The Fragile Skin of the World. Jean-Luc Nancy
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3 3 Paul Valéry, Cahiers II, Paris, Gallimard, coll. “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade,” 1974, p.1533. [TR: My translation.]
4 4 Ibid., p.1352.
5 5 Hans Jonas, The Imperative of Responsibility, tr. Hans Jonas and Davis Herr, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984, p. 11. [TR: I have modified the translation to bring it more into line with Nancy’s French version, which runs thus: ‘d’assurer la permanence d’une vie authentiquement humaine sur terre’.] More than twenty years ago, Élisabeth de Fontenay formulated very nicely that which prevents us from relating to authenticity: ‘The lack of criteria compels us to respond in the absence of all points of reference, to maintain this empty demand that precedes the subject and exceeds all authority’ (‘Quelque chose comme du donné . . .’, Paris, Autrement, série ‘Morales’, no. 14, ‘La Responsabilité’, 1994).
6 6 [TR: Nancy, The Creation of the World or Globalization, tr. François Raffoul and David Pettigrew, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007, pp. 54–5, tr. mod.]
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