The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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IVsee also Mantutia Melchizedekof Salem, the two cardinal precepts of the teaching of, 92:4.7 (1007.7)Salvington spheres, under oversight of the, 36:2.1 (397.1)schools, about, 45:7.0 (517.3–518.4)foreign students in the, number of, 35:3.22 (388.9)many headed by Teacher Sons, 20:8.2 (231.2)a self-governing order, 35:1.3 (385.2)seven commandments of, 93:4.6 (1017.8)Sons, about, 20:1.6 (223.11), 35:2.0 (385.4–387.1)function of, in Jerusem education, 45:7.3 (517.5)modified, function of, on midsonite worlds, 36:4.1 (400.5)special work of the, 35:4.0 (388.10–389.4)as teachers, 35:2.7 (386.5)teaching corps, administration of Nebadon educational system by, 37:6.1 (412.1)Teaching Counselors as secretaries to, 39:1.13 (428.7)teaching of, regarding the function of Solitary Messengers, 108:3.10 (1190.1)teachings of, about, 93:3.0 (1016.3–1017.2)the basis for all the Occidental and Oriental religions, 98:7.4 (1084.3)deep root of, in Egypt, 95:2.1 (1043.7)entrance of, into Europe, 98:0.1 (1077.1)in the Levant, 95:0.0 (1042.1–1051.5)in the Occident, 98:0.0 (1077.1–1085.2)in the Orient, 94:0.0 (1027.1–1041.6)regarding the sum of good and evil resulting from Lucifer rebellion, 54:6.6 (619.3)in Rome, 98:3.0 (1080.3–1081.3)and training of local universe angels, 38:5.1 (420.6)universe headquarters school, ascenders’ final universe school, 49:0.1 (559.1)University, first students in, 35:8.2 (392.2)Material Sons’ ineligibility for admission to, reason for, 45:5.7 (515.6)number of worlds composing the, 35:3.1 (387.2), 36:4.7 (401.3)visibility of, to mortals, 35:4.4 (389.3), 50:2.7 (574.2)vs. Vorondadeks, in qualifications, 35:5.3 (389.7)wisdom of, 35:2.8 (386.6)work of, 35:2.3 (386.1)worlds, 35:3.0 (387.2–388.9), 35:8.2 (392.2)Melkarthtemple, in Tyre, opening of, to Jesus, 156:4.2 (1737.3)Melody(ies)of God identification and survival, playing of, on the instrument of mind, 111:1.6 (1217.1)has power a whole world to transform, 44:1.15 (500.6)human recognition of, analogy by Jesus to Ganid’s potential for multiple life pursuits, 132:6.3 (1465.7)interpretation of, by heavenly reproducers, 44:2.3 (501.2)of later-day musicians, characterization of, 44:1.13 (500.4), 44:1.15 (500.6)measurements of Infinity, and religion, 195:7.20 (2080.5)morontia, five forms of, unrecognized by human senses, 44:1.10 (500.1)of sound harmonics on earth record, compared to the celestial versions, 44:1.14 (500.5)of the spheres, character of, 44:1.1 (499.3)spirit, definition, 44:1.1 (499.3)of truth and righteousness, vibration of, through the cosmos, 48:7.12 (556.12)types of, produced by celestial musicians, 44:1.2–9 (499.4–11)Meltingpot, racial, of the second garden, birthplace of the Andite race, 78:4.2 (871.8)of western India, absence of blue and red from, consequences, 79:2.3 (880.1)Memory(ies)of Adjuster-fusion candidates, limitations of, 40:9.7 (451.3)differences of Adjuster-fused and Spirit-fused mortals’, 40:9.4 (450.6)an endowment of mind, 65:6.8 (738.1)of former existences, ascenders’ possession of, 48:4.20 (550.1)formulas, mortal, the seraphic guardian’s custody of, during death sleep, 113:3.4 (1244.5)human, repossession of, through seraphim and records, 40:9.5 (451.1)retention of, Spirit-fused mortals unprovided with mechanism for, 40:9.4 (450.6)of human experience, technique of survival of, in mansion world arrivals, 40:9.4 (450.6)of Mercy, function of, 28:6.5 (314.4)mortal nonspiritual, perishing of, with the material brain, 112:5.22 (1235.4)of the past, a means of lightening the loads of the present, 48:4.5 (547.8)patterns, persistence of, 112:6.7 (1236.5)from sensory impressions to, 111:4.1 (1219.7)relation of, to personality response of onetime associates, 40:9.8 (451.4)retention of ascending mortals, Thought Adjusters’ function in, 44:0.19 (498.10)spiritized factors of, a part of the detached Adjusters, 40:9.4 (450.6), 47:3.3 (533.1)MemphisJesus’ identity revealed to friends in, 123:0.3 (1355.3)Menstrualperiod, superstitions regarding the, 84:4.8 (936.1)Mentalaffliction of Amos, his false belief about, 151:6.4 (1696.2)of the fear-ridden woman, effect of, on her physical form, 167:3.2 (1836.1)associations, retention of, by the Adjuster, 47:4.5 (535.1)attitudes, habitual, and the ability to make right decisions, 153:1.3 (1708.2)attitudes of humans, effect on Adjusters’ work, 109:5.3 (1199.4)capacity, sufficient, a prerequisite for a member of the reserve corps of destiny, 114:7.1 (1257.1)a prerequisite for soul