The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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51:4.2 (584.4), 64:6.25 (725.6)Orvonon, enlightener and leader of the, 45:4.10 (513.13)proclaimed the "God of Gods" to the, 64:6.26 (725.7)settlements of, in the Sahara region, 78:1.10 (869.6)standing of, before celestial powers, 64:6.27 (725.8)Individual(s)atoms or persons, nongovernance of, by statistical laws, 42:7.10 (478.4)character of morontia forms, 42:12.11 (483.11)expression, opportunity for, in design of morontia and spirit abodes, 44:3.2 (502.1)freedom, Caligastia’s ideas of, failure of the scheme based on, 67:5.3 (759.1)human in his presence, the predominant importance of the, to Jesus, 138:8.9 (1545.10)instruction, one type of pursuit in the Prince’s schools, 50:4.6 (575.7), 66:7.6 (751.1)interpretations, parables a form of teaching enabling hearers to make, 151:3.1 (1691.4)met by Jesus in his identity as the scribe of Damascus, and consequences for Christian community, 132:0.9 (1456.5), 133:3.11 (1473.4)mortals, ministry of seraphim to, 113:0.1 (1241.1)reason for nonconcern of, with planetary isolation, 114:5.4 (1254.4)relation of Adjusters to, 110:0.0 (1203.1–1214.1)mortals in ages of light and life, 55:6.0 (630.4–631.6)names, nonexistence of, among some primitive tribes, 88:5.5 (971.7)orders of ascension, mortals of, a category of survivors, 49:6.8 (569.3)three subgroups of, 49:6.10 (569.5)pivotal, in the establishment of Christianity in Rome, 132:0.5 (1456.1)reservists as, in plans of world administrators, 114:7.2 (1257.2)private, Jesus’ travels as a, 134:7.5 (1492.5)nonrecognition of the public Jesus by people who had known him as a, 134:9.9 (1495.6)quality an experience of the, 133:5.7 (1477.2)salvage, the focus of spiritual work on Urantia from the Adamic default to the Melchizedek bestowal, 76:5.6 (852.5)a single, Jesus’ disassociation of his life episodes from being seen as the doings of, 128:4.5 (1413.1), 132:0.10 (1456.6)spiritual free will of the, one of two nontransitory sovereignty levels on an inhabited world, 134:5.2 (1487.9)teaching, one form of instruction in the morontia life, 48:5.6 (551.1)vs. total aspect of energy and personality, disclosed by pattern, 0:6.12 (10.4)training, a new phase of education beginning in Havona, 30:4.27 (343.2)training of, the goal of the education system in the continental nation, 72:4.6 (813.1)Individual(s)-Beings and Functionscapacities, beings not at present fully active in, some examples, 15:10.21 (179.8)characteristics of the Seven Master Spirits, source of, 16:0.2 (184.2)and collective functions of Master Physical Controllers, 29:4.21 (326.3)creations of the Master Spirits, vs. their collective creations, 116:4.5 (1272.4)Daughter Spirits as distinct, 34:0.3 (374.3), 34:1.4 (375.3)differences of the Seven Master Spirits, discernibility of, in the functioning of their superuniverses, 16:0.11 (184.11)functioning of Ancients of Days, 18:3.5 (209.7)Divine Counselors, 19:3.3 (217.2)members of the Trinity, 42:0.2 (467.2)Seven Master Spirits, 16:2.4 (186.3)Supreme Center Supervisors, 29:2.11 (321.3)Supreme Power Directors, 29:2.11 (321.3)Technical Advisers, 25:4.11 (279.12)members of a