Tuttle More Indonesian for Kids Flash Cards. Linda Hibbs

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A fun and kid-friendly introduction to Indonesian!The Tuttle MORE Indonesian for Kids Flash Cards kit is an introductory Indonesian language learning tool especially designed to help children from preschool through early elementary level acquire basic words, phrases, and sentences in Indonesian in a fun and easy way.The flashcards can be used as a learning tool in a classroom setting, at home, or anywhere that learning takes place, and can easily be taped around the room for an interactive way to learn Indonesian. The set contains a total of 64 words organized into thematic categories, including: Things I Like to Do, Actions, My Day, Opposites, At My House, Weather, and Environment. All of the words are illustrated—the pictures serve as effective visual aids to help children learn and remember each word's meaning. Words often reflect cultural objects and items and can be studied in any order. Learners may focus on one theme at a time or mix them up for a little more variety.

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