A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion. Robert Hindmarsh

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A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion - Robert Hindmarsh

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his sayings, nor discern the high character which he really sustained, he observed, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now," John xvi. 12.

      In the next place, in reference to the term Lord being substituted for the name Jehovah, we find, that Jesus, when quoting the first commandment, "Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah," &c. Deut. vi. 4, expresses it thus, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord," &c. Mark xii. 29. And where in Ps. ex. 1, it is written, "Jehovah said unto my Lord," &c. Jesus quotes the passage in these terms, "The Lord said unto my Lord," &c. Matt, xxii. 44. Again, The arm of Jehovah, Isa. liii. 1, is called the arm of the Lord, John xii. 38; and so plainly refers to the miraculous power of Jesus, that no doubt can be entertained of his being the true Jehovah of the Old Testament, while he is acknowledged as the sole Lord of the New.

      By the term Lord, therefore, wheresoever it occurs in the Sacred Scriptures, as an appellation of Deity, we are uniformly to understand Jehovah in the Humanity, or in other words, the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, who hath all power in heaven and in earth, Matt, xxviii. 18; who is one and the ​same with the Father, John xiv. 7 to 11; and who therefore says to his disciples, "Ye call me Master, and Lord; and ye say well, for so I am," John xiii. 13.

      It may be further remarked concerning the appellation Lord, that it implies a nearer and dearer relation to man, than is suggested either by the name Jehovah, or by the term God, or by both in conjunction; while at the same time it involves every divine attribute and perfection belonging to the Deity. Hence it will in general be found, that whenever a member of the true church has occasion to speak of the Supreme Being, especially if addressing himself to another member of the same church, he will readily and spontaneously make mention of him by the approved title or appellation of Lord. But, on the other hand, whenever a person, who may be considered in a state of separation from the church, or even one who is yet only in it's externals, is similarly circumstanced, he will as readily and spontaneously use the term God. Sometimes indeed a member of the true internal church will also use this latter term: but it will be found in general to be either in the way of accommodation to the states of others, or in reference to some subject that does not immediately involve the identity of Jesus with Jehovah. The former expression, viz. Lord, arises from an interior perception and acknowledgment of the Divine Presence in a Human Form, accompanied with a degree of confidence in his providence and protection: but the latter expression, viz. God, for the most part announces, on the part of those who habitually use it, a vague, distant, and obscure idea of the Being so denominated.

      We conclude this article with a quotation from Paul, which, singular as it may appear, yet does credit ​to the discernment even of an apostle: "I give you to understand, (says he.) that no man can say, that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Spirit," 1 Cor. xii. 3. The Holy Spirit is divine truth.

      The Sacred Scripture, or Word of God,

       Table of Contents


      XIII. The Sacred Scripture, or Word of God.

      AS man is born in utter ignorance of divine things, and incapable of deriving from the mere light of nature any real knowledge of the existence of a God, of life eternal, of heaven and hell, and of many other things conducive to his future welfare and happiness, a revelation is necessary to supply this defect. In all ages of the world, therefore, mankind have been blessed with a revelation from heaven, either by an immediate internal dictate, called perception, enlightening each individual of the church, as was the case with the men of the most ancient times before the flood; or by an external written Word, as was the case with their posterity after the flood, and as is likewise the case in the present day. The first written revelation, which may be called the Ancient Word, though now lost, is yet quoted by Moses in Numb. xxi. 14, 15, 27 to SO; by Joshua, chap. x. 12 to 14; by David, 2 Sam. i. 17 to 19; and by Jude, ver. 14, 15. To this Ancient Word succeeded the Word written by Moses and the Prophets, usually called the Old Testament; and again another Word, written by the Evangelists, usually called the New Testament; both of which are included in what we now call the Sacred Scripture, or Word of God.

      The Word, being a revelation from the Divine Being, must therefore be essentially holy and divine; containing in its bosom the divine love and divine wisdom, or what amounts to the same, the divine ​good and divine truth, proceeding in conjunction from Jehovah the Lord himself, and accommodated to all possible states of reception both in heaven and in the church. Hence, in it's descent to men on earth, it assumes a sense either divinely-celestial, or divinely-spiritual, or divinely-natural, according to the three degrees of life, or reception of life, in angels and men; exciting celestial ideas and perceptions among the angels of the third or highest heaven, spiritual ideas among the angels of the second or middle heaven, and celestial-natural, or spiritual-natural ideas among the angels of the first or lowest heaven: in addition to which it also presents itself among men on earth in a literal, historical, and prophetic form, which, though capable of being separated in idea from the superior or interior senses, is yet in perfect union with them, by virtue of the correspondence subsisting between those senses, and at the same time of the divine presence within them, which is their very life and soul.

      By the divinely-celestial sense, spoken of above, is understood whatsoever has more immediate relation to the Lord, and his divine love, or divine good, proceeding from him, and warming the heart of the recipient subject: by the divinely-spiritual sense, whatsoever relates to the divine wisdom, or divine truth, proceeding from him, and illuminating the understanding: and by the divinely-natural sense is meant the complex of both the former in their ultimate forms and terminations; love manifesting itself as simple obedience, and wisdom as an obscure perception of truth, usually called faith. Thus the Word of the Lord is respectively accommodated to the angels of the three heavens, and also to men on earth: so that according to the quality and degree of it's reception in the understanding and in the life, such will always ​be the true nature and quality of the church both among societies and individuals.

      In it's external sense the Word appears to treat much of worldly and terrestrial things; and hence many conclude, that it differs but little from other writings: but in it's internal sense it treats solely of heavenly and divine things, these latter being represented and signified by the former. In the internal it is full of glory, and exhibits such a display of the divine wisdom and love, as cannot be equalled by any other production: while in the external it is like a cloud intercepting the beams of celestial light, and at the same time defending it's interior contents from the wanton eye of curiosity, and from the danger of profanation. It is on this account that the coming of the Lord in his Word, to open and reveal it's spiritual sense, to minds capable of discerning it, is said to be a coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

      Moreover the Word is the only medium of conjunction with heaven, and thus with the Lord himself, who is intimately present in his Word, and thereby gives to man a capacity for the enjoyment of eternal life. It is this presence of the Lord in his Word, communicating spiritual life to those who embrace the divine truth contained in it, and who endeavour to live according to it's precepts, of which he speaks, when he says, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life," John vi. 63. "Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst: but the water, that I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" John iv. 14. And again. "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," Matt. iv. 4.

      ​When it is said in the first chapter of John's Gospel, that the Lord himself is the Word, as being the divine truth contained in it, by which all things visible and invisible were created, and which also was made flesh; the declaration

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