The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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(536.2–5)graduates, Jerusem celebration at arrival of new class of, 47:10.1 (539.3)spirit companions of, 39:4.17 (436.3)location of, 47:0.1 (530.1)modified function of, as settlement in light and life of systems and universes progresses, 48:3.17 (547.2)Morontia Companions’ contribution to ascenders’ enjoyment of the, 48:3.18 (547.3)of morontia detention, 15:7.5 (174.5)Morontia Power Supervisors’ headquarters on, 48:2.11 (543.5)Nebadon education on, 37:6.2 (412.2)number of, in local systems, 30:4.16 (341.6)opportunities of ascending mortals for compensating experiential deprivations, 45:6.3 (516.1)passing of, by ascenders from advanced evolutionary worlds, 47:7.1 (537.1)possible achievement of fusion on any one of the, 112:7.3 (1237.5)reassociation of earthly working groups on, 39:3.5 (432.6)relation of mortals to seraphim on the, 38:2.6 (419.6)repersonalization of sleeping survivors on the, 49:6.7 (569.2)resurrection following material death, 73:6.8 (826.5)the second, 47:4.0 (534.5–535.4)the seven, 47:0.0 (530.1–540.4), 48:6.23 (553.4)the seventh, 47:9.0 (538.6–539.2)the sixth, 47:8.0 (537.6–538.5)skipping of, by translated souls from settled spheres, 55:2.9 (624.3)structures, construction and embellishment of, 48:3.15 (546.8)students, as associate parents to their own children, 45:6.8 (517.1)definition, 30:4.14 (341.4)no advantage taken by mind planners of limitations of, 48:6.25 (553.6)Teacher(s), apostasy of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.5 (608.1)a status of embraced cherubim and sanobim, 37:7.1 (413.2), 38:8.5 (423.5), 47:2.1 (531.5), 47:5.1 (535.5), 48:5.0 (550.2–551.5)and teaching counselors, 39:1.13 (428.7)the third, 47:5.0 (535.5–536.1)as training spheres, 47:3.6 (533.4)traversal of, by Andon and Fonta, 63:7.1 (717.2)see also MansoniaMansoniacareer, ascending mortals’ farewell to the, 47:9.4 (539.1)character of structures encountered during the, 48:3.15 (546.8)the early, functions of interpreters and translators during, 48:3.12 (546.5)seven adjustment sleeps of mortals passing through the entire, 47:10.5 (540.1)conduct, identity of guides to, 112:6.5 (1236.3)experience, nature and purpose of, 47:10.7 (540.3)judgment halls of, ascension of a conflicted mortal subject to the, 111:7.5 (1223.7)life, an early lesson of the, 48:5.8 (551.3)one function of, 48:5.8 (551.3)sphere of fuller induction into, 47:4.1 (534.5)number five, character of experience on, 47:7.5 (537.5)preparation for constellation sojourn on, 47:7.4 (537.4)visits of residents of, to transition world number five, 47:7.3 (537.3)four, ascenders’ social and cultural development on, 47:6.2 (536.3)visits of residents of, to transition world number four, 47:6.1 (536.2)one, Michael memorial’s presence on, significance, 189:1.9 (2021.8)reassembly of complete personality in resurrection halls of, 47:3.5 (533.3)a very material sphere, 47:4.6 (535.2)visits of sojourners on, to transition world number one, 47:5.2 (535.6)seven, assembly of personnel of, to witness graduations to Jerusem, 47:9.4 (539.1)visits of residents of, to transition world number seven, 47:9.2 (538.7)six, character of society on, 47:8.7 (538.5)status achieved by students on, 47:8.7 (538.5)visits of residents of, to transition world number six, 47:8.1 (537.6)three, character of training of ascenders on, 47:5.3 (536.1)headquarters of Mansion World Teachers, 47:5.1 (535.5)visits of residents of, to transition world number three, 47:5.2 (535.6)two, appearance of sea of glass on, 47:4.3 (534.7)mental development on, 47:4.8 (535.4)visits of residents of, to transition world number two, 47:5.2 (535.6)resurrection halls of, awakening of dispensation survivors in the, 189:3.2 (2024.4)collaboration of seraphim and Adjuster in the, 113:6.5 (1247.3)working groups, possibility of ascenders’ waiting for other members of, 47:9.3 (538.8)see also Mansion WorldsMansurotialength of Satania service of, 45:3.3 (512.3)Mantutia Melchizedekthe identity of, 119:8.9 (1319.2)director and chair of revelatory commission credited with sponsorship of, Part II, Part III, Part IV, 56:10.23 (648.6), 119:8.9 (1319.2), 120:0.1 (1323.1)editor of midwayers’ restatement in Urmia lectures, 134:3.8 (1486.3)the identity of, 119:8.9 (1319.2)presenter of Paper 120, 120:0.1 (1323.1)Manualtraining, place of, in Dalamatian education, 66:7.6 (751.1)ManufactureAdam’s