Start & Run a Bookkeeping Business. Angie Mohr

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Learn the skills to make your bookkeeping business thrive!

Run your own profitable business from home
Start your business with just a small investment
Learn how to successfully market your services

Many bookkeeping services fail because the entrepreneurs who start them focus on bookkeeping and don’t take the time to learn how to plan their businesses and make them profitable. Written in the step-by-step style that has made the Start & Run series the best of its kind, this indispensable guide addresses issues specific to a bookkeeping service, such as how to assess which clients are profitable and when to involve a professional accountant. By following the principles Angie Mohr outlines and using the worksheets that accompany this book, you will be well on your way to owning a successful bookkeeping business. You will learn how to:

assess whether running your own business is right for you
decide whether to work from home
market your services cost-effectively
manage your workload and cashflow

Whether you are just starting your own business or wanting to expand an existing business, this book will show you how. It includes chapters on hiring and managing employees, staying competitive, and planning for business growth.