Making Perfect. Teri Ann Lindeberg

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Making Perfect - Teri Ann Lindeberg

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is very clear that this person strongly desires, in a polite way, upward movement in the company – as she has mentioned this a few times in her responses. As I feel she is good at what she does, is smart and is respected within the team, I decided that I would definitely give consideration to her future career trajectory within the company.

      Employees want:

      • To grow and develop with the company.


      “I feel that the best use of my skills and experience is in front of clients and senior managers, presenting, selling and negotiating on behalf of the company, I enjoy this side of the job immensely. If I could be in front of clients more often I believe we would all benefit”…

      This Director commenting is very good in front of clients and he just keeps getting better at it every year. There is a fair amount of administration that goes with the role of Director; all of which is quite necessary. However, I feel that the company would indeed benefit if this person was in front of clients more often.

      This Director, in his prior submissions, is also seeking a sales management role, which I think makes sense as he is deserving and talented, and would necessitate that he be in the field with the team more often.

      Employees want:

      • To focus on what they do well; and

      • To specialize in their areas of expertise.


      “It is harder to sell now so I would be willing to create analytical reports for PR purposes and for clients”…

      Employees need to feel useful, even in down-market times. I believe this person probably could create a very good analytical report containing recruitment-related information, such as compensation and benefits surveys, industry-specific analyses and market trends. I made a note to take action on this.

      Employees want:

      • To use other talents they have, and are not using, to benefit the company.


      “I would like to be a part of the management team to create new services, if the market needs it”…

      Creating new services is a lot of fun at times so I understand this person’s interest. Having said that, I am not sure if we are going to create any more new services in the nearest future as, at the moment, I am leaning more toward focusing on our core business areas. However, we do occasionally explore the idea and I made a note of this person’s interest and potential participation.

      Employees want:

      • To be creative and to build and develop new products for the company.


      “Already taking on another sector, also KAM, more client work, but not sales, same as before, more opportunities to meet clients, KAM and trainings”…”KAM role”…

      We do not have Key Account Managers, per se. We have Directors that sell, oversee client recruitment projects, update clients on our progress, and handle any issues that may arise during the course of a search. Our Consultants source, screen and present candidates to our clients, arrange client candidate interviews and assist with the negotiation process when job offers are extended. Both roles are extremely vital to providing our clients with a very thorough service.

      It is clear to me from these responses, and those in earlier chapters, that the Consultants’ team, overall, would really like a Key Account Management role created for their division.

      As before, I made a note to look into this. Again, this requires some thought and a strategy in regard to potentially changing our current role structure, compensation elements and parameters – but I feel it is certainly worth considering.

      Employees want:

      • To provide better services to clients;

      • To have more access to the company’s clients; and

      • To get out of the office, on occasion, and visit clients.


      “Attracting new clients via candidate relations”…

      This was an encouraging answer as it came from a Consultant who, while not responsible for new client sales, nonetheless is offering to assist with our sales efforts. I would point out that candidates are a great source of client leads: both from within the company they may currently work for, and from interviews they have with other companies in the market who are hiring.

      Employees want:

      • To help the company develop more business.


      “I always use my full potential, even now during this crisis I am busy”…”All is fine”…”Staffwell has given me a lot of opportunity to grow and I am very happy with this, I have all I need”…”Nothing”…” Nothing needed”…”The company gives me new responsibilities and Angela often gives me new work when the accounting rules change”…”All is used now”…”We respect the staff a lot, there is no discrimination, I feel very comfortable at Staffwell, I am happy and will do anything to help”…”The chance you gave me to come back to the company is doing that”…”Now I am stimulated and it is important that people like my work and I am now working from 95 to 99%. The PR Director title was important for me and so was the salary increase, as it made me feel needed and appreciated”…

      A lot of staff and management answered they were content with what they had and where they were right now. This showed me that, overall, we were doing pretty well in terms of employee motivation, and there was a fairly high satisfaction rate among the group.

      Employees want:

      • To be where they are already are, sometimes, and to have what they already possess.


      “I am able to help with anything”

      I thought this was a great answer as it illustrates an attitude that I appreciate in employees. I noted this person’s availability to assist with anything, and that I may use them, where appropriate.

      Employees want:

      • To help the company in any way they can, or as needed.


      “I would like to try up-grading my LinkedIn account in order to post vacancies”…

      I think this is a reasonable idea. I am willing to try anything, within reason, that might help us increase business. LinkedIn is a very useful business tool for networking as one can see the career history of those within your contact base, and it is fairly easy to connect with people that you may otherwise not meet or become acquainted with.

      We would pay for up-grading this person’s LinkedIn account to see what the potential benefits are. If they are positive, then we will consider up-grading more of the accounts for our front office team.

      Employees want:

      • To try new avenues that may help enhance

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