evolution, 65:8.4 (739.8)creations of humans, Adjusters’ re-creation of spiritual counterparts of, 108:6.5 (1193.4)currents, Adjusters’ work with, during sleep, 109:5.1 (1199.2)defectives, involuntary labor by, 51:4.7 (585.3)restriction of, in the age of the Prince, 52:2.10 (592.3)derangement, popular belief as to possible cause of, 148:2.3 (1658.6)difficulties, nonphysical afflictions of a troubled mind, 141:4.6 (1591.2)disharmony, cure of, on mansonia two, 47:4.8 (535.4)dissimilarity of men and women, 84:5.13 (938.3)dissociation, by mystics, results, 100:5.9 (1099.7)efficiency, a result of the unification of mind systems, 100:4.3 (1097.7)effort, real, discovery of the meaning of, by Havona pilgrims, 26:7.1 (292.5)evolutions, sudden, conditions favoring, 65:8.6 (740.2)harassments, Jesus’ help of victims of, 149:2.6 (1671.1)healing, vs. physical healing, 146:6.1 (1645.2)inequality of human beings, social effects of, 69:3.8 (774.7), 70:8.1 (792.5)laziness of man, tendencies resulting from, 132:3.3 (1459.3)levels, submerged, normal functions of mind on, 110:4.3 (1207.3)life of all orders of mortals, similarity of, 49:4.8 (564.10)of the average Urantia human, and the dominance of animal fear, 113:2.5 (1243.2)mobilization, total, a factor in genuine conversion experiences, 100:5.4 (1099.2)motivation, a factor in Adjuster communion, 5:2.6 (65.2)outlook of races, variations in, 155:6.8 (1732.1)perversity, a delaying factor only, 65:8.5 (740.1)poisons, effect of, on the Adjuster’s functions, 110:1.5 (1204.3)powers absent in animals, 130:2.8 (1431.3)response to stimuli, differentiation of, from electrochemical, 65:7.8 (739.4)Merchandisemarts, temple, final overthrow of, 173:1.7 (1890.2)Merchant(s)carrying of an alphabet to India by, 79:3.7 (881.7)Chinese, Jesus’ visits with a, 133:4.9 (1475.2)travel of, to Sumerian Mesopotamia, 79:7.6 (886.7)class, commission men, 69:3.11 (774.10)of Corinth, Justus a, 133:3.5 (1472.4)Damascus, Jesus as a translator for the, 128:4.2 (1412.5)entitlement of the, to his hire, in Jesus’ counsel to the rich man, 132:5.17 (1464.1)Indian, Jesus known in Corinth as the tutor to the son of an, 133:3.3 (1472.2)from Mongolia, effect of visits with Jesus on the, 130:2.2 (1429.4)Nathaniel a would-be, 139:6.2 (1558.3)of Nazareth, Ezra the father of Rebecca a, 127:5.1 (1402.4)princes, a social class of the first-century Mediterranean world, 121:3.3 (1335.2)Simon Zelotes a former, 138:2.8 (1540.1), 139:11.1 (1564.6)support of, for Damascus school proposed to Jesus, 128:4.2 (1412.5)of Urmia, Cymboyton a, 134:3.2 (1485.4)Mercifulassociation of Creator and creature in a sevenfold Creator Son, 20:1.15 (224.5)attitude of Lucifer’s superiors, the reason for the harvest of good from wrongdoing, 54:6.7 (619.4)and compassionate, God is, in doctrines of the Cynics, 131:1.2 (1442.4)in Islam, 95:7.6 (1051.4)delay(s) of justice, Lucifer’s derision of, 53:4.5 (605.2)reason for, 54:4.6 (616.5)divine Sons become, in new ways, as a result of bestowal experiences, 119:0.4 (1308.4)God be, the humble prayer of the publican in the parable, 167:5.1 (1838.2)happy are the, 140:3.9 (1570.10), 140:5.17 (1575.2)intercession for one’s enemies, prayer may be a, 91:8.7 (1001.11)love of the Universal Father, coincident with righteous justice of the Trinity, 10:6.18 (115.2)minister, the Eternal Son a, 6:7.3 (79.3)ministrations of Sons of God, a revelation of the Father, 6:3.4 (75.9)ministry, a fruit of the spirit, 193:2.2 (2054.3)Orvonton known for lavish bestowal of, 15:14.2 (182.1)proffer of salvation to all rebels under Lucifer, 53:9.1 (610.6)respect of Supreme Rulers of the universe for creature prerogatives of will, 54:1.9 (614.4)sympathy manifested by Orvonton and Nebadon governments, 112:5.8 (1233.4)Yahweh portrayed as, 96:1.15 (1054.5), 96:4.9 (1057.5), 96:7.3 (1060.3), 97:1.8 (1063.5), 97:4.7 (1066.4), 97:10.8 (1076.5)Mercuryand cessation of axial revolution, 57:6.2 (657.5)and relative distance between atomic nucleus and inner electronic circuit, 42:7.2 (477.4)Mercyadjudication of destinies of rebellion-distraught personalities in, 54:6.1 (618.4)anger conquered by, 131:4.6 (1449.1)of associated Creators, demonstration of, 8:4.1 (94.3)an attribute of the Infinite Spirit, 9:1.8 (100.2)attributes of descending Sons, 7:6.2 (87.7)children of, hammer of suffering wielded by, 9:1.8 (100.2)completed revelation of Jesus’, 188:5.4 (2018.3)correlation of divinity as, 0:1.17 (3.4)credits, individual drawing, inexhaustibility of, 28:6.7 (314.6)definitions, 2:4.1

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