The Prisoner. Alice Brown

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The Prisoner - Alice Brown

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to feel triumphant because he was out of prison. She had lost a cherished dream, that was all. After this she wouldn't wake in the morning thinking: "Some day he'll be free." She would think: "He's come. What shall we do with him?"

      When she went down she found everybody had got up early, and Mary Nellen, with some prescience of it, had breakfast ready. Jeff, now in his coat, stood by the dining-room door with his father, talking in a commonplace way about the house as it used to be, and the colonel was professing himself glad no newer fashions had made him change it in essentials.

      "Here they are," said he. "Here are the girls."

      Anne, while Lydia entered from the hall, was coming the other way, from the kitchen where she had been to match conclusions with Mary Nellen about bacon and toast. Anne was flushed from the kitchen heat, and she had the spirit to smile and call, "Good morning." But Lydia felt halting and speechless. She had thought proudly of the tact she should show when this moment came, but she met it like a child. They sat down, and Anne poured coffee and asked how Farvie had slept. But before anybody had begun to eat, there was a knock at the front door, and Mary Nellen, answering it, came back to Anne, in a distinct puzzle over what was to be done now:

      "It's a newspaper man."

      Lydia, in her distress, gave Jeffrey a quick look, to see if he had heard. He put his napkin down. His jaw seemed suddenly to set.

      "Reporters?" he asked his father.

      The fulness had gone out of Farvie's face.

      "I think you'd better let me see them," he began, but Jeffrey got up and pushed back his chair.

      "No," said he. "Go on with your breakfast."

      They heard him in the hall, giving a curt greeting. "What do you want?" it seemed to say. "Get it over."

      There was a deep-toned query then, and Jeffrey answered, without lowering his voice, in what seemed to Lydia and Anne, watching the effect on their father, a reckless, if not a brutal, disregard of decencies:

      "Nothing to say. Yes, I understand. You fellows have got to get a story. But you can't. I've been pardoned out, that's all. I'm here. That ends it."

      It didn't end it for them. They kept on proffering persuasive little notes of interrogative sound, and possibly they advanced their claim to be heard because they had their day's work to do.

      "Sorry," said Jeff, yet not too curtly. "Yes, I did write for the prison paper. Yes, it was in my hands. No, I hadn't the slightest intention of over-turning any system. Reason for doing it? Why, because that's the way the thing looked to me. Not on your life. I sha'n't write a word for any paper. Sorry. Good-bye."

      The front door closed. It had been standing wide, for it was a warm morning, but Lydia could imagine he shut it now in a way to make more certain his tormentors had gone. While he was out there her old sweet sympathy came flooding back, but when he strode into the room and took up his napkin again, she stole one glance at him and met his scowl and didn't like him any more. The scowl wasn't for her. It was an introspective scowl, born out of things he intimately knew and couldn't communicate if he tried.

      The colonel had looked quite radiantly happy that morning. Now his colour had died down, leaving in his cheeks the clear pallor of age, and his hands were trembling. It seemed that somebody had to speak, and he did it, faintly.

      "I hope you are not going to be pursued by that kind of thing."

      "It's all in the day's work," said Jeffrey.

      He was eating his breakfast with a careful attention to detail. Anne thought he seemed like a painstaking child not altogether sure of his manners. She thought, too, with her swift insight into the needs of man, that he was horribly hungry. She was not, like Lydia, on the verge of impulse all the time, but she broke out here, and then bit her lip:

      "I don't believe you did have anything to eat last night."

      Lydia gave a little jump in her chair. She didn't see how Anne dared bait the scowling martyr. He looked at Anne. His scowl continued. They began to see he perhaps couldn't smooth it out. But he smiled a little.

      "Because I'm so hungry?" he asked. His voice sounded kind. "Well, I didn't."

      Lydia, now conversation had begun, wanted to be in it.

      "Why not?" asked she, and Anne gave a little protesting note.

      "I don't know," said Jeffrey, considering. "I didn't feel like it."

      This he said awkwardly, but they all, with a rush of pity for him, thought they knew what he meant. He had eaten his food within restraining walls, probably in silence, and to take up the kind ceremonial of common life was too much for him. Anne poured him another cup of coffee.

      "Seen Jim Reardon?" Jeffrey asked his father.

      Anne and Lydia could scarcely forbear another glance at him. Here was Reardon, the evil influence behind him, too soon upon the scene. They would not have had his name mentioned until it should be brought out in Jeffrey's vindication.

      "No," said the colonel. "Alston Choate called."

      "I wonder what Reardon's doing now?" Jeffrey asked.

      But his father did not know.

      Jeffrey finished rapidly, and then leaned back in his chair, looked out of the window and forgot them all. Lydia felt one of her disproportioned indignations. She was afraid the colonel was not going to have the beautiful time with him their hopes had builded. The colonel looked older still than he had an hour ago.

      "What shall we do, my son?" he asked. "Go for a walk—in the orchard?"

      A walk in the street suddenly occurred to him as the wrong thing to offer a man returned to the battery of curious eyes.

      "If you like," said Jeffrey indifferently. "Do you take one after breakfast?"

      He spoke as if it were entirely for his father, and Anne and Lydia wondered, Anne in her kind way and the other hotly, how he could forget that all their passionate interests were for him alone.

      "Not necessarily," said the colonel. They were rising. "I was thinking of you—my son."

      "What makes you call me that?" Jeffrey asked curiously.

      They were in the hall now, looking out beyond the great sun patch on the floor, to the lilac trees.

      "What did I call you?"

      "Son. You never used to."

      Lydia felt she couldn't be quick enough in teaching him how dull he was.

      "He calls you so because he's done it in his mind," she said, "for years and years. Your name wasn't enough. Farvie felt so—affectionate."

      The last word sounded silly to her, and her cheeks were so hot they seemed to scald her eyes and melt out tears in them. Jeffrey gave her a little quizzical look, and slipped his arm through his father's. Anne, at the look, was suddenly relieved. He must have some soft emotions, she thought, behind the scowl.

      "Don't you like it?" the colonel asked him. He straightened

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