The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition. Urantia Foundation

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The Urantia Book – Enhanced Edition - Urantia Foundation

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131:2.9 (1445.3), 142:3.22 (1599.14)Dwellingsearly European white man’s, 80:9.4 (897.7)human, improvement of, under Dan, 66:5.8 (746.6)Dyakspresent religious practices of the, 92:6.1 (1010.5)Dyaus pitaridentity of, 94:1.3 (1027.4)Dyaus-Zeusidentity of, 98:1.3 (1078.1)DyeTyrian purple, that made Tyre and Sidon famous, 156:4.3 (1737.4)Dyingapostles’ vague comprehension of Jesus, 158:7.7 (1760.4)Peter’s shuddering at the thought of the Master, 158:2.2 (1754.2)Dynamic believersbrotherhood of, the modern Christian church not a, 195:9.10 (2083.6)Dynamism of all changean appellation of the First Source and Center, 105:3.2 (1155.6)Dynamosdark islands as, 41:1.5 (456.4)solar, function of, 15:6.9 (172.11)

      The Urantia Book

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