Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie (WWI Centenary Series). Streeter Edward

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This early work by Edward Streeter was originally published in 1918 and we are now republishing it as part of our WWI Centenary Series. 'Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie' is a cute comic work that takes the form of letters sent to a lover by an American soldier in the First World War. It is illustrated with wonderful cartoon drawings by G. William Breck. Both the author and illustrator were serving with the American Expeditionary Force in France when this was written. This book is part of the World War One Centenary series; creating, collating and reprinting new and old works of poetry, fiction, autobiography and analysis. The series forms a commemorative tribute to mark the passing of one of the world's bloodiest wars, offering new perspectives on this tragic yet fascinating period of human history. Each publication also includes brand new introductory essays and a timeline to help the reader place the work in its historical context.