Amaranta. Rival of Fairies’ Queen. Natalie Yacobson

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Amaranta. Rival of Fairies’ Queen - Natalie Yacobson

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that we do.»

      She was slightly frightened. And the cold, passed from his icy fingers to her, became almost unbearable. She is frowned to death, if he does not let her go.

      «You will go or crawl,» she looked down again. «Not on the earth of my husband, but somewhere else. Perhaps in deserted lands.»

      He laughed.

      «Your future spouse is likely to make a union on which the inviolability of your land depends. But you will most likely dissolve this union.»

      «I will not do this. The peace is for me the most important. I do not like controversy and war.»

      «And do you know, because of what people are fighting? Most often due to the fact that it is impossible to get a peaceful way and without which they cannot live on.»

      «I do not understand! Personally, I wanted everything, I wanted to achieve a peaceful way, – she was only slightly not fair. The tactics of quarrels, tears and family scandals were almost military. Only war was carried out on the home front, when Amaranta knocked her right to marry not the old king, but the only young and beautiful fan that she had. Let him be a stranger nobleman who came to Aluar just once from far away, with not quite clear goals, but his beauty, youth, knowledge and wealth he had in stock all at once. If the applicant had only one of these qualities on her hand, then native could hardly let her choose him. Amaranta lived at the court and perfectly knew that youth and wealth is too rare combination even among the noblemen. Mostly young people are waiting for inheritance, and the elderly and wealthy in the meantime are woven to their chosen. Such is life in Aluar, the island kingdom, located among the rocks and seas. And on earthly continent otherwise, after all, Angus has all older relatives have long died. He remained alone and himself was the owner of the county. Amaranta The edge of the ear heard something that in the edges of which Angus arrived, people do not live long. Probably the case is in climate. Or in permanent wars. Having arrived here, she did not even think about the fact that she herself may not live for a long time. The ice creatures, for example, climbing from the abyss, did not foretell anything good. If they go on the surface, then everything will freeze around.

      «If Angus signed the agreement, then the wars will be no longer. It is so?» Although from where the ice creature could know it. It is not a local spy? And the predictors are not given to know. They only see the perspective and build assumptions, if they do not pretend at all.

      «Do not destroy what he did, otherwise we will come to you. And try not to look at our king.»

      Amaranta even grinned. Here you can not threaten. Ugly Ice king is definitely not attractive. Yes, even if he was their king and was beautiful, then living in a constant cold next to him would not wish any lady. But the creature next to her still worried.

      «You better choose a mortal husband.»

      «But I already chose him, no one displaced me a magic one.»

      He did not let the hand of Amaranta from his icy fingers. And she frozen more and more.

      «Lines on your palm have not been noticed too clearly. But now it is clear that the spouses you will have two at once.»

      «Two? It is unlikely that Angus will die so soon.»

      And what does two husbands mean? She is a noble girl. Such hints are humiliating. Maybe Ice Beings may have ten spouses at once, but the noble Lords may have only one wife. He was strongly mistaken, equal to his race with people. When you compose for someone predictions, you need to be careful that your lies do not fit. And he clearly composed. Amaranta already wanted to give him an advice not to predict anything in those aspects in which he was not understandable at all through his ice origin. But he continued selflessly, as if he really saw something in her future.

      «You will have repeatedly choose between magic and earthly life. And God forbid you to choose magic. You will burn it hard.»

      «Oh really. And the personal dragon to damage it right now in the carriage and fly to the castle, I will not get.»

      «The Ice predictor did not understand a joke.

      «The dragons will not be foreseen,» he responded quite seriously. «But there will be one lady, the hostess of dragons, which you better beware.»

      «Why?» Amaranta is interested. She never seen a lady with dragons in life. Yes, and the dragons themselves, to be honest, too, never met and strongly doubted that they exist at all.

      «She will be,» the ice creature is slow. «As it is called, you, earthly women… A, remembered. Opponent!»

      «My rival! The Lady with dragons! Well, thanks, you pleased me.»

      She would have crouched in front of him in a joking curtsy, if she did not feel the cold that fades the whole body. Soon she herself turn into an ice, if he won’t let her hand.

      «And the case, here are dragons?»

      «How without them.»

      «And you are not afraid that their fire will melt your ice?»

      «Not all dragons breathe fire,» he mysteriously responded.

      Amaranta decided not to judge him. She did not know anything about the dragons at all, however, as about ice creatures. The first meeting with such left an unpleasant precipitate from the lies about the future and frostbite on the whole skin.

      «And you can’t read on my palm, will they fix the carriage soon?» was her next joke. Suddenly he will not be offended again.

      The ice interlocutor answered nothing. Apparently, such a easily subject to check in the near future the topic is not discussed as the subject of divination. It is easy to lie only about what happens very soon, and therefore, it is impossible to catch a deceiver immediately. While you check that he lied, the years will be held.

      «By the way, let’s meet in a year and check if your prediction came true,» which devil pulled her to offer him a bet. " «If a rival with the dragons and the second spouse appear in my life, I will give you everything you want. And if not, you will do everything I want, even frozen the entire district, if I don’t like it here.»

      «I agree with you!» His whiten eyes lit up with a loose light. He even released the hand of Amaranta and rather loose palm. «I love deals with mortals and promise you that wherever you are, in a year I will come to you.»

      Amaranta was very doubted that he could find her in some cozy castle tower, but still politely nodded.

      «I will warn servants to exactly in a year they let you to me, as an extremely honorable visitor,» she promised, although, of course, such a stupid promise was not going to do. But it is necessary to console him at least before the eternal separation.

      «It’s not worth it,» he almost joyfully responded. «Bypass the posts of guards is my favorite business. And I will give you a deposit.»

      «What is the deposit?» Amaranta was alerted.

      «Magic, so that you will believe in the predictions.»

      He waved slightly with the ice fingers, and the carriage suddenly repaired itself. The grooms only shouted «Oh». They have already lowered their hands and began to argue who will go to the castle to have a help,

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