Lord of a Thousand Sun: Space Stories of Poul Anderson (Illustrated). Poul Anderson

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Lord of a Thousand Sun: Space Stories of Poul Anderson (Illustrated) - Poul Anderson

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Dyann loomed over an undersized academician who gibbered in answer to her that Dr. Urushkidan was in that sector and then scuttled away.

      There was an armed sentry in front of the door. Seeing none elsewhere, Dyann concluded shrewdly that he was posted because of the potential military applications of Urushkidan's work. He slanted his rifle across her path. "Halt!"

      "I must see the Martian," said Dyann mildly. "Please to let me by."

      "No one sees him without a pass," said the guard.

      Dyann shoved him aside and opened the door. He yelled and grabbed her arm. That was his big mistake.

      "A man," said the Varannian reprovingly, "should have respect for women." She yanked the rifle from him and hit him in the stomach with the butt. He flew across the plaza, retching, rolled to one elbow, and snatched at his sidearm. Dyann leaped, landing on his face with a crunch of bone and a small explosion of blood and teeth.

      She turned back, hefting the rifle appreciatively. The Earthlings on Varann had been regrettably stingy about giving modern weapons to the natives. Assorted people, including Hamand, fled in all directions as she entered the doorway.

      Down a long hall, peering into the rooms on either side, up a staircase—another sentry before a frosted-glass door gaped at her. She smiled reassuringly, moved close to him, and got her hands on his throat. Shortly thereafter she had his rifle and revolver.

      Loud voices drifted through the door and Dyann, who was not at all stupid, listened with interest. One was—yes, that was Urushkidan himself, bubbling like an indignant teakettle.

      "I will not, sir, do you hear me? I will not. And I demand a return passage from tis foul satellite at once!"

      "Come now, Dr. Urushkidan, be reasonable." Was that the voice of Roshevsky-Feldkamp? "After all, can you complain of your treatment? You have Mars-conditioned quarters, servants, high pay, every consideration."

      "I came here to lecture and complete my mathematical research. Now I find you habe arranged no lectures for me and expect me to—to superbise an—an engineering project! As if—as if I were a mere—empiricist!"

      "But Dr. Urushkidan—after all, science advances by checking its theory against the facts. If with your help we create the first faster-than-light ship, it will be a triumphant confirmation of—"

      "My teories need no confirmation. Tey are a debelopment of certain relatibity postulates, a piece of pure matematics in all its elegance and beauty. If tey agree or disagree wit te facts, tat is of no interest to any proper natibe of Uttu. Te matematics is enough, and I will habe noting to do wit applied physics. And furtermore—" The squeaky voice rose even higher—"you want only te military applications, you would habe me stoop to such bulgarity. You do not appreciate me, and I am going back to Uttu!"

      "I am afraid," said the man slowly, "that that is impossible."

      Dyann entered. "Are they annoyin you?" she asked.

      * * * * *

      Urushkidan whirled about. The room was thick with the fumes of his pipe, and one of the two Jovians with him—a bald man in the black uniform of the secret police—was holding a handkerchief to his nose. The other one was Roshevsky-Feldkamp, who started to his feet with an oath and grabbed for his revolver.

      Dyann held her own stolen gun on his midriff. "No," she said.

      "What are you doing here?" gasped the officer.

      "Vere is Ray Ballantyne?"

      "Get out! Guards—"

      Dyann took one long leap across the office, seized Roshevsky-Feldkamp by the neck and hammered his forehead against the desk. Her free hand covered the secret policeman. "Vere is Ray Ballantyne?" she repeated.

      "I am glad you came," said Urushkidan. "Shall we leabe tis uncibilised place?"

      Two armed soldiers appeared in the doorway. Dyann brought her gun around. The silenced weapon hissed. One of the men tumbled with a hole drilled in his forehead. She was rather proud of herself, she'd never had much chance for target practice.

      There wasn't much time for self-praise, though. The other man already had his rifle up. Dyann dropped behind the desk, and the stream of slugs ripped through the wood after her. She bunched her muscles and threw the desk. There was a crash of splintering wood as it knocked down the Jovian.

      The secret police officer had his gun out and trained on her. Urushkidan snaked forth a tentacle and pulled him off his feet. Dyann stopped to slug Roshevsky-Feldkamp before she got her hands about the policeman's throat.

      "Vere is Ray Ballantyne?" she growled.

      "Come on, come on, we habe to get out of here!" wailed the Martian.

      "Vich is the vay out?"

      "I'll show you—come along, quick—tis way."

      Dyann frogmarched the Jovian cop toward a rear door. Booted feet were thudding up the stairs toward the office. Urushkidan held a pistol in each hand, gingerly as if he feared they would blow up. He led the way into a hall and down a long, echoing ramp.

      "Hurry, hurry," he gasped. "Shalmuannusar, we habe te whole Jobian Confederacy after us!"

      A voice bellowed atop the ramp and a slug whanged after them. Dyann whirled and fired back, using the helplessly pinioned captive as a shield. They retreated slowly, rounding a corner and going on down a long slope to a heavy steel door.

      Urushkidan opened it, slamming it frantically as they went through. They were in a hangar where several small spaceships rested on their rail-mouthed cradles. Mechanics stared at the trio.

      "Quick!" snapped the Martian. "Te laboratory ships!"

      The prisoner opened his mouth. Dyann laid a friendly hand on the back of his neck and squeezed a little.

      "Yes, yes, the laboratory ship—practice maneuvers—hurry!" the man said.

      "Aye, sir! At once!" A life time's training in blind obedience spoke there, behind the puzzled faces.

      A teardrop-shaped rocket was trundled forth. Dyann looked nervously back at the door. Pursuit was most likely playing it safe, posting men outside while others went around to block all remaining exits. Once that was done they'd close in.

      "I'll warm up the engine for you, sir," said one of the mechanics.

      "Ve'll take it now," said Dyann.

      "But you can't! You'll carbon the tubes—be likely to crash—"

      "I said now." Dyann propelled her captive ahead of her through the airlock and Urushkidan crawled after. The valves clanged shut after them.

      "I hope you can fly vun of these thins," said Dyann, lashing the secret policeman to a recoil chair.

      "I hope so too," said Urushkidan.

      Dyann stood over her prisoner. "Vere is Ray Ballantyne?" she asked. "The Earthman who vas arrested off the liner a few days ago."

      "I don't know," he gasped.


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