The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(1404.5), 128:6.5 (1415.5), 134:9.2 (1494.5), 141:9.2 (1595.6), 142:8.4 (1606.1), 152:7.1 (1706.2), 162:8.1 (1797.4), 168:3.7 (1847.7), 172:0.1 (1878.1), 172:1.2 (1878.5), 174:0.1 (1897.1)Leaddeposit of, during brachiopod age, 59:3.4 (677.1)two atomic weights of, significance of, 42:4.12 (474.2)Leader(s)dead and defeated, the resurrected Jesus not a, 194:4.2 (2066.2)in Israel, Nazareth prediction that Jesus was to be a, 126:0.4 (1386.4)Jerusalem religious, growing antagonism toward Jesus of, 146:4.1 (1643.2)of many races, alleged miraculous episodes connected with, 92:5.6 (1008.8)of men, Peter a, 139:2.4 (1550.7)modern, source of, 70:2.21 (786.12)new, religion’s need of, 195:9.4 (2082.9)of rebellion, 53:1.0 (601.3–602.3)Urantia intellectual and spiritual, influence of experienced Adjusters on, 109:4.3 (1198.6)Leadershipcivil and military, Abraham’s assumption of the, of the Salem colony, 93:6.8 (1021.4)dependence of, on certain qualities, 156:5.7 (1739.2)intelligent, the importance of, to religious groups, 99:5.1 (1090.10)necessity of, to progress, 81:6.42 (911.7)provision for, in believers’ group relationships, 181:2.16 (1958.3)wise, percent of the population so classified, 81:6.42 (911.7)Leadingof all men into all truth by the Spirit of Truth, 180:4.2 (1948.3)Leagues of Nationsfailure of unknown numbers of, before men establish government of mankind, 134:5.17 (1490.3)inability of, to bring permanent peace, 134:5.10 (1489.1)LeahPhilip’s daughter, evangelistic work of, 139:5.11 (1557.5)Learningabsence of, religion’s persistence in the, 101:3.1 (1107.8)higher, age of the flowering of, 52:4.8 (595.3)Leaventhe biologic, of the postrebellion era, the Amadonites, 67:6.3 (759.6)in the dough, Jesus’ likening of the gospel of the kingdom to, 178:1.15 (1931.6)Jesus’ use of the term, in teaching, 159:5.17 (1771.1)of new truth, apostles to put skillfully in midst of old beliefs, 178:1.16 (1932.1)parable of the, 151:4.3 (1694.1), 178:1.15 (1931.6)of the Pharisees, Jesus’ warning against, 157:2.2 (1745.1), 157:7.4 (1751.3), 165:3.2 (1820.1)possible presence of, in gentile buildings, and Pilate’s holding of the public trial outside, 185:0.3 (1987.3)vs. sudden and spectacular, apostles’ contrasting views of two senses of the coming of the kingdom, 170:2.16 (1860.11)of truth sufficient to ensure the future of the Melchizedek revelation, spread by Amos, 97:4.4 (1066.1)LebonahJesus’ visit to, 134:7.5 (1492.5)Legalceremony, marriage a, 83:4.2 (924.5)compensation, three divisions of, in the continental nation, 72:5.4 (813.5)procedures, tendency to cling to old forms in, 92:2.2 (1004.5)wives, of polygyny, 83:5.6 (926.4)LegalismJewish bondage to, 121:7.3 (1340.1)Legatusof Syria, Pilate under the, 185:0.1 (1987.1), 185:1.6 (1988.5)LegendsJesus’ admonition against creating, 138:6.3 (1543.1)mythical, origin of, 67:4.3 (758.1)Legion(s)of angels, possible presence of, on a bestowal mission, 39:1.4 (427.4)twelve, Jesus’ ability to request from the Father, 38:6.1 (421.4), 183:3.7 (1974.5)presence of, during Jesus’ forty days’ retreat, 136:5.1 (1516.1)of devils, false legend of Jesus’ casting out of the Kheresa lunatic, 151:6.6 (1696.4), 151:6.8 (1697.1)number of destiny guardian of the human subject, 113:2.6 (1243.3)reporting of attending angel to commander of, upon human’s death, 113:6.2 (1246.6)of seraphim, number in, 38:6.1 (421.4)Legislationimpossibility of securing social growth by, 100:3.7 (1097.4)Salvington not concerned with, 33:8.1 (373.3)true, not enacted on universe headquarters, 33:8.2 (373.4)Legislativeassemblies, constellation, function of, 39:3.3 (432.4), 45:7.4 (517.6)in Havona, absence of, 14:3.1 (155.4)location of, 33:8.1 (373.3)function, cessation of, on a constellation in light and life, 55:9.2 (633.5)Leisureand ambition, cultural civilization’s development from the combination of, 81:6.6 (907.3)dependence of development of language on, 81:6.17 (908.6)of Havona arrivals, utilization of, 30:4.28 (343.3)obligation of, to produce, in the ideal state, 71:3.7 (803.7)for social culture, one result of the institution of slavery, 81:2.13 (902.3)use of, by primitive hunter, 50:5.5 (576.8)Lemur(s)ancestors of human species, migration of, to Asia, 65:2.15 (733.5)of human ancestry, nonrelation of, to gibbons and apes, 62:1.1 (703.2)types, North American, dawn mammals the offspring of, 61:6.1 (700.2)Lemurlikemother of dawn mammals, narrow escapes from death of, 62:3.9 (705.8)Leper(s)cleansing of the, at Iron, Jesus’ first deliberate miracle, 146:4.2 (1643.3), 146:4.5 (1644.1)forbidden by the Jews from public worship, 