The Rangeland Avenger. Max Brand

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The Rangeland Avenger - Max Brand

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gun he could get meat, and as long as he could get meat, he cared little about other niceties of diet. On a long trip his "extras" were usually confined to a couple of bags of strength-giving grain for his horse.

      "Maybe you'd know the gent I'm down here looking for?" asked Riley.

       "Happen to know Ollie Quade—Oliver Quade?"

      "Sort of know him, yep."

      Riley went on explaining blandly "You see, I'm carrying him a sort of a death message."

      "H'm," said the big man, and he watched Riley, his eyes grown suddenly alert, his glance shifting from hand to face with catlike uncertainty.

      "Yep," resumed Sinclair in a rambling vein. "I come from a gent that used to be a pal of his. Name is Sam Lowrie."

      "Sam Lowrie!" exclaimed the other. "You a friend of Sam's?"

      "I was the only gent with him when he died," said Sinclair simply.

      "Dead!" said the other heavily. "Sam dead!"

      "You must of been pretty thick with him," declared Riley.

      "Man, I'm Quade. Lowrie was my bunkie!"

      He came close to Sinclair, raising an eager face. "How'd Lowrie go out?"

      "Pretty peaceful—boots off—everything comfortable."

      "He give you a message for me?"

      "Yep, about a gent called Sinclair—Hal Sinclair, I think it was." Immediately he turned his eyes away, as if he were striving to recollect accurately. Covertly he sent a side glance at Quade and found him scowling suspiciously. When he turned his head again, his eye was as clear as the eye of a child. "Yep," he said, "that was the name—Hal Sinclair."

      "What about Hal Sinclair?" asked Quade gruffly.

      "Seems like Sinclair was on Lowrie's conscience," said Riley in the same unperturbed voice.

      "You don't say so!"

      "I'll tell you what he told me. Maybe he was just raving, for he had a sort of fever before he went out. He said that you and him and Hal Sinclair and Bill Sandersen all went out prospecting. You got stuck clean out in the desert, Lowrie said, and you hit for water. Then Sinclair's hoss busted his leg in a hole. The fall smashed up Sinclair's foot. The four of you went on, Sinclair riding one hoss, and the rest of you taking turns with the third one. Without water the hosses got weak, and you gents got pretty badly scared, Lowrie said. Finally you and Sandersen figured that Sinclair had got to get off, but Sinclair couldn't walk. So the three of you made up your minds to leave him and make a dash for water. You got to water, all right, and in three hours you went back for Sinclair. But he'd given up hope and shot himself, sooner'n die of thirst, Lowrie said."

      The horrible story came slowly from the lips of Riley Sinclair. There was not the slightest emotion in his face until Quade rubbed his knuckles across his wet forehead. Then there was the faintest jutting out of Riley's jaw.

      "Lowrie was sure raving," said Quade.

      Sinclair looked carelessly down at the gray face of Quade. "I guess maybe he was, but what he asked me to say was: 'Hell is sure coming to what you boys done.'"

      "He thought about that might late," replied Quade. "Waited till he could shift the blame on me and Sandersen, eh? To hell with Lowrie!"

      "Maybe he's there, all right," said Sinclair, shrugging. "But I've got rid of the yarn, anyway."

      "Are you going to spread that story around in Sour Creek?" asked Quade softly.

      "Me? Why, that story was told me confidential by a gent that was about to go out!"

      Riley's frank manner disarmed Quade in a measure.

      "Kind of queer, me running on to you like this, ain't it?" he went on. "Well, you're fixed up sort of comfortable up here. Nice little shack, partner. And I suppose you got a wife and kids and everything? Pretty lucky, I'd call you!"

      Quade was glad of an opportunity to change the subject. "No wife yet!" he said.

      "Living up here all alone?"

      "Sure! Why?"

      "Nothing! Thought maybe you'd find it sort of lonesome."

      Back to the dismissed subject Quade returned, with the persistence of a guilty conscience. "Say," he said, "while we're talking about it, you don't happen to believe what Lowrie said?"

      "Lowrie was pretty sick; maybe he was raving. So you're all along up here? Nobody near?"

      His restless, impatient eye ran over the surroundings. There was not a soul in sight. The mountains were growing stark and black against the flush of the western sky. His glance fell back upon Quade.

      "But how did Lowrie happen to die?"

      "He got shot."

      "Did a gang drop him?"

      "Nope, just one gent."

      "You don't say! But Lowrie was a pretty slick hand with a gun—next to Bill Sandersen, the best I ever seen, almost! Somebody got the drop on him, eh?"

      "Nope, he killed himself!"

      Quade gasped. "Suicide?"


      "How come?"

      "I'll tell you how it was. He seen a gent coming. In fact he looked out of the window of his hotel and seen Riley Sinclair, and he figured that Riley had come to get him for what happened to his brother, Hal. Lowrie got sort of excited, lost his nerve, and when the hotel keeper come upstairs, Lowrie thought it was Sinclair, and he didn't wait. He shot himself."

      "You seem to know a pile," said Quade thoughtfully.

      "Well, you see, I'm Riley Sinclair." Still he smiled, but Quade was as one who had seen a ghost.

      "I had to make sure that you was alone. I had to make sure that you was guilty. And you are, Quade. Don't do that!"

      The hand of Quade slipped around the butt of his gun and clung there.

      "You ain't fit for a gun fight right now," went on Riley Sinclair slowly. "You're all shaking, Quade, and you couldn't hit the side of the mountain, let alone me. Wait a minute. Take your time. Get all settled down and wait till your hand stops shaking."

      Quade moistened his white lips and waited.

      "You give Hal plenty of time," resumed Riley Sinclair. "Since Lowrie told me that yarn I been wondering how Hal felt when you and the other two left him alone. You know, a gent can do some pretty stiff thinking before he makes up his mind to blow his head off."

      His tone was quite conversational.

      "Queer thing how I come to blunder into all this information, partner. I come into a room where Lowrie was. The minute he heard my name he figured I was after him on

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