A Companion to Hobbes. Группа авторов

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A Companion to Hobbes - Группа авторов

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… claims for itself the greatest problem of all, which is: To Solve Every Problem” (Viète 1591, 9). In England, Thomas Harriot’s Artis Analyticæ Praxis and William Oughtred’s Clavis Mathematicae were important developments in the application of algebra to geometry.9

      A critical difference between the Cartesian approach to geometry and its classical counterpart involves the issue of the homogeneity of magnitudes under multiplication. In the Cartesian scheme, multiplication of two lines yields another line, and likewise the multiplication of any number of lines produces yet another line. Thus, Cartesian geometry sees lines as homogeneous when subject to multiplication. In contrast, classical geometry takes the product of two lines to be a surface, so that multiplication yields a magnitude heterogeneous to that of the multiplicands. Similarly, classical geometry takes the product of three lines to be a solid, with the consequence that multiplication beyond the third (“cubic”) power has no geometric interpretation. Such powers were termed “biquadrate” (fourth power) or “quadrato-cube” (fifth power), etc., but they were not taken to have specific geometric meaning.

      What else do the great masters of the current symbolics, Oughtred and Descartes, teach, but that for a sought quantity we should take some letter from the alphabet, and then by right reasoning we should proceed to the consequence? But if this be an art, it would need to have been shown what this right reasoning is. Because they do not do this, the algebraists are known to begin sometimes with one supposition, sometimes with another, and to follow sometimes one path, and sometimes another …. Moreover, what proposition discovered by algebra does not depend upon Euclid (Book VI, Prop. 16) and (Book I, Prop. 47), and other famous propositions, which one must first know before he can use the rules of algebra? Certainly, algebra needs geometry, but geometry does not need algebra.

      (OL IV.9–10)

      This sort of objection highlights a difficulty in the analytic approach, which is that it is not always clear how a problem is to be “unraveled” (in Descartes’s phrase), and it is occasionally problematic to discern whether the manipulation of symbols by algebraic rules reflects an acceptable geometric construction.

      Hobbes further complains that the “intrusion” of algebra into geometry fails to recognize the fundamental difference between algebraic multiplication and the “drawing of lines into lines” that generates geometric objects. Among the “Manifest Principles” at the outset of his treatise Lux Mathematica, he numbers:

      A square figure is made by the drawing of a straight line into a line equal to it and placed at right angles to it. This drawing of a line therefore describes a surface, that is a new species of quantity, and this surface drawn into another straight line equal to the first two and orthogonal to them, will describe a solid, that is the third and last species of quantity.

      For geometry recognizes no quantity beyond the solid. For the sur-solids, quadrato-quadrates, the quadrato-cubes, and cubi-cubes are mere numbers, but not figures. Thus there is a great difference between what is made by the drawing of two lines into one another and what is made by the multiplication of two numbers into one another, truly as much as there is between a line and a surface or between a surface and a solid. These differ in kind, so much that one of them could by no multiplication exceed the other; and thus (as Euclid says) they can have no ratio to one another, nor could they be compared according to quantity. There is likewise a great difference between the root of a square number and the side of a square figure. For the root is a number, and an aliquot part of its square; but the side is not a part of a square figure.

      (Lux, Introduction 8; OL V.96)

      Cavalieri used the method to investigate the areas of figures and volumes of solids, and specifically to establish ratios between pairs of such magnitudes. In the two-dimensional case, he first shows that a specific ratio holds between the indivisibles of two figures, and then concludes the areas stand in the same ratios as the indivisibles. As he put it

      When we want to find what ratio two plane figures or two solids have to one another, it is sufficient for us to find what ratio all of the lines of the figure stand in (and in the case of solids, what ratio holds between all of the planes), relative to a given regula, which I lay as the great foundation of my new geometry.

      (1635, 115)

      This procedure leads to the theorem now known as “Cavalieri’s Principle”: if two figures have equal altitudes and sections made by lines parallel to the bases at equal distances are always in a given ratio, then the areas of the figures stand in the same ratio.

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