trinity, not the same as the collective itself, 106:5.3 (1167.4)one, in the midst of humanity, Jesus no longer limited to being, with coming of Spirit of Truth, 181:1.1 (1953.3)powers of choice, certain intelligent orders not possessing, 29:4.12 (325.5)representation, vs. collective, of Master Spirits by Reflective Spirits, 28:4.5 (308.4)seraphic, registry count of, 114:0.2 (1250.2)tasks performable by, 113:2.8 (1243.5)Universe Circuit Supervisors as, 24:1.15 (266.5)Individual(s)-Existencebirth of living things as separate, the boy Jesus’ learning about, 123:2.3 (1357.7)character of consequences of a creature’s rejection of light, 67:7.1 (760.6)creation of, universe consequences, 25:3.7 (277.4)creature, nonpersistence of worthwhile qualities as an, in the event of cosmic suicide, 117:4.4 (1283.6)evidence for or against, interpreted by Universal Censors, 15:12.1 (180.2)human souls, Gautama’s nonbelief in the existence of, 94:7.3 (1035.3)life, nonsurvival of plant and animal life as, 36:6.5 (404.3)lives, appearance of, as isolated stretches of time, not the eternity viewpoint, 32:5.3 (364.5)nonrecognition of, by nature, 82:2.1 (914.7)personal interests of the, invariable ruling of universe governments in favor of the, in survival cases, 112:5.7 (1233.3)personality(ies) and the, 0:6.12 (10.4), 12:8.16 (141.1), 16:8.4 (194.4), 22:7.7 (250.1), 24:1.15 (266.5), 30:4.15 (341.5), 69:1.1 (772.4), 100:0.1 (1094.1), 101:10.1 (1116.2), 101:10.6 (1116.7), 103:1.1 (1129.8), 106:5.3 (1167.4), 111:4.5 (1220.4), 112:7.8 (1238.3), 117:4.4 (1283.6), 117:4.5 (1284.1), 117:5.2 (1285.5)personality survival, faith the only solution to the impasse in thinking about, 101:10.6 (1116.7)not discernible in the mathematical level of the energy universe, 101:10.1 (1116.2)sin-identified, self-destruction of, 2:3.2 (36.7), 2:3.4 (37.2), 2:6.8 (41.6)status of fused beings, 112:7.7 (1238.2)on universe records, provision for children who have not attained, 45:6.7 (516.5), 47:2.1 (531.5)survival, 5:5.13 (69.8), 5:5.14 (70.1), 7:3.2 (84.2), 12:8.16 (141.1), 28:6.5 (314.4), 30:4.15 (341.5), 36:6.5 (404.3), 45:6.7 (516.5), 47:2.1 (531.5), 65:8.5 (740.1), 67:7.5 (761.4), 101:10.1 (1116.2), 101:10.6 (1116.7), 112:3.3 (1230.1), 112:4.3 (1231.3), 112:4.13 (1232.1), 113:0.1 (1241.1)Individual(s)-and Godbeings, not always considered over the best good of all concerned, 3:2.8 (47.6)planets, systems, constellations, universes, choices of, an influence on Deity presence, 13:4.4 (150.3)cosmic, the Father’s treatment of all ascending sons as, 117:6.22 (1290.8)creature, Universal Father’s prerogative as regards intervention with any, 32:4.4 (363.2)each soul a separate, before God, 140:8.26 (1582.7)God as the father of the, a message subordinated to the Jesus-centered creed of the early church, 194:4.6 (2067.1)a new idea introduced by Jesus, 141:4.1 (1590.4), 142:2.2 (1597.2), 145:2.4 (1629.5)God-knowing, 16:9.8 (196.4), 99:3.2 (1088.3), 102:6.5 (1124.7), 102:7.6 (1126.6), 156:5.13 (1739.8), 160:3.2 (1777.3), 180:5.4 (1949.6), 181:1.8 (1954.5)God’s attitude toward the, (47.6) 3:2.8, (68.3) 5:4.15, 3:2.8 (116.1), 3:2.8 (1305.6), 3:2.8 (138.3), 3:2.8 (138.5), 3:2.8 (1597.2), 3:2.8 (1630.2), 3:2.8 (47.6), 