The Greatest Historical Novels & Stories of D. K. Broster. D. K. Broster

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The Greatest Historical Novels & Stories of D. K. Broster - D. K. Broster

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his wife’s dark head at the sunset, fading, fading. . . . How Archie had loved this land of mist and wind and clear shining which he had left like a malefactor and a hero! And these lochs and hills would doubtless yet breed more of his temper, but never a one who united to his courage and loyalty so much simple goodness—never a one.

      All the colour was gone from the sunset now, save the faintest opal tones, like the last cadence of a song. The four of them turned from the loch-side, and began to go homewards under that June sky of the North which knows no real night; and the child with the broken sword led the way.


       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

       Prologue.the Thirteenth Chief

       Chapter I. What the Moon Saw

       Chapter II. On His Very Hearthstone

       Chapter III. Branded

       Chapter IV. The Lady from the Loch

       Chapter V. Would She Were Gone!

       Chapter VI. The Field of Daisies

       Chapter VII. An Explanation at the Goats’ Whey

       Chapter VIII. The Only Safety

       Chapter IX. Other People’s Love Affairs

       Chapter X. Father and Son

       Chapter XI. Ian Stewart Listens to the Devil

       Chapter XII. “Out, Sword, and to a Sore Purpose!”

       Chapter XIII. Castle Dangerous

       Chapter XIV. “Will You Walk Into My Parlour?”

       Chapter XV. On the Verge

       Chapter XVI. Another in the Toils

       Chapter XVII. Deliverance

       Chapter XVIII. Ian Does Some Hard Things

       Chapter XIX. Finlay’s Tool . . . ?

       Chapter XX. In a Green Riding Habit

       Chapter XXI. Torment

       Chapter XXII. The Counter Thrust

       Chapter XXIII. The Stream in Spate

       Chapter XXIV. “Ask Mr. Maitland . . .”

       Chapter XXV. “He Forgave . . .”

       Chapter XXVI. A Life for a Life

       Chapter XXVII. Light in the Dark Mile

       Chapter XXVIII. The King of Lochlann’s Daughter



       Table of Contents

      § 1

      Its own peculiarly vehement and gusty wind was curvetting about Edinburgh this October afternoon of 1754, forerunner and abettor of the brief but wholehearted squalls of rain which now and then were let loose upon the defenceless city, and sent every pedestrian running to the nearest doorway. Yet between these cloudbursts it was fine enough, and during one of these sunny intervals a young man in black, holding on to his hat, walked quickly up the slope of the Canongate. His long stride accorded well with his fine height and build, and though his mourning was new and very deep, there was no trace of recent bereavement in his air. Indeed—despite the difficulty with his hat—he held his head with a sort of natural arrogance, and his glance at his surroundings in general was something that of a newly-crowned monarch surveying his territory and subjects. For only six weeks had elapsed since the earth had been shovelled down upon his old father’s coffin in the roofless chapel of Holyrood, and the son who bore him no particular affection was come at twenty-nine into his inheritance as thirteenth Chief of Glenshian . . . into possession of a ruined castle, an empty treasury, and immense prestige in the Western Highlands. But he already possessed some very singular assets of his own.

      Just where the High Street, having succeeded the Canongate, gave way in its turn to the Lawnmarket, this Highland gentleman came to an abrupt and apparently unpremeditated halt in front of a small shop-window. It was rather a dingy window with bulging panes, evidently, from its contents, the property of a vendor of almanacs and broad-sheets; but the new Chief’s attention was pretty plainly engaged by a roughly-executed wood engraving which was propped, unframed, against a pile of books in the very centre of the window. There was nothing about this to distinguish it from any other equally bad print of the time; one could only say that it was a stock representation of a man of early middle age. But the inscription ran, “A True Effigies of Doctor Archibald Cameron, who lately

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