Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory. George E. Owen

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A direct, stimulating approach to electromagnetic theory, this text employs matrices and matrix methods for the simple development of broad theorems. The author uses vector representation throughout the book, with numerous applications of Poisson’s equation and the Laplace equation (the latter occurring in both electronics and magnetic media). Contents include the electrostatics of point charges, distributions of charge, conductors and dielectrics, currents and circuits, and the Lorentz force and the magnetic field. Additional topics comprise the magnetic field of steady currents, induced electric fields, magnetic media, the Maxwell equations, radiation, and time-varying current circuits.Geared toward advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students, this text features a large selection of problems. It also contains useful appendixes on vector analysis, matrices, elliptic functions, partial differential equations, Fourier series, and conformal transformations. 228 illustrations by the author. Appendixes. Problems. Index.

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