Now You Know Pirates. Doug Lennox

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Shiver me timbers and avast ye hearties! We think we know pirates, from Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow to Errol Flynn as Captain Blood, or literature’s Long John Silver and Captain Hook. But what do we really know? The true Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, Sir Henry Morgan, and lots more, from ancient keelhauling to twenty-first-century buccaneering, are all here in Q & A commodore Doug Lennox’s Now You Know Pirates. Arrrr! What is the origin of the word pirate? Who were the Barbary Corsairs? What did pirates do to St. Patrick? What is the difference between a pirate and a privateer? What is the Oak Island Treasure? How many female pirates have there been? What are «pieces of eight» and «doubloons»? Who were the buccaneers? How old is piracy?

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