fostering of the arts of, 74:5.3 (833.3)augmentation of man’s pleasure by, 81:5.2 (905.7)Bablot foreseen as a center of, 77:3.6 (858.7)beginning of the arts of, among the Chinese, 79:7.5 (886.6), 79:8.15 (888.8)cities, commerce, and, 81:3.0 (903.3–904.4)and control of natural forces, 52:3.6 (593.5)of many nations, contributions to, by the migrating Andites, 78:5.8 (873.4)nonengagement of the Saharans in, 80:1.4 (889.6)primitive, encouragement of, in Dalamatia, 66:5.11 (747.1)of Tyrian purple, connection of, to the spread of the gospel, 156:4.3 (1737.4)Manufacturingcities, primitive, relation to, of zones of agriculture, 81:3.3 (903.5)plants in Eden, number of, 74:5.3 (833.3)rise of, and the destruction of Turkestan grasslands, 81:3.1 (903.3)sector of Jerusem, extent of, 46:2.7 (521.4)Marblechange of limestone to, 59:1.16 (674.2), 59:3.1 (676.5)Marchof civilization, outstanding personalities in the, 122:1.2 (1345.1)of events on Urantia, and the Lucifer rebellion, 61:7.8 (701.7)surrounding Jesus’ death, refusal of the Father to interfere in, 186:5.2 (2002.3)the evolutionary, marking of, by the appearance of birds, 60:3.22 (691.3)forward, of civilization, four great steps in, 68:5.2–11 (768.2–769.3)of galaxies and personalities toward goals of eternity, providence as the, 118:10.23 (1307.4)of mankind toward higher evolutionary destinies, 71:8.15 (807.11)toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny, 99:1.1 (1086.4)of the Paradise creative forces through space, 56:9.13 (645.8)of progress in the universe, need of mortals and Life Carriers to co-operate with, 65:5.3 (736.6)of the universes through space, a purpose in the, 32:5.1 (364.3)Marcusidentity of, 132:4.7 (1461.5)Jesus’ conversation with, results, 132:4.7 (1461.5)successor to Peter in Rome, 132:4.7 (1461.5)Mardukidentity of, 92:5.6 (1008.8), 95:1.4 (1042.5)Mardusidentity of, 132:2.1 (1457.4)Marineanimals, of climatic transition stage, 59:6.9 (683.6)development of, at beginning of trilobite age, 59:1.1 (673.1)reduction in saltiness of their body fluids by, 58:6.5 (669.6)fauna, extent of development of, during late invertebrate-animal age, 59:2.9 (675.8)fossils, in arctic regions, time of laying down of, 59:3.7 (677.4)gardens, early civilization’s beginnings in, 49:2.17 (562.1)life, beginning of world decline of, 59:5.3 (680.5)development of, at close of Oligocene period, 61:2.13 (696.4)effect on, of closing of Bering Strait, 60:3.8 (689.7)establishment of, during life-dawn era, 58:7.11 (671.4)suitable habitats for, 57:8.24 (663.2)life of early reptilian age, 60:1.12 (686.8)of land-life period, diversity of, 59:4.3 (678.4)-life deposition, a means of limestone formation, 57:8.13 (661.7)era, conditions at the beginning of the, 59:0.8 (672.8)number of species of living things toward close of the, 59:6.2 (682.8)evolution, apex of, 59:5.1 (680.3)implantations, reason for three, 58:4.4 (668.2)origin of life, ideal planetary conditions for, 58:1.7 (665.2)species, destruction of, during age of biologic tribulation, 59:6.2 (682.8)Maritalguilt test, Old Testament record of a, 70:10.6 (795.3)infidelity, involvement of descent and inheritance in, 82:4.4 (917.7)institution, genesis of the, 82:3.1 (915.4)love, and the validity of experience vs. external perspectives, 103:8.3 (1140.3)loyalty, predating of, by the sex urge, 82:1.1 (913.4)mores, early, 83:7.1 (928.2)responsibilities, preparation of Adam’s children for, 74:6.8 (835.2)restrictions, beginning of development of, 82:2.3 (915.1)state, origin of the concept of indissolubility of the, 83:8.4 (929.7)Maritimecommerce and racial contacts, 80:1.1 (889.3)commercial crossroads, Alexandria as a, 130:3.2 (1432.2)Occident, Palestine’s connection of the Orient with the, 121:2.2 (1333.4)relationships of the Dravidians with Sumeria, 79:3.6 (881.6)Markthe apostolic chore boy, 152:2.5 (1700.6)book of, and the personal religious life of Jesus, 196:2.3 (2092.1)hesitancy of, in writing about Jesus, reason for, 121:8.3 (1341.4)home, apostles’ arrival at, 192:4.4 (2051.1)midnight walk of, around the lake of Galilee with Jesus, 152:5.1 (1703.5)see also John MarkMarket squaresas "cities of refuge," 69:4.4 (775.4)Marriage(s)age of eligibility for, among Adam’s children, 74:6.8 (835.2)antagonistic co-operation, 84:6.2 (938.6)broker, importance of, in early marriages, 83:2.1 (923.1)by capture, vs. marriage by contract, 83:2.2 (923.2)codes,

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