      He raised a dripping hand to silence her, and while the dark eyes were still widening with surprise, a dull boom came rolling along the wind over the cliffs of Brecqhou.

      "A gun," said the boy, and turned and headed swiftly for the shore.

      "Wait for me, Phil!" cried the girl, as she skipped over the stones like a sunbeam and disappeared into the black mouth of the cave.

      "Quick then!" as he wrestled with his half-dried clothes, still sticky with the sea-water.

      He was fixing the iron bar, which served as anchor for his boat, under a big boulder, when she joined him, still buttoning her skirt, and they sped together up the hazardous path which led up to La Frégondée. He gave her a helping hand now and again over difficult bits, but they had no breath for words. They reached the top panting like hounds, but the boy turned at once through the fields to the left and never stopped till he dropped spent on the short turf of the headland by Saut de Juan.

      "Ah!" he gasped, and sighed with vast enjoyment, and the girl stared wide-eyed.

      Down Great Russel, between them and Herm, two great ships were driving furiously, with every sail at fullest stretch and the white waves boiling under their bows. Farther out, beyond the bristle of reefs and islets which stretch in a menacing line to the north of Herm, another stately vessel was manoeuvring in advance of—

      "One—two—three—four—five—six," counted the boy, "and each one as big as herself."

      Every now and again came the sullen boom of her guns and answering booms from her pursuers.

      "Six to one!" breathed the boy, quivering like a pointer. "And she's terrible near the rocks. Bon Gyu! but she'll be on them! She'll be on them sure," and he jumped up and danced in his excitement. "You can't get her through there!—Ay-ee!" and he funnelled his hands to shout a warning across three miles of sea in the teeth of a westerly breeze.

      "Silly!" said the girl from the turf where she sat with her hands round her knees. "They can't hear you!"

      "Oh, guyabble! Oh, bon Gyu!" and he stood stiff and stark, as the great ship narrowed as she turned towards them suddenly, and came threading her way through the bristling rocks, in a way that passed belief and set the hair in the nape of the boy's neck crawling with apprehension.

      "Platte Boue!" he gasped, as she came safely past that danger. "Grand Amfroque!" and he began to dance.

      "Founiais!" and she came out into Great Russel with a glorious sweep, shook herself proudly to the other tack, and went

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