EUROPE-ASIE Moto Aventure. Alain Beaudouard
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Alain Beaudouard a vécu plusieurs vies. Pilote de ligne, businessman, aventurier, réalisateur de documentaires, photographe … Ayant parcouru plus de 500.000 kms à moto à travers le monde, il a visité plus de 131 pays à ce jour. Dans ce livre il nous fait vivre son odyssée motocycliste qui l'a conduit, en 2019/2020, de St-Tropez (France) à Bali (Indonésie). Une traversée de 41.200 kms dans 25 pays au guidon de sa Royal Enfield.
Alain Beaudouard, it's several lifes. Airline pilot, businessman, adventurer, documentary filmmaker, photographer… Having traveled more than 500,000 km on a motorcycle around the world, he has visited more than 131 countries to date. In this book he explains his motorcycling odyssey which took him, in 2019/2020, from St-Tropez (France) to Bali (Indonesia). A roadtrip of 41,200 km in 25 countries with his Royal Enfield.
Alain Beaudouard, it's several lifes. Airline pilot, businessman, adventurer, documentary filmmaker, photographer… Having traveled more than 500,000 km on a motorcycle around the world, he has visited more than 131 countries to date. In this book he explains his motorcycling odyssey which took him, in 2019/2020, from St-Tropez (France) to Bali (Indonesia). A roadtrip of 41,200 km in 25 countries with his Royal Enfield.
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