Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein

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Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein - Gertrude Stein

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each day being a day, that is in there being one day and then being another day any one is one being one and any one being one is one being that one. Any one being that one is one who has been one going on being one all that day if that one had not come sometime in that day to be a dead one.

      Any one being one and any one is one, any one going on being one every day is one being that one and any one being one is one being that one.

      One being one and being living every day is one who would be one deciding that going on being living another day would be a different thing from being living that day if it were not the same thing. She was one being one and every day in being that one she was not expecting to be a different one. She was one and being that one she would be one being one not liking the day as well as she had been liking some other day if she had not been one who had not been one needing liking that day. She was liking any day, that is to say she was not needing to be not liking any day. She was liking any day, that is to say any day was a day, every day would be a day, any day was a day, a day was a day, any day was that day.

      Some being certain that a day is a day and any one not being certain of some thing about a day not being a day are certain that a day is a day, any one being certain that a day is a day are certain that they will be ones going on doing that thing, being certain that a day is a day.

      One day, one man is saying to another man that they will go where they have come from. Any day they can say, they do go where they were going. Any day is a day. Any day they have been all day where they were all day. Every day is a day. They can be certain that any day is a day. They can be certain that a day is a day.

      Mr. Peter was knowing that being one being of a kind who are ones knowing that in a day, in any day they are winning some and losing a little and sitting in doing this thing and inventing a little different ways of going on sitting and telling some of being ones not needing anything just then, Mr. Peter knowing a little of being one being such a one is one knowing that in being that kind of a one he is one who could be refusing what he might be buying if he was completely inventing buying everything. Mr. Peter is one understanding that he is not inventing each day buying everything. Mr. Peter is one understanding that he is one inventing each day buying something. He is knowing he is of a kind of a one not knowing he is that kind of a one. He is knowing that he is that kind of a one. He is knowing that if any one wants any one being that kind of a one, being that kind of a one is quite a good thing.

      Every day he is being that one and knowing that thing he is saying that anything is a good thing and in a way being that kind of a one is a good thing. He is saying this thing any day. He is believing some little thing any day. He is inventing some little thing any day. He is sitting and playing something every day.

      Mrs. Peter is one remembering that being one being living where any one who is polite is not mentioning everything they are seeing, Mrs. Peter being one laughing and being one remembering having been laughing where any one being a polite enough one is not remembering anything they were seeing, Mrs. Peter being one having been one living where she had been living was remembering that every day then she was laughing and was remembering that any day then was a day she would not be living there if she could come to be living elsewhere. She came to be living elsewhere. Every day there she was one laughing and remembering. Every day there she was one meeting some and remembering that she could come to remembering everything she was seeing. Every day she was laughing and any day some one was mentioning that she had not come to be remembering everything she was seeing. Every day she was being that one.

      Any day Flint could be one saying that he had said what he had been saying. Any day Flint could be such a one. In diagramming anything Flint could come to be certain that he had been a slow one. He was one and being that one he was one seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was not seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was describing what he hoped he would not come to be seeing. He was one and he was seeing something. He was one and he was demanding that he could be mentioning what he was seeing. Every day he was mentioning something he was seeing which was the thing he was deciding not to be seeing. Every day he was mentioning that seeing everything was something. Every day he was telling that be had been seeing something and in being one seeing that thing he was one needing to be one seeing some other thing. Every day he was seeing something. Every day he was mentioning seeing something. Every day he was seeing something and seeing that thing he was seeing that that thing was a heavy thing, a dreary thing, a sad thing. Every day he was seeing something. Every day he was seeing something and every day he was mentioning that he was seeing something and it was a delicate, a graceful, an impressive, a tender thing, the thing he was seeing. Every day he was seeing something. Any day he was telling that he might come to be seeing something and to be going on being one seeing that thing and any day he was one being uncertain being uncertain of his being one going to be seeing that thing.

      Martin if he had not been one not coming very often would have been one always asking if he might be one saying anything. He was one asking if he might be one saying that he was going to be saying something. Supposing every day was a day and every day he was asking very often if he might be saying anything, supposing he was such a one and supposing that he went on being that one, would he then be one not coming to be one any one would want to be one saying something. If he was one asking any day and very often if he might do something he would be the one who had come to being one who might have known that he could do something if he did not come to be one who was going on being one not coming to be where he could do anything.

      He was one and being one who every day was using all day in having that day be that day, he was one and having come to be one he was one having come to use every day to be a day and in doing that thing in making a day be a day he was using up all of a day and he was then that one. He was one then knowing all of that thing, knowing all of a day being a day. He was then knowing something. He was then doing something. He was then being that one.

      George was one and being one and not polishing that thing because it being a quite full thing and a fairly dull thing and a quite delicate thing, polishing would be brightening, George being that one he was one and any part of any day was a day to him and a day to him was a day and in being that thing it was something and something was done and again and again it would be finished and something could then be begun that would be finished any day which was a part of a day for any part of a day was a day when that part of a day was being there and being then a day.

      Maddalena had every day for being one being living and being one having been using something for such a thing she was using any part of a day that was needing using and she went on being one who had been one keeping going being living. Every day then in a way was a day. Every day was a day and many days were many days and all the days she had been living were all the days she had been living. She was living every day and being living every day that day was a day coming after the other day. Any day was a day and she was doing that thing she was doing every day to be a day and every day coming to be a day she had been living that day. She lived every day, that is the day was a day and she was living the next day and that day was a day. Any day was a day and anything hurting any one that day was something hurting that day. Any day was a day and any being sick that day was the being sick that day. Any day was a day. Every day was a day. There were enough days as every day was enough of a day.

      Eugenia knowing that she was one needing to be one enjoying that she was not exhausting having been living was one needing not to be completely working, not completely not working every day. She was one arranging having been that one. She was one being that one. She was one working, she was one not working every day. She was one working, she was one not working any day. Every day was a day.

      She was one completing that each day she was quite showing that she was one working and not working. She was completing every day quite neatly every day that she was working, that she was not working every day.

      She was arranging any day that every day was all of that day. She was completing arranging every day

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