South Korea. Lovers. Корейские любовники. Ирина Мутовчийская

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South Korea. Lovers. Корейские любовники - Ирина Мутовчийская

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style="font-size:15px;">      – Not. Do not. Nothing terrible happened.

      – It’s not even discussed. Have you seen your face in the mirror?

      – Yes, but if I put ointment on my cheek in the evening, then by morning everything will be in order.

      – And if you have damaged facial bones?

      By the way, how did this happen?

      The girl briefly outlined the situation.

      – Maybe you want us to contact a law firm?

      – No, I don’t want to make a fuss. The owner of the agency said he would punish the quarrelsome woman in his own way.

      – Well, that’s as you wish, but I have to take you to the doctor.

      Fortunately, everything turned out to be not so bad, the doctor said that the facial bones were not damaged, only soft tissues suffered, he wrote out a prescription for the necessary ointments, and soon the girl was already sitting in the car.

      When it was not so far to the house, the car had a flat tire. The actor parked his car at the curb and called manager Kim. While the manager was driving, the actor invited Ms. Li to get out of the car and take a walk in the park, which was located near the Han River. The girl agreed, but asked.

      – Aren’t you afraid that someone will recognize you?

      – No, – handing the girl an umbrella, said the artist, – it’s evening, and besides, it’s raining. I don’t think there are a lot of people in the park now.

      And so it turned out, the park was empty. During a walk, the girl several times caught herself wanting to take the artist by the arm, and it even seemed to her that the artist had the same desire. She suddenly saw a swing and looked inquiringly at Kunqiu, who smiled and nodded his head. While the girl swayed, Kunqiu stood aside under an umbrella and waited patiently. The lanterns were lit, Mrs. Li went to the parapet of the river, and leaning on it, leaned over the water. The lights of the city were reflected in the water, the water carried its waters, not thinking about those people who are now looking at it. The girl bent too low and almost fell into the water, or rather the artist thought that this almost happened. He took the girl’s hand and pulled her gently.

      – Yes? – looking at the hand that lay on her arm, she looked inquiringly at the artist – what?

      – Let’s go to the car, probably manager Kim has already arrived.

      The girl sighed, she didn’t want to leave here so quickly. While she was looking at the water of the river, it seemed to her that this was not just a forced walk in a rainy park, but a walk in the park with a loved one.

      The artist also reluctantly removed his hand.


      «Having played the actor’s love for fishing, the interviewer wittily asked:" What is the only fish Kunqiu could not catch in the ocean of life? "Kunqiu replied, «You used fishing as a metaphor, but from the point of view of real fishing, I want to catch a fish that I have not caught before, very big.»

      I am more and more nostalgic for classics, not only for fashion, but also for furniture and cars. Only after a lapse of time do you realize how amazing it is. I prefer simple and classic outfits like the ones I wore today, not over-the-top or trendy. It’s a natural look for someone my age.»

      From the author’s interview with the actor

      I think it’s time to finally get to know the artist more closely. Like his great ancestor, Confucius, the Kunqiu artist adhered to the principles of goodness and justice. The artist was a kind and fair person. Over time, the more he grew up, the more he thought about the roles that he played and will play again. He lived on earth for a little more time, but the further, the more he thought about why he came here to this land, and what mission he had ahead of. Previously, he tolerated criticism rather painfully, but now he did not care.

      «When I reflect on my filmography, I think my starting point is compassion for people, including myself. I used the word „vulnerable“ a lot when I was filming „The Demon.“ I believe that humans are infinitely vulnerable animals. I don’t know if this sounds grandiose, but I think that everything is rather vague. Wouldn’t the world be more beautiful if we became more compassionate for each other?»

      From the author’s interview with the actor

      In each of his films, whatever his role, he talked about compassion, about compassion for children, women, nature, earth. These are of course general phrases, but that is exactly what Kunqiu was. Every film he started was a separate planet. Each of his roles began with the fact that he asked himself whether he believed in the proposed circumstances, was he ready to put a piece of himself into the image?

      «I don’t have much greed. It’s such a cliché, but it’s hard to find another way to express it. I kept saying to myself: „It’s okay if I don’t do it right now. I do not want to rush“. And I think that now, at my age, you can bring these thoughts to life. I’m more relaxed and brave, so I can do what I really want to do without caring what other people think. I used to dislike being criticized, but now I don’t care. I realize that I missed out on so many nice things just because I was worried about what others were thinking. I think you can only feel better if you free yourself from it.»

      From the author’s interview with the actor


      I have already told you Ms. Li’s last name, and now I will tell you her name, her name was Mei.

      After that snowy night, when the girl stayed overnight at her employer’s house, she now often stayed overnight if she did not want to travel across Seoul home to the house where her grandparents lived. Kunqiu was responsible for the girl in front of her family, and was very worried when Mei finished work late and took a long time to get home at dusk. May tried not to abuse the host’s hospitality, but it turned out that three times a week she still stayed overnight in Mrs. O’s room. In general, a good relationship was established between the housekeeper and the owner.

      Meanwhile, the artist’s illness was getting worse. When the full moon rose in the sky, the hope for a sound sleep evaporated. The artist tried to go to bed early in order to get at least a little sleep, but the clock struck midnight, and the sleep went away. It seemed like someone malicious was taking hour after hour from Kunqiu’s life. Previously, he woke up at 3:00 am, but now the sleep time decreased, and he began to wake up at midnight.


      Lack of sleep at night turned into a problem. Kunqiu looked bad in the morning. He fearfully waited for the approaching full moon this month. For the role in the new film, the artist lost a little weight. In the new film, he played a not very healthy person, and his chronic lack of sleep played into his hands so far. In any case, no one has yet noticed how poorly he orients himself in space in the morning. In addition to the fact that he slept badly, his dreams, his short dreams began to influence reality.

      Lately he has dreamed the same thing. He saw an ancient Chinese city in front of him, felt annoyance

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