The O'Ruddy. Robert Barr

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The O'Ruddy - Robert  Barr

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Strepp!" wailed the Colonel. "Oh, my God, Strepp!"

      "You fight no more to-day," said the young lord.

      Then happened unexpected interruptions. Paddy told me afterward that during the duel a maid had looked over a wall and yelled, and dropped a great brown bowl at sight of our occupation. She must have been the instrument that aroused the entire county, for suddenly men came running from everywhere. And the little boys! There must have been little boys from all over England.

      "What is it? What is it?"

      "Two gentlemen have been fighting!"

      "Oh, aye, look at him with the blood on him!"

      "Well, and there is young my Lord Strepp. He'd be deep in the matter, I warrant you!"

      "Look yon, Bill! Mark the gentleman with the red hair. He's not from these parts, truly. Where, think you, he comes from?"

      "'Tis a great marvel to see such hair, and I doubt not he comes from Africa."

      They did not come very near, for in those days there was little the people feared but a gentleman, and small wonder. However, when the little boys judged that the delay in a resumption of the fight was too prolonged, they did not hesitate to express certain unconventional opinions and commands.

      "Hurry up, now!"

      "Go on!"

      "You're both afeared!"

      "Begin! Begin!"

      "Are the gentlemen in earnest?"

      "Sirs, do you mean ever to fight again? Begin, begin."

      But their enthusiasm waxed high after they had thoroughly comprehended Paddy and his hair.

      "You're alight, sir; you're alight!"

      "Water! Water!"

      "Farmer Pelton will have the officers at you an you go near his hay. Water!"

      Paddy understood that they were paying tribute to his importance, and he again went suddenly out of my control. He began to strut and caper and pose with the air of knowing that he was the finest gentleman in England.

      "Paddy, you baboon," said I, "be quiet and don't be making yourself a laughing-stock for the whole of them."

      But I could give small heed to him, for I was greatly occupied in watching Lord Strepp and the Colonel. The Colonel was listening now to his friend for the simple reason that the loss of blood had made him too weak to fight again. Of a sudden he slumped gently down through Lord Strepp's arms to the ground, and, as the young man knelt, he cast his eyes about him until they rested upon me in what I took to be mute appeal. I ran forward, and we quickly tore his fine ruffles to pieces and succeeded in quite stanching his wounds, none of which were serious. "'Tis only a little blood-letting," said my Lord Strepp with something of a smile. "'Twill cool him, perchance."

      "None of them are deep," I cried hastily. "I—"

      But Lord Strepp stopped me with a swift gesture. "Yes," he said, "I knew. I could see. But—" He looked at me with troubled eyes. "It is an extraordinary situation. You have spared him, and—he will not wish to be spared, I feel sure. Most remarkable case."

      "Well, I won't kill him," said I bluntly, having tired of this rubbish. "Damme if I will!"

      Lord Strepp laughed outright. "It is ridiculous," he said. "Do you return, O'Ruddy, and leave me the care of this business. And," added he, with embarrassed manner, "this mixture is full strange; but—I feel sure—any how, I salute you, sir." And in his bow he paid a sensible tribute to my conduct.

      Afterward there was nought to do but gather in Paddy and return to the inn. I found my countryman swaggering to and fro before the crowd. Some ignoramus, or some wit, had dubbed him the King of Ireland, and he was playing to the part.

      "Paddy, you red-headed scandal," said I, "come along now!"

      When he heard me, he came well enough; but I could not help but feel from his manner that he had made a great concession.

      "And so they would be taking me for the King of Ireland, and, sure, 'tis an advantage to be thought a king whatever, and if your honour would be easy 'tis you and me that would sleep in the finest beds in Bristol the night, and nothing to do but take the drink as it was handed and—I'll say no more."

      A rabble followed us on our way to the inn, but I turned on them so fiercely from time to time that ultimately they ran off. We made direct for my chamber, where I ordered food and drink immediately to be served. Once alone there with Paddy I allowed my joy to take hold on me. "Eh, Paddy, my boy," said I, walking before him, "I have done grand. I am, indeed, one of the finest gentlemen in the world."

      "Aye, that's true," he answered, "but there was a man at your back throughout who—"

      To his extreme astonishment I buffeted him heavily upon the cheek. "And we'll have no more of that talk," said I.

       Table of Contents


      ye!" said Paddy, holding his jowl; "'tis what one gets for serving a gentleman. 'Tis the service of a good truthful blackguard I'd be looking for, and that's true for me."

      "Be quiet and mind what I tell you," I cried to him. "I'm uplifted with my success in England, and I won't be hearing anything from you while I am saying that I am one of the grandest gentlemen in all the world. I came over here with papers—papers!" said I; and then I bethought me that I would take the papers and wave them in my hand. I don't know why people wish to wave important documents in their hands, but the impulse came to me. Above all things I wished to take these papers and wave them defiantly, exultantly, in the air. They were my inheritance and my land of promise; they were everything. I must wave them even to the chamber, empty save for Paddy.

      When I reached for them in the proper place in my luggage they were gone. I wheeled like a tiger upon Paddy.

      "Villain," I roared, grasping him at the throat, "you have them!"

      He sank in full surrender to his knees.

      "I have, your honour," he wailed; "but, sure, I never thought your honour would care, since one of them is badly worn at the heel, and the other is no better than no boot at all."

      I was cooled by the incontestable verity of this man. I sat heavily down in a chair by the fire.

      "Aye," said I stupidly, "the boots! I did not mean the boots, although when you took them passes my sense of time. I mean some papers."

      "Some papers!" cried he excitedly. "Your honour never thought it would be me that would steal papers? Nothing less than good cows would do my people, and a bit of turf now and then, but papers—"

      "Peace!" said I sombrely, and began to search my luggage thoroughly for my missing inheritance. But it was all

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