The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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persons, 88:4.7 (971.1)of evil-doing, mercy’s effect on the, 188:5.2 (2018.1)fictitious, Jesus’ destruction of all, 103:4.4 (1133.4)hereditary, origin of Paul’s theory of, 121:6.5 (1339.1)in Jesus, Pilate’s finding of no, 185:3.7 (1991.7), 185:5.1 (1993.1), 185:8.2 (1996.6)of Jesus, Sanhedrists’ deliberations about, 184:3.13 (1983.5), 185:2.2 (1989.5), 185:2.10 (1990.6)of Judas, 186:1.4 (1998.2)man to refuse to harbor feelings of, following confession, 156:2.7 (1736.4)methods of determining, in primitive society, 70:10.6 (795.3), 84:4.7 (935.7), 88:4.7 (971.1), 90:3.6 (990.1)moral, a personal matter, 67:7.7 (761.6)not part of the normal child’s moral nature, 103:2.3 (1131.2), 103:2.6 (1131.5)Pilate’s seeking to escape his, 186:4.1 (2001.4)racial, atonement for, not the reason for the death on the cross, 188:4.1 (2016.6)the doctrine of original sin, 89:4.6 (978.3)felt by Jews, as motive for baptism, 136:2.1 (1510.4)nonexistence of, before God, 186:5.7 (2003.1)rejection of, by the majority faction of Nodites at Dilmun, 77:3.8 (859.2)sense of, of Adam and Eve, 75:7.2 (845.2)definition, 89:10.3 (984.6), 186:5.7 (2003.1)fictitious, Jesus’ destruction of the basis for, 103:4.4 (1133.4)Peter’s, following his denial, 184:2.8 (1981.2), 191:1.1 (2039.1)possible causes of the, 89:10.3 (984.6), 103:4.3 (1133.3), 103:5.4 (1134.2), 174:1.4 (1898.4)recognition of, mankind’s badge of distinction, 89:10.4 (984.7)unjustified convictions of, a result of fear, 91:1.6 (995.5)Western society’s, of tolerating unbalanced moral standards, 195:10.20 (2086.6)without confession of universe rebels, result, 54:3.3 (615.5)Gulfbehavior, between energy and spirit, widening of, on subabsolute levels, 116:6.3 (1275.3), 116:6.7 (1275.7)between the sexes, permanence of, 84:5.13 (938.3)God and man, already bridged, (39.5) 2:5.6, 2:5.6 (39.5), 2:5.6 (587.3)and difficulty of Adjusters’ work, 110:4.5 (1207.5)intellectual logic and affirmations of the soul, how bridged, 196:3.1 (2093.6)material and spiritual, metaphysics’ failure to bridge the, 103:6.12 (1137.2)morontia the bridge of, 16:4.6 (189.7)revelation’s bridging the, 101:2.10 (1106.9), 103:6.13 (1137.3)Trinity- and dual-origin personalities, how bridged, 19:1.1 (214.10)the cosmic, between matter and thought, 112:2.10 (1228.5)of Mexico region, a climatic-transition-stage refuge of marine animals, 59:6.9 (683.6)Persian, see Persian(s), Gulfpersonality, between men and women, not sufficient to prevent their coming together, 82:1.1 (913.4)Sea, formation of the, 59:2.7 (675.6)Stream, course of, 29:2.15 (321.7), 59:1.17 (674.3)waters, connection of, with Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic, time of, 59:4.6 (678.7)Guru Nanakidentity of, 92:5.8 (1009.2), 92:5.15 (1010.3)Gypsumlayers in sedimentations of early reptilian age, significance of, 60:1.1 (685.3)Gyroscopeand effect of antigravity, 9:3.3 (101.3)

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