Adventures of Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten. Happy birthday, Teo!. Валентина Басан
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Cat Michael and Kitten Aleksandra have been waiting for Sunday all week to go to visit their relatives, their aunt Cat Yana, uncle Cat Ziya and cousin Cat Teoman. The family of relatives invited them to the anniversary, the birthday of their son, the little Cat Teoman. His birthday should be celebrated next Sunday, because he turned one year old this Sunday. There were only a few days before this event. Previously, Mama Cat called her sister Cat Yana every month and congratulated her with Theo's birth. Michael the Cat and Aleksandra the Kitten asked why Teo and his family receive congratulations every month. Mother Cat explained that up to one year old, the baby can be congratulated every month, he is teething, he begins to sit, crawl, walk, in general, makes great efforts to his growth and development.
– You were also congratulated every month when you were just born, and Aunt Yana always sent you cards, gifts and congratulations, – the mother Cat told her kittens.
All week, from Monday to Friday, they got up at seven in the morning, brushed their teeth, washed, sat down for breakfast and asked Mama Cat how many days were left until little Teo's birthday. Mama Cat poured them breakfast, smiled and patiently replied that it was still one week before Teo's birthday. Kittens sighed, complained that time was going very slowly and were going to school.
– How so? Why isn't i
t Sunday yet? – Aleksandra
complained to her Mother. She just couldn't wait to put on new shoes and a new dress that Mama Cat bought especially for this holiday.
– Will there be a cake? – Michael the Cat was worried about completely different questions, and the mother Cat nodded affirmatively.
Saturday evening was spent in preparation. Mom the Cat and Dad the Cat signed a postcard for a little nephew Teoman, inflated balloons, prepared gifts for him.
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