Intelligent Connectivity. Abdulrahman Yarali

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Intelligent Connectivity - Abdulrahman Yarali

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AI applications range from Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Automation, and Autonomy, to Human–Machine Teaming. The implementation of AI through the IoT in different sectors of human life will significantly impact the field of business and job employment. However, AI is a pivotal enabler of intelligent connectivity, currently in its infancy, and human beings are just into the so‐called “narrow” or “weak AI” today. Whether to deploy AI in the cloud or at the edge of network connectivity, many real‐life applications, and use cases opt for a hybrid cloud‐edge approach.

      5G networks provide higher data rates than 4G/LTE leveraging directional antennas, millimeter‐wave radio frequency, and edge computing solutions. In addition to higher data transfer rates, the 5G provides ultra‐low latency, ideally less than 1‐ms delay needed for some portable or mobile apps and services, for example, haptic internet, virtual reality, industrial automation, and robotics. The 5G network, unlike 4G/LTE, presents a focused purpose‐built technology designed and specifically engineered to facilitate the connected devices and automation system. The prospect positions 5G as a facilitator and catalyst to the next industrial age, referred to as industry 4.0. There is a clear need to forecast beyond smart factories, intelligent goods, and services towards enterprise as a whole and offer new unique benefits of the higher capacity urban wireless application.

      All these ever‐evolving technologies need to work together to create immersive experiences other than creating several separate devices for consumers. Almost half of the global population (3.8 billion people) are now mobile internet users, forecast to reach 61% (5 billion) by 2025. According to the Global Mobile Suppliers' Association, the Global Mobile Economy will be valued at $4.9 trillion by 2024 as 5G Ramps Up. 4G will continue to grow over the coming years, increasing to 56% of connections by 2025. Mobile operators are expected to spend $1.1 trillion worldwide between 2020 and 2025 in mobile CAPEX, roughly 80% of which will be on 5G networks. Fifty operators had launched 3GPP‐compliant 5G commercial services across 27 countries; 328 operators in 109 countries were investing in 5G.

      Finally, smartphones play a key role in humans' intellectual connectivity lives. Smartphones are forecast to account for four of every five connections by 2025, up from 65% in 2019. The rise of many digital assistants, such as Amazon Alexa, has not demised smartphones with their basic functions, expected to be improved continuously and comprehensively to continue to strengthen their key role in the 5G and the IoT ecosystem.

      The world of AI, 5G data networks, and the rapidly growing IoT devices can be very helpful but may present numerous flaws as they are all new and rapidly developing technologies. It is important to note that the 5G network has better security than the 3G and 4G networks. Still, it has been said that some of the classic vulnerabilities and security flaws from 3G and 4G networks were directly carried over to the developing 5G network, thus presenting additional security flaws right out of the gate. Both AI and the IoT will benefit from the development of 5G networks where businesses can use such devices, which will be tied to the growing 5G network, and can serve several purposes throughout the business market, among other areas.

      In this book, the chapters cover the fusion of AI, IoT, 5G, Blockchain technologies, and the cutting‐edge applications that cater to customers' personalized needs, very lucrative for businesses who want to reap the many benefits from a line of intelligent products or intelligent services.

      We are very pleased that the technology, academic, and industry communities discuss this important and fast‐growing industry. We are certain that this book's content will shed some light on this subject. The chapters presented in this book discuss technologies, design, implementation, AI applications, IoT, and 5G. The challenges and issues faced in providing applications and services to meet user experiences ubiquitously and securely are presented.


      I would like to express my gratitude to all those who provided support and discussions, talked things over, read, wrote, offered comments, allowed me to quote their remarks and assisted in the editing and proofreading. I would like to give special thanks to all my graduate and undergraduate students in CNM302, CNM320, CNM322, CNM323, CNM397, CNM421, and CNM571 classes of our distinction program of Cybersecurity and Network Management at Murray State University, Kentucky. This book would never have found its way to the publisher without these students.

       Abdulrahman Yarali


      Intelligent Connectivity: Fusion of AI, IoT, and 5G

      Operations are revolutionized by information technology through smart connected products that help in device miniaturization and by processing power and wireless connectivity. Smart connected products provide greater reliability, expanding opportunities, and much high utilization of the product and its capabilities of transcending traditional products. It involves strategic choices of creating and capturing products, newly generated data, and relationship with conventional business partners.

      Intelligent connectivity is essentially the combination of high‐speed fifth generation (5G) networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). Combining these technologies results in structural changes about how devices communicate by improving both the performance and efficiency to pave the road for Digital Transformations. The analysis and vision in this intelligent connectivity are processed through the digital transformation of the data collected by sensing devices, machines, and the IoT. Intelligent connectivity is much more than just faster and more efficient communications. It opens up a whole world of personalized and ambitious applications very lucrative for businesses who want to reap the many benefits from a line of intelligent products or intelligent services. While there are many areas in which consumers would see substantial benefits from using intelligent connectivity, Entertainment, Workplace Productivity, and Smart Living have been the groups with substantial benefits. Through a fusion of these advanced technologies, it would be possible to create or enhance technologies that can provide a better quality of life, better security and public safety, and significantly greater efficiency to almost any industry, making the fifth wave of computing.

      Intelligent connectivity will significantly impact industry, individuals, and society. This phenomenon will significantly impact people, industries, governments, and organizations, transforming our way of life and work, marking the beginning of a new digital era defined by highly contextualized and personalized experiences. Augmented and virtual reality will change the way we watch live sports and music concerts, drones will deliver packages to our

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