146:4.3 (1643.4)the ten, Jesus’ cleansing of, at Amathus, about, 166:2.0 (1827.6–188.4)a genuine miracle of the Perean mission, 167:0.2 (1833.2)a woman, or a gentile, Pharisees’ thanking of God for not being born a, 194:3.14 (2065.2)Leprosytrue, of only four of the ten lepers, 166:2.7 (1828.3)Lesson(s)from the cross, 188:5.0 (2017.9–2019.6)drawn from animals by primitive man, 69:2.1 (773.2)from sprouting grain by Apostle Paul, 85:2.2 (945.5)evening, taught by Jesus on the third preaching tour, 150:6.0 (1683.3–5)on the family, by Jesus, 142:7.0 (1603.2–1605.2)an important, of the mortal career, teamwork, 28:5.14 (312.1)when learned, forms valueless, 48:6.32 (554.6)learned in the family unit, essential to brotherhood of man, 84:7.28 (941.9)music, taken by the young Jesus, 123:6.5 (1364.8), 126:1.6 (1387.6)of one sphere, to be mastered before proceeding to another, 48:5.7 (551.2)in rest techniques, to be learned on the mansion worlds, 44:5.9 (505.6)in the spirit career, begun on the sixth mansion world, 47:8.1 (537.6)taken even from the unrighteous, regarding preparation for the future, 169:2.5 (1854.1)in universe affairs, begun on the sixth mansion world, 47:8.2 (537.7)Levantadoption of Western Jewish viewpoint by the, 121:6.1 (1338.4)ancient center of culture in the, implications if our world had a currently functioning, 51:6.3 (587.1)cults of the, popularity of, in the Greco-Roman world, 98:4.1 (1081.4), 121:5.6 (1337.2)in the Roman state, 98:3.6 (1080.8)the home of Occidental faiths, 95:0.1 (1042.1)influence of, on the Hebrew religion, 96:0.3 (1052.3)intermingling of the Caucasoid and Negroid in the, 81:4.14 (905.5)Melchizedek teachings in the, 95:0.0 (1042.1–1051.4)religio-cultural role of Islam in the, 92:6.19 (1011.17)revival of spiritual consciousness in the, time of, 98:2.2 (1078.6)Rome’s policy in the, 121:2.8 (1334.2)settlement of Nodite groups in the, 78:1.4 (868.6)spread of Mithraism in the, 95:6.7 (1050.3)terminal movement of Aryans into the, 79:1.6 (879.3)trade imbalance with the, a factor in the decline of Rome, 195:3.9 (2074.4)LevantineBedouins, Moses the leader of a group of, 92:5.11 (1009.5)monotheisms, the great, failure of, to take root in Arabia, 95:7.4 (1051.2)mysteries, character of the ceremonies of some, 98:4.7 (1081.10)peoples, absence of marriage formalities among the early, 83:4.3 (924.6)the apple a taboo food among the, 88:1.3 (967.5)races, make-up of, 121:1.1 (1332.2)religious evolution, influence of Sethites on the trend of, 92:4.6 (1007.6)world, an extraordinary message of salvation heard by the, at Ur, 96:7.7 (1060.7)Level(s)absolute, dominance of, and the omnipotence of the Father, 3:2.5 (47.3)energy and spirit are one only on, 116:6.3 (1275.3)of existence, qualifiable only by the infinity of the Father’s will, 105:5.4 (1158.4)of experientials, human remoteness from, 106:9.7 (1174.3)vs. the finite, relative reality on, 94:3.8 (1031.1)finite creatures insulated from, by time and space, 118:9.1 (1303.2)inseparability of Deity and Unqualified Absolutes on the, 106:5.2 (1167.3)meaning of potential reality on, 118:1.10 (1296.2)personality dimensions of expression on, 112:1.9 (1226.13)postulate of three phases of the, 115:3.5 (1262.2)of reality, Adjusters are fragmentations of God on, 107:5.1 (1181.4)reality diversification apparently taking place on, 105:5.2 (1158.2)space potential truly ultimate only on, 130:7.6 (1439.4)time and space absent on, 106:9.3 (1173.4)unification of absolute meanings on, 0:10.1 (13.4)finite diversities on, in the Paradise Trinity, 118:9.9 (1304.2)the absolute existential, of the universe, apparent translation of a fused Adjuster from, 107:2.7 (1179.1)of absolutes, 106:0.8 (1163.2)see also Absolute(s)absonite, characteristics of, 0:1.12 (2.12)a level of subabsolute reality, 0:4.8 (7.6)personality dimensions of expression on, 112:1.9 (1226.13)of service, by the Creator Son and Creative Spirit in a future age, 21:6.3 (242.2)the seven, and the Master Architects, 31:9.2 (351.3–352.2)transcendentalers functional on, 30:1.93 (333.1)of supercreature attainment, and the aims of the evolving Supreme, 0:7.10 (11.4)see also Absonite(s)of coabsolutes, 106:0.7 (1163.1)of consciousness of Divine Minister, seven adjutant mind-spirits a, 36:5.4 (402.1)cosmic, the four, true worship realized on, 5:3.8 (66.4)of cosmic reality, the three, 115:1.3 (1260.4)creature, of being, the seven, and the steps to local universe sovereignty by a Creator Son, 21:3.17 (238.11), 21:4.2 (239.8)of culture on Urantia, the two, mortal and midwayer, 77:9.8 (866.7)dead, of consciousness,

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