Waking Up In Charleston. Sherryl Woods
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Oh, God! She's in love with her preacher.But it's not as if Amanda O'Leary set out to fall for the most gorgeous (and unattainable) man this side of South Carolina Low Country. It's just that he organized building a cozy home for her and her children at a time when the future looked darker than blackstrap molasses.Not even her own father, the arrogant and wealthy Big Max, would have done as much for her. But that's a whole other kettle of fish. Caleb can count on fingers and toes why his attraction to widowed Amanda is plain wrong. How can he objectively counsel this chin-up spitfire without letting his emotions–and imagination–run wild?And now that Big Max has burdened him with not one secret, but two, he knows his priorities should be mending fences between father and daughter–but he can't help trying to build a place for himself in her heart first….
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