5:4.15 (68.3), 12:7.1 (137.4), 145:2.4 (1629.5)relation to the, 5:0.0 (62.1–72.2)heart of the, operation of the love of God in the, 118:10.11 (1305.6)relation of the Eternal Son to the, 7:3.0 (84.1–85.1)Individual(s)-and the Groupcharacter of progress within a given realm, vs. transitions by class between, 37:6.5 (412.5)consequences for the, of a family mistake or group transgression, 145:2.8 (1630.4)and family(ies), 5:4.3 (67.1), 12:7.8 (138.3), 12:7.10 (138.5), 84:0.2 (1488.7), 84:0.2 (1597.2), 84:0.2 (1604.7), 84:0.2 (1629.5), 84:0.2 (1630.4), 84:0.2 (931.2)freedom from racial slavery, Passover seen as the commemoration of emergence into, 179:5.2 (1942.1)and the group, 2:6.4 (41.2), 7:1.6 (82.5), 10:5.2 (113.3), 32:4.4 (363.2), 68:3.3 (766.4), 68:4.1 (767.1), 69:9.5 (780.8), 70:1.5 (784.1), 70:10.4 (795.1), 70:10.16 (796.6), 74:7.6 (835.9), 81:5.4 (906.2), 82:3.2 (915.5), 87:7.9 (966.4), 91:1.2 (995.1), 91:5.2 (998.5), 97:10.7 (1076.4), 99:2.3 (1087.6), 99:3.15 (1089.7), 101:8.2 (1114.6), 103:1.1 (1129.8), 103:3.2 (1132.2), 103:3.5 (1132.5), 106:3.4 (1166.2), 133:1.2 (1469.1), 133:1.2 (1624.14), 133:1.2 (1629.5), 133:1.2 (1630.4), 133:1.2 (1762.5), 133:1.2 (1764.1), 133:1.2 (1865.7), 133:1.2 (1909.1), 133:1.2 (1958.3)Jews, status of, 175:2.0 (1909.1–3)vs. the mass, Jesus’ emphasis on the, 140:8.11 (1580.6)mercy the work of the, vs. justice as a group function, 133:1.2 (1469.1)and the nation, 7:1.6 (82.5), 91:5.2 (998.5), 121:5.1 (1336.5), 136:2.1 (1510.4), 140:10.5 (1585.3), 141:4.1 (1590.4), 145:2.8 (1630.4), 145:2.10 (1630.6), 175:2.1 (1909.1)nonconcern of constellation government with, 43:3.6 (489.1), 43:9.4 (495.6)not punishable for sins of a nation, 145:2.8 (1630.4)and race(s), 51:4.8 (585.4), 52:2.9 (592.2), 82:1.7 (914.3), 111:7.5 (1223.7), 133:3.7 (1472.6), 136:2.1 (1510.4), 140:10.5 (1585.3), 160:1.6 (1773.3)the sin of an, Jews’ belief in the ability of, to curse a nation, 136:2.1 (1510.4), 145:2.8 (1630.4)and the state, 70:10.16 (796.6), 71:3.7 (803.7), 71:3.9 (803.9), 71:5.2 (805.2), 72:7.1 (815.1), 140:8.5 (1579.7)and the total, 12:7.1 (137.4), 12:7.10 (138.5), 115:3.13 (1262.10), 117:0.4 (1278.4), 117:4.5 (1284.1), 117:6.22 (1290.8), 134:5.2 (1487.9)and the universe, 2:3.2 (36.7), 5:4.3 (67.1), 8:4.5 (94.7), 10:7.6 (116.1), 12:7.1 (137.4), 12:8.16 (141.1), 33:7.4 (372.8), 37:3.7 (409.4), 54:3.2 (615.4), 55:11.6 (635.8), 101:10.1 (1116.2), 110:6.13 (1210.8), 112:5.7 (1233.3), 117:0.4 (1278.4), 118:10.11 (1305.6), 141:5.3 (1592.1), 180:5.10 (1950.5), 181:2.16 (1958.3), 196:3.8 (2094.7), 196:3.20 (2095.4)and the whole, 3:2.8 (47.6), 12:6.8 (136.6), 12:7.1 (137.4), 12:7.8 (138.3), 12:7.10 (138.5), 112:1.17 (1227.7), 117:4.5 (1284.1), 118:10.11 (1305.6), 134:5.2 (1487.9), 142:2.2 (1597.2)Individual(s)-Religion and Spiritual Progressattainment, not thwarted by environmental limitations, as demonstrated in life of Jesus, 55:11.7 (635.9)believer(s), capacity of receptivity of, influence of prayer on, 194:3.20 (2065.8)carrying on of lifework by, 176:3.3 (1916.3)fellowship of, with God the Father, 170:4.2 (1862.10)fruits of the spirit yielded by, 5:2.4 (64.7), 178:1.4 (1930.1)God’s mercy revealed

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