The Myrtle Reed Cook Book. Reed Myrtle

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The Myrtle Reed Cook Book - Reed Myrtle

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with Currants.—Fill the centres with currants, red or white, and use plenty of sugar. Baste with hot water or melted butter. May be served with cereal if enough sugar is used in baking.

      XIV. Baked, with Dates.—Wash and stone dates, fill the cores of apples with them, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake, basting with butter, lemon-juice, and hot water. The apples may be peeled or not.

      XV. Baked, with Figs.—Wash the figs carefully, and pack into the cores of apples. Bake, basting with lemon syrup and melted butter. Serve separately or with cereal.

      XVI. Baked, with Gooseberries.—Cap and stem a handful of gooseberries. Fill the cores of large, firm apples with them, using plenty of sugar. Baste with melted butter and hot water. May be served with cereal if plenty of sugar is used in cooking.

      XVII. Baked, with Prunes.—Select tart apples, and peel or not, as preferred. Core and fill the centres with stewed prunes, stoned and drained. Bake slowly, basting with the prune-juice, or with lemon-juice, melted butter, spiced syrup, or hot water containing grated lemon-peel and a teaspoonful of sherry. Two or three cloves may be stuck into each apple, and removed after the apples are cold. Serve, very cold, with cream; separately, or with a cereal.

      XVIII. Baked, with Quinces.—Fill the cores of sweet apples with bits of quince and plenty of sugar. Bake slowly, basting with melted butter and syrup. Serve separately or with cereal.

      XIX. Baked, with Spice.—Select very sour apples, and peel or not, as preferred. Core, and stuff the cavities with brown sugar, putting two whole cloves into each apple. Baste with hot water containing a bit of grated lemon-peel and a teaspoonful of sherry, putting a teaspoonful of butter into the liquor as it forms in the dish. Bake slowly, covered, until the apples are very tender. Serve separately or with a cereal. Cinnamon, or nutmeg, or a blade of mace may be used instead of the cloves.

       XX. Boiled.—Boil slowly in a saucepan with as little water as possible. Do not peel. When tender, lift out, add sugar to the water in which they were boiled; reduce half by rapid boiling, pour over the apples, and let cool. Currant-juice, lemon-juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, or a suspicion of clove may be added to the syrup if the apples lack flavor.

      XXI. Coddled.—Core, cut in halves, but do not peel. Lay in the bottom of an earthen dish, sprinkle lightly with sugar, add a little water, and cook very slowly on the top of the stove until tender.

      XXII. Crusts.—Cut stale bread in circles, lay half of a peeled and cored apple on each piece. Bake carefully, basting with melted butter and a little lemon-juice if desired. When the apples are done, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and take from the oven. Serve either hot or cold.

      XXIII. Dried.—Soak over night in water to cover, after washing thoroughly; cook slowly until soft, sweeten, and flavor with lemon. Raisins, dates, figs, or other dried fruits may be added at pleasure.

      XXIV. Fried.—Core, but do not pare. If very juicy, dredge with flour and fry slowly in hot fat till tender. They are served with pork, or, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon, with cereals.

       XXV. Glazed.—Core tart apples. Fill the centres with cinnamon, sugar, bits of butter, and a raisin or two. Bake slowly, basting with lemon-syrup. When nearly done, brush with the beaten white of egg and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve separately or with cereal.

      XXVI. In Bloom.—Cook pared red apples in any preferred way, and stew the skin separately, in a little water, until the color is extracted. The tiniest bit of red vegetable coloring may be needed. Strain this liquid, and pour it over the apples when done. Or, add currant jelly to color the water in which the apples are boiled, or to the water for basting pared baked apples.

      XXVII. In Casserole.—Arrange good cooking apples in an earthen casserole. Cover with a thin syrup made of brown sugar, add a little spice and a bit of orange- or lemon-peel. Bake, very slowly, tightly covered. Serve cold from the casserole.

      XXX. Jellied.—Cut tart apples in halves, core, place in buttered baking-dish, skin side down, measure the water and add enough barely to cover; add twice as much sugar as water, cover and boil slowly till the apples are tender. Skim out, drain, boil the syrup rapidly till reduced one half; pour over the apples and let cool. Flavorings referred to before can be added to the syrup if desired.

      XXXI. Mock Pineapple.—Arrange alternate slices of sweet apples and oranges, peeled, on a chilled plate, one above the other. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, pour over the orange-juice and serve immediately.

      XXXII. Sauce.—Peel, quarter, and core quick-cooking apples. Sweeten slightly, and when very tender, rub through a sieve and let cool. Any flavoring recommended before may be used.

      XXXIII. Snow.—Peel white-fleshed, firm apples, grate quickly on a coarse grater, and serve in roughly piled heaps on small plates immediately. Use sugar or not.

      XXXIV. Southern, Fried.—Core and cut in thick slices, but do not peel. Dip in egg and crumbs and fry in ham or bacon fat and serve with those meats.

      XXXV. Stewed.—Pare, core, and halve large cooking-apples. Put into an earthen dish, cover with water, sprinkle with sugar, cover tightly, and cook slowly. If flat in taste, sprinkle with lemon-juice, cinnamon, or nutmeg.

      XXXVI. Stewed with Dates.—Add washed and stoned dates to stewed apples when partially cooked, and finish cooking. Dried apricots, fresh or dried cherries, rhubarb, figs, plums, dried peaches, pears, or quinces, may be used in the same way.

      XXXVII. Stewed with Rice.—Boil rice as usual in boiling water, adding a little salt. When partly done, add pared, cored, and quartered quick-cooking apples. Finish cooking. Serve very cold with cream and sugar. Flavorings noted above may be added at discretion.

       Table of Contents

      I. Wipe with a dry cloth and serve with fruit-knives. A green leaf on each plate is a dainty fruit doily.

      II. Canned.—Drain, rinse in cold water, arrange on plates, and let stand several hours before serving. Sugar or not, as desired. Save the syrup to flavor syrup for pancakes, or to use for puddings, fritters, etc.

      III. Dried.—Soak over night, cook very slowly in the water in which they were soaked, adding very little sugar. Serve with cereal, or separately.

      IV. Sauce.—Cook as above, and rub the fruit through a sieve. The canned, drained, and freshened fruit may be used in the same way.

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