Georg Ebers - Ultimate Collection: 20+ Historical Novels & Short Stories. Georg Ebers

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This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Table of Contents: An Egyptian Princess Uarda: A Romance of Ancient Egypt Homo Sum The Sisters The Emperor (Hadrian) Serapis: a Romance The Bride of the Nile Cleopatra Arachne A Thorny Path (Per Aspera) Other Novels: The Burgomaster's Wife:A Tale of the Siege of Leyden Margery: A Tale of Old Nuremberg Barbara Blomberg: A Historical Romance In the Blue Pike A Word, Only a Word Joshua: A Story of Biblical Times In The Fire Of The Forge: A Romance of Old Nuremberg Short Stories: A Question: The Idyll of a Picture by his Friend Alma Tadema The Elixir The Greylock: A Fairy Tale The Nuts: A Christmas story for my children and grandchildren The Story of My Life, from Childhood to Manhood– Autobiography