Evangelism. Ellen G. White

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Evangelism - Ellen G. White

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a precious experience if, with their Bibles in their hands, and their hearts open to the impressions of the Holy Spirit, they would go forth to the highways and byways of the world with the message they have received.—The Review and Herald, August 2, 1906.

      In the Mountains and Valleys—While I was in Lakeport [Northern California] I was deeply impressed with the fact that here was a place where a faithful work should be done in giving the message of truth to the people. In this mountain region are many souls who need the truths of the third angel’s message. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit we are to proclaim the truth for this time among these settlements in the mountains and valleys. Its solemn warnings are to be echoed and re-echoed. And the message must (p.51) come to the people quickly; it must be given line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. Without delay wise and intelligent men and women should engage in the work of sowing the gospel seed....

      The Lord will work through those who will open the Scriptures to the people who have made their homes in these retired places of the country. I appeal to my brethren and sisters to unite in doing this good work, and carry it to completion....

      The reason why I call your attention to Lakeport and its surrounding settlements is that these places have not yet received a right impression regarding the truth for this time. It may be that among our people there are those who will consent to use their means for the opening of missionary fields. To such I would say, For the Master’s sake, do what you can to help. We have not yet investigated fully how large a field for labor lies here, but Lakeport is one of the places presented to me as in need of our attention.

      I have much to say in regard to these settlements in the mountains. These are like settlements near Washington, where a similar work should be done. Will not our people work more faithfully in the highways and hedges? Commercial enterprises have so long absorbed the interest and capabilities of so many Seventh-day Adventist that they are largely unfitted to do the work of bringing the light of present truth before those who are ignorant of it. We should not be content to permit such a condition to continue.

      There are many of our people who, if they would go out of the cities and begin to labor in these byways, and also highways, would recover physical health. I urge our brethren to go out as missionaries, two and two, to these country places. Go in humility. Christ has given an example, and the Lord will certainly bless (p.52) the efforts of those who will move out in the fear of God, bearing the message the Saviour gave to the first disciples, “The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.”—Manuscript 65, 1908.

      Missionary Families for Towns and Villages—Brethren who wish to change their location, who have the glory of God in view, and feel that individual responsibility rests upon them to do others good, to benefit and save souls for whom Christ withheld not His precious life, should move into towns and villages where there is little or no light and where they can be of real service and bless others with their labor and experience. Missionaries are wanted to go into towns and villages, and raise the standard of truth, that God may have His witnesses scattered all over the land, that the light of truth may penetrate where is has not yet reached, and the standard of truth be raised where it is not yet known....

      Jesus did not neglect the villages. The record declares that “He went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of the kingdom of God”....

      Now is it not the duty of some who are standing idle here (Battle Creek), to go where they can represent Christ and His precious truth?—The General Conference Daily Bulletin, March 20, 1891. (p.52)

      Patterning After the Master Evangelist

       Table of Contents

      Study Christ’s Methods—If ever it has been essential that we understand and follow right methods of teaching and follow the example of Christ, it is now.—Letter 322, 1908.

      How He Met the People—If you would approach the people acceptably, humble your hearts before God, and learn His ways. We shall gain much instruction for our work from a study of Christ’s methods of labor and His manner of meeting the people. In the gospel story we have the record of how He worked for all classes, and of how as He labored in cities and towns, thousands were drawn to His side to hear His teaching. The words of the Master were clear and distinct, and were spoken in sympathy and tenderness. They carried with them the assurance that here was truth. It was the simplicity and earnestness with which Christ labored and spoke that drew so many to Him.

      The great Teacher laid plans for His work. Study these plans. We find Him traveling from place to place, followed by crowds of eager listeners. When He could, He would lead them away from the crowded (p.54) cities, to the quiet of the country. Here he would pray with them, and talk to them of eternal truths.—The Review and Herald, January 18, 1912.

      In the Synagogues—By the Seaside—Christ “went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness.” He preached in the synagogues because thus He could reach the many who gathered there. Then He went out and taught by the seaside and in the great thoroughfares of travel. The precious truths that He had to proclaim were not to be confined to synagogues....

      Christ might have occupied the highest place among the highest teachers of the Jewish nation. But He chose rather to take the gospel to the poor. He went from place to place, that those in the highways and byways might catch the words of the gospel of truth. He labored in the way in which He desires His workers to labor today. By the sea, on the mountainside, in the streets of the city, His voice was heard explaining the Old Testament Scriptures. So unlike the explanations of the scribes and Pharisees was His explanation that the attention of the people was arrested. He taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes. With clearness and power He proclaimed the gospel message.—Letter 129, 1903.

      Methods Peculiarly His Own—He attended the great yearly festivals of the nation, and to the multitude absorbed in outward ceremony He spoke of heavenly things, bringing eternity within their view. To all He brought treasures from the storehouse of wisdom. He spoke to them in language so simple that they could not fail of understanding. By methods peculiarly His own, He helped all who were in sorrow and affliction. With tender, courteous grace, He (p.55) ministered to the sin-sick soul, bringing healing and strength.

      The Prince of teachers, He sought access to the people by the pathway of their most familiar associations. He presented the truth in such a way that ever after it was to His hearers intertwined with their most hallowed recollections and sympathies. He taught in a way that made them feel the completeness of His identification with their interests and happiness. His instruction was so direct, His illustrations were so appropriate, His words so sympathetic and cheerful, that His hearers were charmed. The simplicity and earnestness with which He addressed the needy, hallowed every word.—The Ministry of Healing, 22-24 (1905).

      Jesus Studied Faces—Even the crowd that so often thronged His steps was not to Christ an indiscriminate mass of human beings. He spoke directly to every mind and appealed to every heart. He watched the faces of His hearers, marked the lighting up of the countenance, the quick, responsive glance, which told that truth had reached the soul; and there vibrated in His heart the answering chord of sympathetic joy.—Education, 231 (1903).

      Appeal of Fallen Humanity—In every human being, however fallen, He beheld a son of God, one who might be restored to the privilege of His divine relationship.—Education, 79 (1903).

      Simplicity, Directness, Repetition—Christ’s teaching was simplicity itself. He

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